Psychics, Who Are They? - Alternative View

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Psychics, Who Are They? - Alternative View
Psychics, Who Are They? - Alternative View

Video: Psychics, Who Are They? - Alternative View

Video: Psychics, Who Are They? - Alternative View
Video: Psychic medium John Edward performs a shocking audience reading 2024, September

Today, the services provided by psychics are becoming more and more popular among the population. When it seems that no one and nothing will help in solving the problem, but you really want to get to the bottom of the question of interest, in the opinion of some, it is they, psychics, who will come to the rescue.

Currently, you can hear about them in almost all media, in programs it has become popular to resort to comments given by psychics, on the radio you can often hear broadcasts with their participation. And it is far from a secret, now their presence in the media raises ratings only in this way.

Who are psychics? What are they doing? What methods are used at work? We will try to consider these and many other questions regarding the activities of psychics in detail.


What is "extrasensory perception"?

Since psychics are representatives of "extrasensory perception", we propose to get acquainted in more detail with this science, which contains all the basic ideas and methods used by psychics in their work.

According to some representatives, "extrasensory perception" is one of the sections of alternative medicine.

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The term "extrasensory perception" was introduced by the parapsychologist Rein at the beginning of the twentieth century, after conducting a series of experiments in which the subjects were asked to guess what was on the cards he indicated. Thus, a certain percentage of the subjects guessed the correct answer with maximum accuracy, which made it possible to assume that they had the ability of extrasensory perception - Extra Sensory Perception, namely, the owners of this perception, were later called psychics.

"Extrasensory perception" (from Latin "supersensitivity") is a science whose methods are based on the power of consciousness, on the competent use of one's imagination and the ability to operate with the vital energy of people.

Usually, a person receives any knowledge, information about the world around him with the help of the senses. As you know, we have five of them, namely tactile, olfactory, auditory, visual, taste organs. Also, another way of obtaining information is logical inference. “Extrasensory perception” receives knowledge with the help of information that has arisen in our head, and a person with these abilities will be called a psychic.

Methods for generating such information

- eidic (figurative) clairvoyance. When such information appears in the mind of a psychic in the form of pictures, visions;

- the emergence of sounds, voices to the head, conveying the necessary information. The world-famous Wanga possessed these abilities.

- vision is a mental picture of the future, ideas about the future;

- knowledge that has arisen in the head of psychics in the form of sensations and smells;

- Clarity - the ability to know the information that you have never learned, read, and, in principle, never encountered it, however, you are one hundred percent sure that this knowledge of yours is true. In this case, the psychic receives information bypassing thinking.

It is important to keep in mind that the knowledge gained in "extrasensory perception" must necessarily be tested in an insensible way, this is the only way to distinguish between "extrasensory perception" and imagination.

The main idea of "extrasensory perception" is as follows: the human body is capable of emitting a field, which has different names, the most common among which is a biofield or aura. It is on the characteristics of such a field that the abilities of a particular psychic depend.

Manifestations of "extrasensory perception"

Telepathy is the ability to transmit and receive information between a psychic and another person at a distance, without using the senses.

How is the telepathy process built?

In the nervous system of one representative of Homo Sapiense, certain images are built that have a similar character to the images that have arisen in the nervous system of another representative of the human race. Telepathy is a primitive level of teleportation, when at another point in space chemical processes are reproduced that are carried out in the synapses of nerve endings. As a result of this work, the same images appear in the mind of a person as in the mind of another person who is the original producer of these images.

There are two types of telepathy, these are:

1. Sensory telepathy, when there is a transfer of feelings from one person to another, while the highest stage of such transfer will be the emergence of sensory sensations similar to the sensory sensations of the original source. This type of telepathy is most often unconscious.

2. Thought telepathy is when processes are reproduced in the nervous system of an object that contribute to the emergence of sound and visual sensations in a person's consciousness, identical to the sensations of another person.

- clairvoyance - the supernatural ability to predict the future, to recognize phenomena that are inaccessible to the perception of ordinary people;

- Proscopy - the ability to gain knowledge about future events, while the consciousness is in an altered state.

1) deliberate proscopy, for example, fortune-telling;

2) random proscopy. Such a proscopy often defies explanation, since it occurs in unpredictable moments and cannot be controlled, and sometimes even not remembered by the psychic himself;

- dowsing (biolocation) - the ability to detect hidden objects, most often located underground, for example, cavities, water sources, mineral deposits, "geopathogenic zones", "lines of magical power". The search is carried out using a specialized frame, pendulum, vine or other devices;

- body - and psychokinesis. PSYCHOKINESIS is the ability of a person (intentional or accidental) to influence objects with the help of a directed mental effort, that is, with the help of psychic energy. Thanks to the use of telekinesis, it becomes real, for example, to rotate the compass needle, to suspend objects in the air, to bend metal forks and other products, and also to extinguish a candle flame at a distance.

