Digital Colonization? - Alternative View

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Digital Colonization? - Alternative View
Digital Colonization? - Alternative View

Video: Digital Colonization? - Alternative View

Video: Digital Colonization? - Alternative View
Video: DIGITAL COLONIALISM: Does it matter who keeps our information? 2024, September

The global technology race is fraught with the loss of the country's sovereignty

Russian society is in a constant fever: in the shadow of the universal struggle against the virus, the State Duma is actively adopting laws that cause protests from the public, scientists, practitioners in the field of information security, personal and state sovereignty, and even security officials.

The "epidemic" that has covered the planet set off the flywheel of "expanding information surveillance" measures, which were unexpectedly proclaimed the most important sanitary protection measures. And this transformation brings to the fore the issue of protecting digital rights, personal freedom and personal dignity.

As a result, citizens will turn, according to German Gref, into “digital avatars,” and their data will become a lucrative commodity, for the right to own which all spheres of business will fight. The Central Bank will be able to trade them with the help of Rostelecom, as well as a number of smaller banks from the approved list.

As a result, the state should become a digital platform controlled in blockchain mode by a powerful algorithm; public services will be exclusively paid and only in the "person - program" mode; paper documents and cash will disappear; and the electronic government will buy citizens' data from the Central Bank on a par with everyone else - albeit a little cheaper.

Based on constant monitoring and analysis of human life activity, AI will create a digital profile for each resident of the country, place it in a specific stratum (caste), create a digital trajectory for training and development for him, choose a profession and determine a career, monitor strict adherence to the plan and apply sanctions for deviating from it. It will be impossible to go beyond the scope of this course.

All this is stated in open sources, people can get acquainted with any document without hindrance. Such pictures make any normal person want to wake up immediately, because if all this is true, then life becomes very scary. But why are we only frightened today, because the public sounded the alarm four years ago, when in January 2016 the World Bank published its resonant report "Digital Dividends". It described in detail how the whole world will start making money on information. And already in December, at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, its permanent president Klaus Schwab proclaimed the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the mechanism of which he outlined in the book of the same name (The Fourth Industrial Revolution), and in which a new means of production and at the same time the most expensive resource, "new oil",information was announced. He said: “We are at the origins of a revolution that will fundamentally change the way we live, work and communicate with each other,” and added that we still do not really understand where we are going, but we are starting.

In Russia, the Digital Economy project was adopted in July 2017 in an atmosphere of complete secrecy - until the very time when it was discovered by the public. An all-encompassing, coherent, logical, methodically and carefully constructed document suggested a large team of developers, a long period of creation and overseas authorship.

Promotional video:

The term "digital economy" was introduced into the vocabulary of society back in 1994 by one of the world's leading authorities in the field of business strategies, an independent consultant, head of the International Research Center "New Paradigm" (1993) Don Tapscott in his book of the same name.

He is credited with the authorship of the blockchain technology (a distributed data registry that abolishes the centralization of control of any process), which was designated as one of the key mechanisms of the new "economic" formation, and also, by a "strange coincidence", he is also a senior adviser to the WEF in Davos.

But it is unlikely that the revolution in the field of technology was made by "a Canadian bachelor in psychology and statistics, a master of pedagogical sciences, an honorary doctor of legal sciences, a teacher and a musician" - rather, we are talking only about the broadcast of "necessary" ideas, and he is just a "talking head", albeit gifted enough, who voiced the innovation created at the next "thought factory". At the very least, his unlimited support at the global level suggests just such thoughts.

And the goals of his activities are truly universal - to change the structure of the whole world: in his other book, "Paradigm Change", he claims that the Internet should become the basis of everything - there should appear "network generation", "network consciousness", "network interaction", "network intelligence”,“network transparency”,“network availability”, and in the end there will be an unprecedented prosperity for digital business.

The artificial nature of the concept of "digital economy" is also indicated by the fact that there is no single definition of it all over the world - the participants in the process are invited to either choose from those previously formulated (among the authors - the Australian government, the World Bank, Oxford Dictionary, BCS, Great Britain OECD, Research Center The Economist magazine, IBM of the UK Government), or come up with something of your own.

Experts in the field of psychotechnology are well aware that artificial (false) concepts, the so-called "newspeak", are created when it is required to manipulate the mass consciousness and deceive the protective mechanisms of society.

The public and experts actively opposed the hasty and secret adoption of the program "Digital Economy in the Russian Federation for 2017-24", seeing in it a threat to national security.

Their fears were supported by the Security Council of the Russian Federation, which stressed in its statement that "new threats and risks to national security have emerged associated with the high level of import dependence of the domestic industry on foreign information technologies, with the development of methods for processing large amounts of data, with the country's integration into the supranational digital economy", but the program was still accepted.

