Diagnosis "I Do Not Want To Work": How To Work For Pleasure - Alternative View

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Diagnosis "I Do Not Want To Work": How To Work For Pleasure - Alternative View
Diagnosis "I Do Not Want To Work": How To Work For Pleasure - Alternative View

Video: Diagnosis "I Do Not Want To Work": How To Work For Pleasure - Alternative View

Video: Diagnosis
Video: Premature Ejaculation: A Urologist’s Perspective 2024, June


“How I don’t want to go to work” is an ordinary thought of an adult who, getting up in the morning and barely realizing what is happening in general, reluctantly begins to gather in some dubious place. Why did we come to this, why do we need to work and how to work for pleasure? Let's kick ignorance in the face!

How the thought "I don't want to work" was born

Let's assess the current state of affairs. Life in people now begins on Friday night and ends on Monday morning, because we love the weekend so much and together we hate everyday life.

From childhood we are prepared to be able to work. The kindergarten, school and university are the preparatory stage for this wonderful action. As a result, we reluctantly go through all the thorns of training in order to obtain a specialty that is usually not at all interesting to us.

Then the circus continues, because we go to work at some job, where we are sad, dreary, and want to go home. This game of terpily man takes place on average 40 hours a week.

In a job we don't like, no one thinks about making every effort, often we just serve a number in an effort to do nothing and get some money to survive. It turns out that about a quarter of his life a working person is engaged in garbage.

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We have to work hard

The system that forces a person to plow leads us to the thought “I don’t want to go to work”. You can't live without money, and the most common way to get it is through work. We are cornered and have no choice, so we just go to work without unnecessary hesitation, questions and search for options.

At heart, a person always remains a child, and any child will not want to do what he was forced to do (even if he likes it). Freedom is important to us, which means that any restriction on it will naturally cause a lot of questions and indignation.

Adaptability to the detriment

But how do we manage to survive in such a system from day to day? It's about adaptability, it doesn't always work as a plus. From birth, a person is imposed on activities that he does not like: you need to go to kindergarten, help parents in the country or keep the room in order. And in our environment there are a lot of citizens who also do not like their work. Over time, all this develops into an ingenious conclusion: "Doing what I don't like is okay."

After this conclusion, the unloved work ceases to strain the person so much, he realizes that this is a common situation that you just need to accept.


What is work and how did it come about

To reveal the pressing question "how to work for pleasure?" a little theory should be learned.

Explanatory dictionaries often interpret the concept of "work" as "a source of material benefits" or "performance of actions in order to obtain benefits," however, these are primitive definitions that reflect the essence of this event very conditionally.

How the work came about

Let's go back to the times of our ancestors, when no one had thought about building cramped cities with skyscrapers and a metro. How did people interact with each other at that time? Vasya had a scythe, and Petya had his own farm. At the same time, Vasya needed something to eat, and Petya's farm was periodically overgrown with weeds.

Once Vasya and Petya met and realized that they could do a little work for each other. So Vasya began to regulate the vegetation on Petya's farm, and Petya paid the hungry Vasya with farm gifts.

Why work

We all need to eat something, sleep on something and live in something, but not all of us can simultaneously be able to produce food, build houses and make beds. A person's skills do not always cover his needs, it is impossible to be an expert in everything.

Then, to satisfy his needs, he attracts other people: the master builds the bed, the farmer produces food, and the house is generally built by a whole team. It turns out that the work of other people gives us the opportunity to be complete.

The emergence of work with people was not accidental, for us now it is the main way of finding unity, because as long as we need each other, we will live nearby and exchange our labor for the work of a neighbor.

This is how each of us invests in improving the standard of living of other people. It also allows a person to pay more attention to one type of activity, which means that they can do their job for others better and faster.

We state: the presence of work in human life has a positive effect on the survival and prosperity of our species. Not bad at all for a class we cursed so much two minutes ago.

How to work with pleasure

Who doesn't want to learn how to do work for pleasure? The question is rhetorical, since this is a serious headache for us, which is time to wave a pen.

