Worldview In The Management Of Society - Alternative View

Worldview In The Management Of Society - Alternative View
Worldview In The Management Of Society - Alternative View

Video: Worldview In The Management Of Society - Alternative View

Video: Worldview In The Management Of Society - Alternative View
Video: Hitler, Genocides, Colonialism - Dr. Lwazi Lushaba 2024, September

In the theory of conceptual power, among the priorities of managing society and public relations, the worldview priority takes the leading place. Scientific and non-scientific systems of worldview have a decisive impact, both on the life of an individual and on society as a whole. Western researchers D. Gooding and J. Lennox, highlighting the fundamental role of the worldview for a person, write: “every person needs a clear system of views that gives life meaningfulness, clarity of purpose and values that can bring satisfaction”.

German philosopher-anthropologist Max Scheler argued that philosophy has always been the work of the elite, and the worldview based on it has a significant impact on the course of history. Emphasizing the fundamental relationship of worldview with management activities, philosopher and economist I. S. Panchenko writes: “Interacting with the world in a worldview in its integrity and diversity, man controls himself and the world in an appropriate way. The more holistic the consciousness of a person, the more holistic the world appears in all its diversity, the more holistic and organized is the management of the world."

Science and religion are the most important socio-cultural institutions that have a decisive influence on the formation of people's worldview. A worldview error is a position in which science and religion are opposed to each other. The Russian philosopher S. L. Frank, distinguishing between superstition and religion, rightly wrote:

The word "religion" in translation from Latin into Russian means "interconnection" and, accordingly, does not mean a certain creed or confession, but, firstly, the relationship between man and God, and secondly, what unites people among themselves, based on these relationships (in contrast to the denominations that still divide the society according to beliefs: Christians and Muslims, Orthodox and Catholics, Shiites and Sunnis, etc.). In the process of man's cognition of nature, society and himself, science and religion mutually complement each other, provided that church dogmas and rituals do not replace a living religious feeling, and practice is the main criterion of truth.

Academician V. I. Vernadsky wrote: “In the concepts of scientists of our century, the number and numerical ratio play the same mystical role that they played in the ancient communities connected by religious cult, in the contemplation of the ministers of the temples, from where they penetrated and embraced the scientific worldview. Here, clear traces of the ancient connection between science and religion are still visible and alive. From religion, like all other spiritual manifestations of the human person, science originated. This idea should be supplemented by the fact that even earlier, in the mythology of ancient man with its syncretism, the foundations of scientific knowledge, religious ideas and moral norms are already discovered, and therefore mythology acts as the primary form of worldview.

Reflecting on the futility of the atheistic worldview, Vernadsky argued: “It is unlikely that atheistic ideas, in essence also an object of faith, based on philosophical conclusions, could become so strong as to give humanity a unified view. In essence, these are the same religious concepts based on faith. In the considered context, based on the principle of complementarity, it can be argued that science and religion are complementary and interrelated in the creative process of human comprehension of objective reality and the meaning of life.

In the process of his development, a person interacts with two worlds: internal (subjective) and external (objective). In the process of cognition, the external or objective world is reflected in the internal or subjective world of a person through the worldview as a system of views on the world. After a person comprehends the objective world as a whole in subjective images, he forms his world outlook as a system of key concepts about the world. Thus, the worldview and the accompanying worldview are the foundation of the human personality in the process of its formation and further cognition of the world, attitude towards it, assessment of emerging problem situations and making decisions on them.

The logic of an individual's behavior includes: worldview - worldview - identification of a problem and assessment of a situation - decision-making - activity and the result corresponding to it. Based on this, we can conclude that the worldview determines the results of life practice. A person's worldview, adequate to the objective reality, minimizes his mistakes and promotes successful activity, and the worldview prevailing in society imposes either restrictions on its development or gives competitive advantages. On the basis of this, it can be argued that through the formation of a worldview in the younger generation, it is possible to manage society in the longest term. At the same time, the individuals that make up society are "programmed" for certain behavior without obvious signs of violence or compulsion to a given result,that is, they retain the “freedom” of choice in their life.

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In our opinion, various types of worldview can be conditionally reduced to two types: self-centered (when a person builds his mental tree from key concepts from himself) and God-centered (when such a construction starts from the image of God). In this context, the image of God as the Supreme Reason does not apply to religious cults, church rituals and confessional activities. For example, the great Russian scientist MV Lomonosov was a deeply religious person, which did not prevent him from becoming one of the founders of natural science in Russia. The founder of modern cosmonautics, KE Tsiolkovsky, being a convinced materialist, insisted: “We proved in the Monism of the Universe that the cosmos is controlled by the mind (its own), that thanks to this, in the general picture of the world we see nothing but perfect. The life he engendered is higher than human life. "Nobel Prize laureate in physics V. Heisenberg stated: "Even mathematical laws are the visible expression of the Divine will." That is, it can be stated that the scientific worldview does not have to be atheistic, and the religious one must not be anti-scientific.