Telekinesis can manifest itself according to three scenarios:

1. Work done with astral spirits.

2. Generation of powerful fields of a near-physical nature.

3. Creation of powerful streams of vital energy.

- skin-optical perception - one of the types of extrasensory abilities, determined by the ability to perceive color, pictures or text due to only one skin contact with an object (the well-known "effect of Rosa Kuleshova").

- the ability to mentally influence objects, physical phenomena and organisms.

The phenomena studied by "extrasensory perception" do not have a scientific theoretical basis, they are based on occult areas of knowledge.

"Extrasensory perception" is a body of knowledge based on ancient ideas, scientific achievements and methods that have been obtained as a result of research based on knowledge based on intuition.

Who are psychics?

Psychics are people with supersensitive perception, possessing the ability to control extrasensory energy, further recognize and transmit it at a distance. They also have a special aura.


The level of a psychic depends entirely on how deeply he is able to perceive the real world, as well as on his internal bioenergetic level.

Psychics are able to develop, depending on the stage at which he is, so gradually they can discover more and more unique abilities, such as telepathy, reading information from a future person who asked for help or with a question, clairvoyance.

How is a psychic different from an ordinary person?

The main difference between ordinary people and psychics is the size of the biofield. Each person, regardless of gender, age, occupation and status, has his own energy field, which surrounds his body.

So, in an ordinary person, such a field is spread over five, six centimeters, in a person in a comatose state, the biofield is about ten, fifteen centimeters. For psychics, such an energy field is nine, ten centimeters or more, the limit of possibilities is not limited.

But it should be borne in mind that for psychics and ordinary people, the size of the field can change, depending on many factors, for example, on health or spiritual mood.

What types of psychics are there?

The methods used by him in the process of work depend on what type the psychic belongs to.

There are the following types of psychics:

1. Clairvoyants are psychics who have the ability to see the present and the past, and can also try to feel the future awaiting a person who turns to them for help;

2. Predictors - psychics who can see only the future;

3. Mediums are a type of psychics whose work is based on the method of communication with the other world. So, if, for example, you need to find contact between yours and the soul of the deceased, you will need the services of a medium;

4. Healers are psychics who are able to suppress the pain of another person with the help of their own bioenergetics. Also, the list of their services includes the ability to balance your aura. There are healers who take on the pain of another person.

Nevertheless, fortune-tellers, healers - herbalists, magicians who use in the process of their work lower astral essences and the "magical" properties of minerals, plants and animals cannot be classified as psychics.

The abilities of a psychic depend on many factors, among them the most influential are:

- the mood of both a psychic and a person who asked for help;

- the weather around;

- close location to the moment a person turns to a psychic of religious or pagan holidays;

- the favor of the spirits;

- health;

- attitude to the psychic, for example, from the side of magicians and witches.


Where do psychics get their abilities?

1. Heredity. Very often psychics are people who, among their ancestors, have healers, sorcerers, magicians;

2. Abilities are revealed after certain circumstances that have happened in life, for example, an accident, illness, clinical death.

So, for example, it is not uncommon for a person to develop supernatural abilities after receiving a brain injury. All this is understandable, namely, as a result of trauma, some parts of the brain are blocked, while others, compensating for the blocked ones, begin to function most actively, as a result of supernatural abilities.

3. One of the opinions says that psychic abilities can be revealed and achieved by absolutely every person, for example, following one of the directions of Taoist yoga.

What can a psychic do?

1. Correction of biofields;

The primary field of a person is laid at the moment of conception. As they grow up and develop, the child fills in the information layer of this field. At birth, the baby's biofield has a protective energy shell passed on from the mother. The quality of such a shell will determine the mental state of the mother during pregnancy and how desired the baby was.

In the case of a weak base of the maternal biofield, the child is likely to be weak, defective, mentally unstable.

Unfortunately, if the child was unwanted, this also dooms him to an unfavorable future.

It is the correction of such biofields that psychics are engaged in, as a result of which the future of a person is optimized and has the possibility of a favorable further course.

2. Search for missing people and things;

Sometimes there are situations when special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other people involved in direct search cannot help in the search for a lost person, then they turn to psychics. Sometimes, thanks to the work carried out by psychics, it is possible to gain extra time and find the missing person alive.

It is important to remember that in order to carry out search activities, a psychic often needs additional data, for example, name, date of birth, date of alleged disappearance, photograph.

3. Achievement of success;

4. Achievement of well-being;

5. Healing diseases;

Psychics are able to treat serious illnesses, as well as:

- removal of headaches and other types of pain, - improvement of well-being in general,

- getting rid of depression and other types of psychological conditions.

In general, strengthen the immunity of the person who applied and fully diagnose the state of his body as a whole.

6. Work with addicted people (drug addicts, alcoholics), their coding;

7. Change and further removal of negative programs, reprogramming;

8. Development of the "combat direction" - the organization of the defense system and attack tactics.


What skills and abilities should a psychic develop?

1. The psychic must be psychologically prepared when faced with inexplicable, illogical things, which often contradict common sense.