Treat money correctly

At the time of Petya and Vasya, the settlements were small, people knew each other's capabilities well, so the work of one person was directly exchanged for the work of another. But soon a lot changed: cities became large, the skill set that a person could possess expanded, along with this increased the variety and number of human needs.

Now the harmony has shaken a little, one comrade could be useful to another, and the other, for example, did not have the skills that the first would need.

This is how money was invented - an intermediate link between the exchange of people's labor. As a result, the other could give the first one money for his work, so that the first one could find the person he needed and exchange the money received for his labor.

Hence, we conclude that money was created for balance, since the work of a certain person is specific and may not be useful to everyone, but money is a universal resource that will be useful to everyone.

Only labor is important

Life forces us to earn money, but, paradoxically, it is worth going to work not only and not so much for them.

Does a million dollars matter if they build a house that collapses the next day in exchange for it? Any money is worth as much as the labor that is produced for it. The essence of work is the exchange of labor, and the meaning of money is only to simplify this circulation.


How a person deceives himself

Now we often try to bend the law of equilibrium, which eventually bends ourselves, and we don't even notice it. For example, many people hope to get a lot of money at work, while making a minimum of body movements in the workplace.

Suppose a person has achieved his goal, found a wonderful job: they pay a lot, but you can work mediocre. He is so happy because big money means big opportunities. But then it turns out that there are the same smart guys around: they work for a dump and crave mountains of money. As a result, he exchanges large finances for their shoddy labor, receives meager services or goods and continues to see himself as the king of the world. We can often observe such an absurdity now.

It is labor that is important, if it is terrible, then everything loses its meaning. Hence it follows that you need to work well, regardless of the amount of material rewards received - this is the only way to hope that one day they will work well for you in return.

Your job matters

The thought “I don’t want to go to work” often arises because a person does not want to waste time. This happens when he stops seeing meaning in his work.

“Demand creates supply” is a key phrase that quickly clarifies. Any job exists only because it is needed. If you are a cashier, then people will not buy food without you, if it is a builder, then without you they will not have a roof over their heads, and so on. Until we understand the meaning of our own work, we will not be able to approach it responsibly and do the work at the proper level.

There is no need to be ashamed of any craft, no matter who or what thinks, your work matters - only it matters.

Understand the essence of the system

Now, most of us have obligations to spend a fixed amount of time in a certain place, completing assigned tasks. These circumstances are neither bad nor good, they simply exist, and the rest we decide for ourselves.

You can continue to play the child whose freedoms are limited, wage a constant war with your obligations, hate work, make a fuss and not strive to see more.

And you can look at the circumstances differently. Such a system allows a person not to be selfish and think about someone else. It pushes people to the movement they need to live.

The idea "You have to work" makes sense to perceive more deeply, in the context of "We are very interested in you." Therefore, the current system does not allow a person to come to one of the most utopian conclusions about himself called "I am not needed by anyone."

How do we choose to look at the established order and what does it give us? - that's what it would be good to think about.

Be in place

If a certain job is so painful for us, why do we continue to survive on it day after day?

The type of activity should be to a person's liking, then he will understand how to work for pleasure and learn to act strongly, but often we cling to even a completely unloved occupation, because we forget that work, it turns out, can be chosen.

There are options, and there are always plenty of them. This is not a matter of skills, but of the outlook with which a person is able to look at the world. You don't have to get attached to what you don't like - this is a one-way ticket, you need to respect yourself and your efforts.


The diversity of needs creates a myriad of jobs, and it is extremely naive to believe that none of them can bring joy. You need to search, sort out options, try, get information. And if none of the existing vacancies is suitable, you can create your own business, find clients and do work with pleasure for them.

Do with love

Choosing a job to our liking, we spend 8 hours a day with love. Love is the guarantor of the quality of the efforts invested, and therefore the benefits for people. You need to love both your work and the masters for whom it happens, otherwise you will hardly be able to do something worthwhile for them.

This achieves maximum human productivity in the workplace, and the harder you work, the more likely you are to see a return. Therefore, loving work is a worthy approach, and leading to receiving pleasant information about yourself.

