The Oldest Inhabitant On The Planet Considers Himself Immortal - Alternative View

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The Oldest Inhabitant On The Planet Considers Himself Immortal - Alternative View
The Oldest Inhabitant On The Planet Considers Himself Immortal - Alternative View

Video: The Oldest Inhabitant On The Planet Considers Himself Immortal - Alternative View

Video: The Oldest Inhabitant On The Planet Considers Himself Immortal - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 People Who Claim To be Immortal 2024, September

The average duration among Indians today is 68-69 years. And in this state, known for its low standard of living and unsanitary conditions, one person lives, whose age is 184 years! He is not a Raja or richer, and all his life he earned his living by simple labor.

184 years is not the limit

His name is Mahashta Murasi, and he was born in 1835! I can't believe that a little bit more, "some" 16 years, and the long-liver will celebrate 200 years! By the way, 35 years older than Lenin's grandfather - and such a different fate! All his life he worked as a shoemaker and only at the age of 122 stopped working - and it happened back in 1957. According to the venerable old man, his last visit to the doctor was also a very long time ago - in 1971. The doctor has already died, and there is no evidence that Mahashta Murasi was examined by him and what the diagnoses were. It turns out that soon it will be half a century since the old man has not been to the doctor and, on the whole, "everything is in order."

Ghats of Varanasi, from left to right: Rana Mahal ghat, Darbhanga ghat and the huge Darbhang palace above it, Munshi ghat; view from the Ganges river
Ghats of Varanasi, from left to right: Rana Mahal ghat, Darbhanga ghat and the huge Darbhang palace above it, Munshi ghat; view from the Ganges river

Ghats of Varanasi, from left to right: Rana Mahal ghat, Darbhanga ghat and the huge Darbhang palace above it, Munshi ghat; view from the Ganges river.

Immortal in the city of the dead

The long-liver was born in the south of the country, but eventually moved to the north. Now he lives in the multimillion-dollar "eternal" city of Varanasi - according to the Hindus, "the city of the dead." It is located in the basin of the Ganges River, which, like the settlement itself, is a "Mecca" for all Hindu believers. It is believed that dying and being cremated in the "sacred capital of India" means completing the chain of rebirth and forever freeing yourself from the burdens of the material world.

Promotional video:


The old man himself moved to the "city of the dead" back in 1903, at the age of 68 - apparently, for repose here, but for some reason death does not take him.


The old woman in the hood and with a scythe, you see, has completely lost him, and the long-liver says that he no longer waits for her to come. “I will probably live forever,” says the old man. His grandchildren and great-grandchildren have all completed their “next” (according to Hinduism) life cycle, but why does this cycle never end for the old man himself? Maybe he somehow slowed down all metabolic processes in his body as much as possible, using some kind of practice? The old man likes to pronounce the word "samadhi" (somadhi) - this word just means slowing down all processes in the body, like freezing them.


For Buddhists, for example, the state of "samadhi" is the incorruptibility of the bodies of monks and lamas who have gone to eternal rest.

The secret of longevity

The secret of a long life can also be how you feel about it. “All my life I“went with the flow”and did not struggle with circumstances. I have always humbly and calmly accepted my fate as it is,”he says. “Go your own way” and do not pay attention, even if you are beaten from all sides with sticks - similar instructions are given by Buddhist lamas to their disciples. I also remember the Christian admonition to "turn the other cheek." And all modern researches of scientists also say that optimism and "do not care" in the good sense of the word is a guarantee of longevity.


It turns out that in all the teachings about the sources of longevity they say about the same thing - life in harmony with the world, which is confirmed by our "immortal".

And what about the documents?

Many are skeptical about the present age of Mahashta. He has no documents about when he was born, but this is not surprising, because for so many years the paper could easily deteriorate, and the records could be lost. Therefore, skeptics in this case can partly rub their hands, but how else can you prove the true age? Health certification can only show biological age, which in this case is clearly different from the actual one. And doctors do not have the practice of researching such an over-aged "patient" - there is no one, as they say, to compare with. And the annual rings, like a tree - a person does not …