"Electronic government" will be supported by the population at the expense of paid services; instead of cash, it is planned to introduce "cryptocurrency" ("bitcoins", "rootcoins", etc.), and remote interaction should become the basis of society's life, for which biometric identification, universal genomic registration and a genomic passport will be introduced.

In 2018, the National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" appeared - with a budget (in rubles) of 1.2 trillion, of which 3.04 billion was allocated to the directions "Information infrastructure", "Formation of research competencies and technological groundwork", "Information security" … It was also adopted hastily and secretly - the text of the document for discussion in the Public Chamber, the participants had to "get through their own channels."

Today, the digital economy has become one of the areas of our domestic policy, where a powerful budgetary river flows. The largest expenses are the development of communication networks, including 5G, as well as the introduction of platforms for working with data and their storage (627.9 billion); development of digital public administration (233.1 billion); training of personnel for the digital economy (138.9 billion); digital technologies - artificial intelligence, big data, quantum technologies and others (125.3 billion). The least amount of money was allocated for cybersecurity (18 billion) and regulation (1.5 billion), and in connection with the pandemic, it was proposed to completely cancel these two items of expenditure.

To create "digital law" it is necessary to promptly train lawyers of a new formation. In 2017, the State Duma created an expert council on the digital economy and blockchain technologies; for the deputies, they organized courses on blockchain, launched an online service "cyber secretary", in which they were supposed to "share their experience in drafting laws on artificial intelligence with colleagues from 26 countries"; conducted a study of cryptocurrencies (2.5 million); a seminar on digitalization and subsequent training of fifty deputies took place at the Sberbank Corporate University.

At the parliamentary hearings in 2017, the president of the InfoWatch group of companies Natalya Kasperskaya said that the advertising hype raised around the next novelty often provokes a rush and thoughtless borrowing of unnecessary, and suggested “not to fall into“digital addiction”and not to borrow foreign technologies, but instead -“methodically develop and support our own companies and developments”.

And when the Duma announced the beginning of the development of the first fifty "digital" laws, ex-adviser to the President on the Internet Herman Klimenko commented: “I am a little afraid of the government's desire to adopt 50 laws. You don't need 50 laws! " It is important that it was he who previously stated that “the digital economy is not about the economy at all, but about how IT specialists conquered the world”, and that for its implementation “it is necessary to adopt 100 new laws,” which he “prepared a long time ago, but in no way could not push anywhere."

The change in the rhetoric of the main ideologist of aggressive digitalization showed that an alternative position is already beginning to form in the power structures, creating a system of balances and aimed at leveling the risks from the introduction of untested technologies. At the same time, the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin compared "bitcoin" (digital currency) with the MMM financial pyramid.

The basis for it was a single database of registry offices, starting in 1926, and the completion of the work was scheduled for early 2020.

In May 2020, the law "On a single federal information register containing information about the population of the Russian Federation" (EFIR) was passed with lightning speed. Despite the fact that scientists, experts, the public and even law enforcement agencies opposed it, pointing out the direct threat to personal and national security associated with its adoption, it was signed at all levels. Now each of us will receive a unique 12-digit irreplaceable number instead of a name (despite the fact that the replacement of the name with a number was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal as a crime against humanity, not subject to a statute of limitations) and will become absolutely defenseless against the owner of the file with all the information about it …

In 2018, in order to “maintain the stability of the banking system,” the State Duma adopted a law on a unified biometric base, which gave banks the right to own biometric data of citizens, sell them to commercial structures and the state. Biometric templates (fingerprints, voice cast, photo of a face, irises, etc.) should be collected by banks and transferred to the Central Bank, which will sell them to business, security officials and the state, and the biometric system operator Rostelecom has already announced the price per person for business - 200 rubles.

At the same time, “representatives of banks, non-state insurance and pension funds, special depositories, as well as persons under whose direct control or influence they are,” are exempted from submitting their data - such is the overt division into whites and blacks. For ordinary citizens, there are no alternative options or options for refusal, and the duty to ensure data security is imposed on them by law.

And if the personal data of employees of secret strategic facilities is allowed to be hacked, information security risks turn into a threat of a nuclear apocalypse.

Russian citizens are in no hurry to voluntarily distribute their personal information, so in 2020 a bill appeared on the right of banks to compulsory collection of biometrics. This bill delegates the right of legislative initiative to the Central Bank, which means its legalization as a subject of legislative power - translation "de facto" into "de jure".

When we are looking for the reasons for the “digital” laws that are hostile to us, we must understand that they all appear not by themselves, but according to the previously drawn up plan of the “Digital Economy” program.

“Conducting a legal experiment and introducing special legal regimes in Moscow” (artificial intelligence management) was planned in it for 2018, was postponed to the fourth quarter of 2020, but thanks to quarantine, it got ahead of the curve in April 2020.

The law on artificial intelligence in Moscow has an indigestible name, but its goal is simple - to create a legal space on the territory of the capital, in which existing Russian laws do not apply, and life is built only according to "digital concepts."