Create atmosphere

Whatever a person does, if he has fun at the same time, he will perform the task better. There is nothing fancy about being serious.

Work is not only a list of responsibilities in the workplace, it is usually also the people and the emotions that are associated with them. There is always a way to share with these people the positive we have in ourselves.

Isn't it great if, in addition to customer service, your smile illuminates with a bonus? Isn't it amazing if you and your colleagues are not just united by one room, but also adore each other's company? It is possible to create something like this anywhere, good people are everywhere.

The atmosphere is liberating, and this allows the person to use their skills more freely. As a result, you start going to work like on a holiday and stop thinking about the fact that someone made you do it, and you wake up in the morning in a completely different way.


Any work is limited to a small list of tasks that need to be performed on it. Over time, a person develops an algorithm for solving these problems, then the algorithm is tested for some time and brought to automatism. And then the work abruptly becomes a monotonous act that evokes melancholy. This is not good, but there is a solution.

Despite the fact that the list of tasks is limited, the set of algorithms for solving them depends only on our imagination. You don't need to be a robot that performs a programmed set of body movements - let real machines do this. In any business, one should cultivate an artist in oneself - a person who puts his soul in and looks at everything without a frame.


A person has 8 hours a day at his disposal; in any case, they must be spent within the walls of a building at work, but we are able to control the quality of the time spent. You can do the same thing for years, get the same money and not strive for anything - this is usually, but in the end you will get bored.

The food of any person is a movement that consists in continuous development, and this is how the world is improving. You need to develop your work: do it faster, better and more every day. Do not be afraid to take responsibility, go to difficult tasks and offer help to the management - all this plays on you.

Nobody talks about working 16 hours a day seven days a week, the point is not in the amount of time spent, but in its quality, which must improve.


Think about people

People are our everything. The effectiveness of our efforts depends on how much we understand the desires of those for whom we work. Why do people come specifically to you? What do they expect from you? What are they interested in? How can you fulfill their desires to the fullest extent?

We receive a bonus in karma

Here are a few more rules of good manners, the understanding of which will pump you a little as a person.

Do not rely on retirement

If a person begins to think of retirement as golden years, he should do some intellectual work on himself. A pension gives you the opportunity to choose your occupation, but why wait for old age to allow yourself to do that? Why not choose the activity you like now?

Another answer for people is freedom of action, in retirement you are no longer bound to society by obligations. But, as we said earlier, in this case, no one needs a person, is this right for you?

Appreciating other people's work

Someone does not tip people or simply cannot express gratitude to them for their work, justifying themselves with the phrase: "Well, this is his job, he should try so hard."

Feedback is important in any business, without it people will consider themselves useless and soon stop doing anything for other people. Why not then run the wheel in the opposite direction?

You can just openly appreciate the work of others, allowing them to understand their worth and continue to work with meaning. Thank the janitor for cleanliness, the waiter for the comfort, and the builder for the warmth in your house. Taking the work of others for granted, we act ugly.

Do not judge by the thickness of the wallet

It is believed that a person's usefulness can be judged by the level of money they receive, but a janitor, teacher, or doctor, for example, are often excellent examples of the imbalance in the current system. The value of labor is not always reflected in the amount of material benefits received.


So, let's grab the grain of truth from the heavy verbal battle.

"Why don't I want to go to work?" is a question that needs to be taken seriously. Every person is needed by someone, and work is a way to show this importance. For our unwillingness to work, we have hidden from sight too much - other people and their needs.

Money was meant to facilitate the exchange of labor, but we have given it a meaning that does not exist. As a result, only labor is important, because money is constantly moving, but the result of labor remains in people's lives.

"Would I be working at my job if I had no need for money?" - a positive answer to this question is priceless, it is worth striving for. Achievement of this level speaks of a deep understanding of one's meaning in this world and the need to realize this value to the maximum.

It is possible to work for pleasure, and it is also possible to lose sight of time in the middle of the work process or miss work on the weekend - you can come to all this, you just have to start moving. Good luck with your steps in a worthy direction!

At the Top of Mind Team
