Priorities (generic Controls) Of - Alternative View

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Priorities (generic Controls) Of - Alternative View
Priorities (generic Controls) Of - Alternative View

Video: Priorities (generic Controls) Of - Alternative View

Video: Priorities (generic Controls) Of - Alternative View
Video: Prioritization Matrix: Management and Planning tool 2024, September

"Management" and "confrontation" are closely related.

When looking at the life of society (hundreds and more years), one can see that there are ways to influence society, the meaningful application of which allows you to control its life and death. We are talking about the priorities (levels of significance) of the confrontation between two different systems.

Management priorities are, in military language, various ways of waging aggression, wars in order to seize the human, natural, energy and other resources of a country.

They are shown graphically in the diagram:


Let us describe them in reverse order, as the power of exposure increases.

6. Means of destruction - weapons in the traditional sense of the word, killing and maiming people, destroying and destroying the material and technical objects of civilization. This includes all weapons, both conventional and mass destruction. Used in hot warriors. It is a material means of influence.

The advantages of impact on this priority are high impact speed. Disadvantages: the relative weakness of the impact (resistance from the people, losses in the troops of the attacker) and high cost (a hot war is expensive).

5. A weapon of genocide that affects not only the living (deterioration of health, up to death), but also subsequent generations (change in the gene pool of subsequent generations). These include: alcoholic, tobacco and other drug genocide, food additives, all environmental pollutants, some medicines. In addition, the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction should be attributed. Used in information wars. It is a material means of influence - beer, vodka, cigarettes, heroin and "grass", food additives are quite real. The advantages of influence on this priority - the people destroy themselves, both physically and mentally, the force of influence is slightly higher than in a hot war. Disadvantages - exposure time increases: years and generational changes are needed.

4. Economic priority, as a means of influence, subordinate to purely informational means of influence through finance (money), which is an extremely generalized type of information of an economic nature. It is carried out with the help of international financial structures (international monetary fund, and similar structures). It is used in "economic" wars - informational variant. Material weapons. Advantages are a powerful means of influence, it allows you to drive into debt entire countries and regions, destroy economies without firing a single shot, the impact speed can be higher than that of the fifth priority.

Disadvantages - the economy of the victim country must be sufficiently open to economic impact, does not affect closed economies

3. Factual priority: description of private processes and their interconnections - the essence of information of the third priority, which includes the beliefs of religious cults, secular ideologies, technologies and factology of all branches of science.

The instrument of the cold wars (cultural cooperation) is the imposition of cultural norms, ideology, and lifestyle. Carries out the processing of people's consciousness. An information weapon. Benefits: The power of the impact is enormous. Disadvantage: long duration of action

2. Chronological priority. History of all branches of culture and all branches of knowledge. It allows you to see the direction of the flow of processes and correlate with each other private branches of culture in general and branches of knowledge. It boils down to something like this: "Rewrite the history of the people, and you will conquer it without weapons." An information weapon used in information wars. The impact is enormous. Disadvantage: the speed of exposure is low.

1. World outlook priority - “standard automatisms” of recognition and comprehension of particular processes in the completeness and integrity of the universe, determine in their perception their hierarchical ordering in mutual nesting. It is the basis of a culture of thinking and completeness of management activities. Broad views in society on the key concepts of good and evil, the universe and being. An information weapon used in information wars. Highest power. Slowest exposure speed.

Although there are no unambiguous distinctions between the means of influence, since many of them have qualities that allow them to be attributed to different priorities, but the given, hierarchically ordered, their classification allows us to highlight the dominant factors of influence that can be used as controls. In particular, as a means of suppressing unacceptable phenomena in the life of society. When this set is applied within one social system, these are generalized controls for it. And when they are used by one social system (social group) in relation to another, with a mismatch in the concepts of control in them, this is a generalized weapon, that is, means of warfare, in the most general sense of the word.

This order determines the priority of the named classes of means of influencing society, since the change in the state of society under the influence of means of higher priorities has much greater consequences than under the influence of lower priorities, although it proceeds more slowly and without "noisy effects".

The solution to any problem can and should be ensured on all priorities.


That is why the political instructor goes around the advanced trenches before the battle, and speaks with the soldiers about the meaning of Life and about the great history of Russia, about why we are ready to fight to the death.