The Whole Truth About The Bilderberg Club - Alternative View

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The Whole Truth About The Bilderberg Club - Alternative View
The Whole Truth About The Bilderberg Club - Alternative View

Video: The Whole Truth About The Bilderberg Club - Alternative View

Video: The Whole Truth About The Bilderberg Club - Alternative View
Video: Inside Story - How powerful is the Bilderberg group? 2024, September

Can you imagine that a single center, a single global shadow government, is responsible for all the key decisions that directly affect the fate of entire states and continents, their peoples and economies?

The Bilderberg Group: Is There a World Government?

According to rumors, this secret organization is capable of influencing all aspects of our life: setting gasoline prices, manipulating stock and commodity markets, and even deciding which countries will be launched against.

Such an organization exists and is called the Bilderberg Club. The club includes political leaders from all over the world, international bankers and top managers of the largest corporations.

Every year, more than 100 members of the organization hold secret meetings, where they discuss and plan the further development of the entire economic and political life of the whole planet. Most of the organization's members are believed to be from Western Europe and the United States.

The list of permanent members of the Bilderberg Club includes such well-known names in business circles as Rockefeller, Rothschild and Gates. Prominent political figures Margaret Thatcher and Bill Clinton are also members of the club (with Clinton joining the club before becoming president of the United States).

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History of the Bilderberg Club

The group "Bilderberg Club", researchers believe, borrowed its name from the Bilderberg Hotel, which is located in the city of Ostrebik, Holland. It was there that the first meeting of the club took place. This happened in May 1954, and then the announced conference did not involve discussion of issues of global politics by its participants.

The first conference of the Bilderberg Club. 1954 year
The first conference of the Bilderberg Club. 1954 year

The first conference of the Bilderberg Club. 1954 year.

The official reason for the meeting of these people was to discuss and take measures to facilitate the building of closer cooperation on political, economic and military issues between all its participants and the countries they represented. Since then, the group has met on a regular basis (at least once a year).

Researchers believe that during the club's existence there were more than 60 such meetings. Usually they were held under strong security, always in complete secrecy, the agenda and the list of issues that were actually discussed were never presented to the public. The participants in the meetings did not disclose the content of the reports and did not quote the speakers, the general public never knew what was really going on behind these tightly closed doors.

The surviving photographs of meetings in the club
The surviving photographs of meetings in the club

The surviving photographs of meetings in the club.

It is for these reasons that so little is known about the activities of the Bilderberg Group to ordinary people, information about secret conferences never falls under the coverage of news media outlets. Although, it should be admitted that the state of affairs has been changing in recent decades, as more and more researchers and simply not indifferent citizens are beginning to realize the real existence of such a group.

From time to time, the Bilderberg Club submits resolutions on its decisions and announces the list of participants. Most likely, this is done to divert attention, since the lists of invitees are never complete, and the decisions that are announced are inherently insignificant and can hardly be the main ones for discussion among such powerful members of the club.

Researchers from the Bilderberg Club near the hotel try to take pictures of the meeting. 2011
Researchers from the Bilderberg Club near the hotel try to take pictures of the meeting. 2011

Researchers from the Bilderberg Club near the hotel try to take pictures of the meeting. 2011.

Confirmation of the existence of the Bilderberg Group and the scale of the cases it affects is the work of the US media, which accurately predicted events on a global scale - from the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War to the date of the invasion of Iraq. All this only confirms that the source of such information are members of the Bilderberg Club, who are associated with the American media and can look into the future.

The existence of the Bilderberg Club: classified as secret

How does such a large, powerful group of people, who are scattered across all continents and represent the most diverse branches of life, manage to maintain complete secrecy of their actions and keep the secret of their own existence as a whole?

It is noteworthy that the activities of the club are not covered by any well-known media in the world. Many researchers believe that this "silence" in the air was achieved by inviting the leaders of all major national and television networks, as well as leading print media - Washington Post, The New York Times and Los Angeles Times to join the club. … It is obvious that practical control over the media could be a sufficient condition for ensuring the secretive work of the most influential organization in the world.

Long-term goals of the Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Club is sort of the most exclusive club in the world. No one has the right to buy a membership in it, only the group's steering committee can propose one or another candidate for consideration, and in all cases this happens only after it has been precisely established that this person is an adherent of the ideas of the so-called "new world order" …

According to the rules established by the Club Steering Committee:

Guests who are invited must attend the meeting alone; no wives, girlfriends, husbands or friends are allowed with them. Personal assistants (bodyguards, representatives of the special services, service personnel) cannot attend the conference and eat in a separate room.

The invitees are prohibited from giving interviews to journalists or disclosing in any way what they have heard and seen at club meetings

The host (club meetings are held in various countries around the globe) is always responsible for the safety of the event

A third of the Bilderberg Group members are well-known political figures, the rest are representatives of industry, finance, labor and communications.

The conditions of the meetings assume that all participants freely express their views on certain problems, without fear that someone will hear them and be able to use the information received against them. Meetings always take place in a frank atmosphere, but do not always end in consensus.

Most of the club members are made up of annual members (about 80 of the most influential people in the world), but meetings are also occasionally attended only on occasion: these people attend meetings because of their experience or knowledge of specific meeting topics. Selected of them later often become permanent participants in conferences due to their usefulness.

The cover of the famous book "The Whole Truth About the Bilderberg Club", D. Astlin
The cover of the famous book "The Whole Truth About the Bilderberg Club", D. Astlin

The cover of the famous book "The Whole Truth About the Bilderberg Club", D. Astlin.

One of the main questions posed by researchers of the Bilderberg Club is what is the ultimate goal of this group?

The study of facts and information about the activities of one of the most conspiratorial organizations in the world suggests that the ultimate goal of the club members is ambiguous - they want to achieve complete power over the world political and economic processes, as well as to put under total control all life activities of human civilization.

In practice, this could mean managing a single world market with a single authority - a world government. It is this body, according to the Bilderberg group's plan, will control the world army and make decisions on financing a particular region through the use of a single world currency under the auspices of the World Bank.

In order to realize such tasks, it is also necessary to take full control of all mass media without exception, which will make it possible to quite simply manipulate public opinion.

The middle class and democracy are viewed by club members as harmful. In order to bring up the right generation, members of the world elite also intend to take educational institutions under centralized control.

Do you think that all these plans will be realized in the distant future? No, it is not. Today, the US financial system is already, in fact, a single world state. If any country or its head does not want to obey the will of the world elite, then his country is simply “disconnected” from the unified international system of finance, and over time it inevitably fails.

Also, there is an assumption that the goal of the Bilderberg Club is also to create a unified block of countries in North America. This union will somewhat resemble the European Union, only it will include the United States, Canada and Mexico.


No matter how you feel about the truth about the Bilderberg Club, it exists. We have to admit that there is a global elite among us who meet behind closed doors, in complete secrecy and on a regular basis, making decisions that affect our lives. This is enough to generate interest, concern, and outrage in the community.