You Say The Story Was Falsified? People Have Not Yet Understood What They Are Dealing With - Alternative View

You Say The Story Was Falsified? People Have Not Yet Understood What They Are Dealing With - Alternative View
You Say The Story Was Falsified? People Have Not Yet Understood What They Are Dealing With - Alternative View

Video: You Say The Story Was Falsified? People Have Not Yet Understood What They Are Dealing With - Alternative View

Video: You Say The Story Was Falsified? People Have Not Yet Understood What They Are Dealing With - Alternative View
Video: 22 Subatomic Stories: Why dark matter seems likely 2024, September

“Who owns the information - owns the world” is the most relevant truth at all times.

There is such a thing as the Mandela effect. The author first encountered him back in March 1981.

The company of cadets went to the shooting range, to practice shooting practice from standard weapons. In the barracks, only the daily outfit remained and the one preparing to replace it. This is about 15 people.

When the company returned to the barracks, the 15 men put unusual information on it.

At that time, the strictest censorship in relation to the mass media worked in the USSR. The most advanced was the television program "Obvious - Incredible", hosted by Professor Kapitsa. In every program, to the best of his ability of that time, he talked about the achievements of science and new technologies. The program was very popular among the cadets and in the Soviet Union in general.

And when the company arrived at the location of the barracks, everyone who remained there, amicably told that there was another issue of "Obvious - Incredible" in which it was told about the effect of poltergeist.

Now this will not surprise anyone, but then it was indecent to even talk about such things aloud. All this was perceived as a flight of unbridled imagination, bordering on mental illness.

But with all this, Kapitsa spoke quite seriously about cases with dancing furniture, connections with the other world and other miracles.

Promotional video:

A little later, after a few weeks, the cadets hardly remembered this program. Moreover, there was a feeling that nothing of the kind happened at all. And one could suspect these cadets in the joke. This could have been staged easily, the cadets are still the same people.

However, in one of the reviews of past programs that Kapitsa periodically conducted, and which I happened to see personally, this information was confirmed. In these programs, the presenter of the TV program mainly responded to letters from viewers. To my amazement, a question was asked about this particular program. The professor answered in the following way, I don't remember literally, but the essence is this:

- Sometimes, letters about such programs begin to come to the editorial office en masse. Letters come each time simultaneously from different regions of the Soviet Union, about the allegedly seen television program, with a request to repeat, continue the topic, and the like. For this broadcast, I will say that we have not prepared such a program and have never broadcast it. And we cannot explain such a phenomenon.

I didn't believe it. I thought it was a kind of experiments on people. Perhaps it was so. But over time, opinion began to change and such phenomena appeared in a slightly different light.

Now the memories of this incident fit well with the Mandela effect. It consists in a phenomenon in which a person forms memories of facts that did not actually occur or that occurred in a different period of time. In everyday life, confabulation (this is the scientific name for this phenomenon) occurs quite often.

But if it happened to one person. There are many cases when a similar phenomenon occurs with a huge number of people who from a certain moment know the same details about events that did not happen in reality.

The Mandela effect was called this phenomenon in connection with an incomprehensible phenomenon, when, for unknown reasons, a huge number of people became convinced that this person died in prison. In fact, he lived for a long time and died a natural death at home.

However, the Mandela effect has an even more mystical continuation. Somehow, information about past events begins to change. Moreover, these changes affect not only the consciousness of people, but also documents, films, words in songs.

And the most incomprehensible thing is that such changes are taking place in the books that are in personal libraries. How this happens can only be assumed. But no one has yet been able to prove that the word was changed in the book.

Perhaps one of the readers of my channel has come across this phenomenon: “I remember well a quote from a specific book, but I cannot find it in it. It seems that the book is the same, but this proposal has disappeared."

According to numerous observations, such transformations take place constantly, and everywhere.

This substitution of information manifests itself not only in the distortion and falsification of historical events, but also the events of yesterday. Perhaps this is not even a falsification, but a change in reality when space-time structures come into contact. As fantastic as this sounds, it should not be discounted.

An example is the story with the details of the assassination of American President Kennedy. Millions of people remember very well that there were four people in the car at the time of the murder. However, impartial newsreels show that there were six people in the car.


But, in one of the issues of the magazine "Live", published immediately after the murder, there is a photo where there are only four seats in the car …


How did the information change occur? It can be assumed that the special services deliberately committed a forgery. This is theoretically possible. Just in order to carry out this forgery all over the world at the same time, you need to have enormous capabilities and such an extensive agent network, which even the most secure state on the planet will not be able to prepare and maintain.

Probably I will not be mistaken if I assume that the bulk of readers will be inclined to believe that this is nothing more than a deliberate forgery. The author's opinion is exactly the same.

But with a caveat. In any case, it is unlikely, or rather, impossible, to accomplish this by classical methods.

However, there are concepts such as a quantum computer and CERN (collider). These developments, presumably, are most likely directly related to the above described phenomenon.

But more on that in the next article.