The result of a self-centered worldview is that the whole world is full of accidents and is a kaleidoscope of unpredictable events. The self-centered worldview is characteristic of the person of Western civilization. A collision with new phenomena and facts that do not fit into his usual picture of the world destroys the existing worldview and forms it anew. At the same time, the holistic perception of natural and social processes is violated. In other words, such a worldview is called kaleidoscopic.

Rejecting the role of random and blind natural forces in the evolution of the biosphere, Vernadsky asserted: "The creatures of the Earth are the creation of a complex cosmic process, a necessary and natural part of a harmonious cosmic mechanism, in which, as we know, there is no chance (emphasis mine - I. S.)" … The result of a God-centered worldview is that the whole world is integral and imbued with cause-and-effect relationships, that is, randomness is an unknown pattern. The original worldview defines a holistic view of the world in the form of a mosaic of interrelated events, which is detailed in the process of personality development and the progress of science. It is characteristic of the world outlook of the Russian person, which includes the philosophy of "Russian cosmism" as an essential part of the "Russian idea".

The mentality of the Russian people is rooted in the unique Russian archetype of "all-unity" and is based on such moral principles as mutual assistance, solidarity, and collegiality. In a God-centered worldview, new facts do not destroy the picture of the world, but clarify and supplement it, bringing it closer to the integrity of the worldview. In other words, such a worldview is called mosaic. Thus, Vernadsky wrote: “In different branches of science, in essence, a different idea of the environment is obtained; our general understanding of the phenomena occurring in the Universe is mosaic in nature."

In a mosaic worldview, objective reality is presented as a set of interconnected (interconnected) phenomena-processes.

The biosphere is a private process within the processes that encompass it: the planet Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way galaxy, and so on. Humanity is a part of the biosphere and, therefore, the global historical process is a particular process in the Earth's biosphere. Within the framework of the global historical process, private processes of the development of local human civilizations take place and so on along a descending hierarchy up to the vital activity of an individual person with his "microcosm".

"Philosophy" as "wisdom" or "love of wisdom", in addition to the ideological function, performs others, including methodological functions. Methodology is a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as teaching about this system. The methodology is the basis for independent knowledge of the world and autocratic public administration. In this regard, social philosophy is a general methodology of cognition of sociocultural life. The English ethnographer of the XIX century E. B. Tylor considered the function of the philosophy of history in a general methodological sense as an explanation of the past and prediction of future phenomena in human social life on the basis of general laws. Consequently, one of the main questions of philosophy is to foresee the consequences of the life of human society.

The national language as a means of communication and information coding plays a leading role in the ideological priority of generalized means of social management. The great Russian writer Ivan S. Turgenev warned: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed down to us by our predecessors. Treat this powerful weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilled, it is able to perform miracles. " Language is not just a system of communication, but also a keeper of the wisdom of our ancestors, a way of thinking, an emotional and theoretical attitude to the world, a reflection of the national character and fundamental moral and ethical norms and categories: truth, justice, good, evil, conscience, etc. Thus, the philosopher V. S. Soloviev noted that in Western European languages there are not even separate words for distinguishing the concepts of "conscience" and "consciousness."Language", "mentality", "national spirit" - all these phenomena have a direct impact on the formation of the worldview of a person and society. In the middle of the 20th century, following Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer formulated the thesis that the specificity of language determines the originality of thinking, and through the originality of thinking - the content of human consciousness.

Professor V. V. Kolesov, analyzing the relationship between national mentality and language, writes: "Mentality is a world outlook in the categories and forms of the native language, which unites in the process of cognition the intellectual, spiritual and volitional qualities of a national character in its typical manifestations." Academician A. A. Kokoshin, highlighting the leading role of the Russian language in the formation of the Russian nation, notes: “Modern nations have a certain linguistic and cultural dominant. The weakening of such a dominant is seen as a threat to the loss of national and cultural identity. For us, such a dominant is the Russian language, especially the Russian literary language … Language is one of the main manifestations of culture; it is not just a means of communication, but above all a creator, a creator."

The fundamental basis of Russian culture and Russian civilization, which determines the worldview of the Russian person and his mentality, is inextricably linked with the Russian language as a phenomenon of world culture. Possession of the ideological priority of social management allows one to fully distinguish between private processes in their hierarchies and interrelationships both in human life and in the life of the whole society as a whole. Only in reliance on scientific methodology and a worldview adequate to objective reality, the subject of power can successfully solve any complex problems. At the same time, the stability in time of the results of management is maximum at the level of ideological priority, since it relies on the deepest layers of the human psyche, the archetypes of his consciousness.