All processes of organizing the life of the city (transport, housing and communal services, healthcare, social sphere, science, education, culture, economy, finance, all branches of government) will be transferred to artificial intelligence under sole control, and for its smooth operation our right to protect our own personal data, our privacy, personal dignity and freedom of movement.

At the same time, exceptional conditions are created for digital business in Moscow, and information that an entity is under special jurisdiction should be posted in a prominent place on its physical territory or virtual site (website). In order to get into the cohort of the newly elected, participants need to work in the field of computer technology, not be under investigation and be in a special registry.

The transfer of Moscow, the country's most important strategic object, under the control of an algorithm - a program running on the carriers of our geopolitical opponents - greatly exacerbates the issue of Russia's state security.

A well-known specialist in the field of technology Igor Ashmanov openly warns: “We are told: these are advanced technologies, we urgently need to introduce them, otherwise we will be hopelessly lagging behind. No one is discussing why they should be implemented. When they ask the question: “Explain why all this is needed?”, They usually answer the following: firstly, this is money, you can make a lot of money on it, and secondly, you need to keep up with progress, otherwise we will lag behind the “developed »Countries for hundreds of years. We see the performances of these so-called. Digital evangelists. Basically, these are marketers, bankers who do not understand anything directly in IT, they simply repeat what their consultants say, and the essence comes down to the same thing - all this should be implemented as soon as possible. But since we are talking about immediate implementation, it is clear that it is necessary to implement ready-made. And everything that is ready and working at the moment is American. Not even global, but American. This means that if we succumb to this fever, in 5-7 years the level of digital colonization of Russia will go off scale."

The program "Digital Economy" is really "not about the economy" - it is about another life, another world, other meanings, and it's time to carefully understand its content.

We are offered cryptocurrency bitcoin made by foreign intelligence and controlled by foreign exchanges, e-commerce from Alibaba, taxi from Uber, "social rating" from China.

In 2018, Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov at the Sberbank Data Science Day conference, speaking about the Chinese system of "social credit" (the state's assessment of citizens on the basis of continuous monitoring using artificial intelligence of their political and social behavior and their subsequent stratification, which determines access to social benefits and preferences or blocking it), said: "I believe that this is a rather obvious threat, I feel this threat, but, referring to societies with a classical humanistic tradition, we will be able to avoid this threat." Society also hopes for this, but only in May 2020, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced its intention to create a social rating for migrants - does it mean that testing has already begun?

And the deputy of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications A. Kozyrev said two years ago: “10-20 years will pass, and a new preventive measure will appear in the Criminal Code - deprivation of the right to electronic identification for a period of, say, three years. This will be the worst punishment. Now we are thinking whether it is possible to remove a citizen, and then we will think: “Lord, if only I would not be removed from this system! "This is how it will be!"

It is unlikely that officials of this level allow themselves to simply fantasize in the media on a given topic. And the representative of VTB Bank, Mr. Verkhoshinsky, painted a picture of a brighter future as something not discussed and taken for granted: "Soon it will be so that a person is walking down the street, and all systems will recognize him, and this is already a practical and tangible technology."

The Digital Economy program provides for the abolition of not only personal, medical and family secrets - one of the sections provides for the abolition of cartographic and state secrets. Can we continue to take this lightly?

The important thing is not who invented, but who controls - who exactly are these consultants who influence government decisions in the IT sector, and whose interests and wishes do they promote?

And it is worthwhile to sort out our state goals - what is progress for us, what is the real leadership, and what we put at the forefront in determining our path.

Meanwhile, on the International Children's Day, the Council of Europe introduced a new dominant to the world - it released a brochure for children "Learn about your rights in the digital environment", with a list of rights that they "can demand from governments, schools, companies and other stakeholders to protect." … The authors also announced a Digital Parenting Guide and a Guide for Policymakers on Children's Rights in the Digital Environment.

It is worth recalling that in a number of international documents the Internet has already been named a basic value, for the deprivation of the right of access to which serious sanctions are assumed.

Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev in his recent programmatic article "Does Russia need" universal "values?" stated that in a situation of “an ongoing hybrid war aimed at eroding the traditions of various peoples, their language, faith and historical memory of generations, which have developed over the centuries,” Russia proposes “a new civilizational choice, the construction of national sovereignty, including cultural and spiritual and moral, in the status of the greatest value and the basis for the subsequent construction of human civilization."

And it's time to finally answer the question of how the assignment of a number instead of a name, human-tracking cameras on the streets, fingerprints in a store and an ATM, digital passes and QR codes, social monitoring and social loans, a comprehensive personal data base, overseeing "Digital avatars" artificial intelligence are combined with this clearly articulated spiritual and moral paradigm of our country.

Without this, neither technology nor the army will protect us - in the war against humanity and humanity, the front line runs inside each of us.