2. Must be prepared that it is quite possible that someone will consider him crazy, and everything he says may be taken for complete absurdity.

3. The psychic must understand that it is quite possible that in the process of work, his main means of perception - the brain, can be damaged and injured under the influence of unexplored forces.

4. Excellent spatial thinking.

5. Fundamental knowledge in the field of mathematics and physics.

What mental characteristics should a psychic have?

The ability to control their mental processes can give the psychic "magical" power and the ability to control the processes and especially keenly understand the world around him, including himself.

1. Feeling;

In the process of telekinesis, a psychic without a well-formed mental process, as a sensation, simply cannot cope, he will not be able to feel anything and receive the necessary information, for example, without touching an object by its radiating temperature. Tactile sensations are widely used in clairvoyance. For example, one of the methods that is widely used by psychics is taking a person by the hand and then retelling the information seen in this process.

By taking the hand, the psychic can feel signs of anxiety, stress, nervousness, and fear. It is on this knowledge that the assumptions of a psychic can be built.

Thanks to the auditory sensations, the psychic can notice various changes, for example, in the environment. This can be, for example, various vibrations that are prerequisites for earthquakes or other natural phenomena. With the help of hearing, a psychic can “hear” another person, which gives him knowledge about possible diseases and their course.

With the help of visual sensation, the psychic is able to see the human biofield.

2. Perception;

Perception directly depends on a number of characteristics of the subject, among which are:

- functional state, - individual and personal characteristics, - the applied strategy.

An altered state of human consciousness is the activity of the brain, organized in a certain way, in which the cortex of the right hemisphere is activated. In the study of extrasensory perception, it was found that extrasensory abilities are most pronounced and characteristic of people with right-sided functional brain asymmetry. It is interesting, but true, that if a right-handed person possesses extrasensory abilities, then during extrasensory perception he has a shift in the functional profile of the brain from the left side to the right.

For the manifestation of extrasensory perception, at least 2 factors are required

- mental activity;

- neurophysiological lability.

3. Thinking;

- visual-figurative thinking. Thanks to his presence, the psychic is able to create "special" images that allow the most subtle exploration of the world and the inner potential of people.

- subject-matter-effective thinking, allow the psychic to find new meanings in ordinary things and phenomena, operating with this knowledge for their own purposes.

- visual - logical thinking - the basis for analyzing previous experience, creating a new vision of objects, the process of realizing the deep meaning of coincidences and various situations that occur with people.

Thus, a good psychic should have developed all three types of thinking.

3. Representation and imagination;

These two processes are very interconnected in the activity of a psychic. So, presenting situations previously accumulated in memory, using life experience, the psychic models such situations using such a mental process as representation.

And to offer options for solving a particular situation, the psychic already uses imagination.

It is important not to confuse imagination with fantasy. The main difference is that the basis of imagination is reliable knowledge obtained as a result of sensations and perceptions of a psychic.

4. Memory;

In order to optimize the work of any professional psychic as much as possible, it is always necessary to develop mnemonic features, because in the activity of a psychic one has to turn to "genetic memory" in order to find answers to difficult questions in the information program of his subconscious.

Thus, it turns out that absolutely all mental processes play an important role in the activity of a psychic. Due to the greatest development of this or that mental process, the psychic can work with varying efficiency depending on the initial request of the person who turned to him.


The main methods used by psychics

What is visualization and how is it related to the work of psychics?

Let us recall once again that the main work in "extrasensory perception" is working with non-material forces, which is why visualization is considered the main method that psychics use in their work.

Visualization is the process of recreating certain objects in front of the inner gaze, which is based on combining images existing in memory. That is, in the process of work, the psychic relies mainly on the visual memories of the person who asked for help.

Using the visualization method, the psychic embodies imaginary objects in reality. Imagining some object or event, a person, as it were, projects it onto the material side of the world, and reality itself restores it according to this projection. Good concentration and imagination will be required, otherwise the fantasy will remain at the same level.

What is the psychic (working) level?

In their work, psychics widely use the method of achieving an extrasensory (working) level. This is necessary, first of all, so that the main method used by psychics ultimately brings optimal benefits. Achievement of such a state prevents the possibility of situations arising when the consciousness of a person who has turned to a psychic will be affected by extraneous and random factors.

To achieve the psychic level, certain conditions must be observed, including:

- complete relaxation of the body;

- a positive attitude;

- lack of negative emotions.

Several techniques that are actively used by psychics in their work

1. Ability to formulate multiple conclusions.

To do this, it is necessary to start with an ambiguous statement that allows for multiple conclusions and interpretations. With the help of clarifications and questions, the psychic evokes a positive reaction in a person.

It is so established by nature that a person on an unconscious level accepts exactly the information that is suitable for him, and automatically discards everything else.

A psychic can begin his session, for example, with the following phrase: "Now in your life is a difficult period, you are between choices, your decision as a result may affect other people, finances and medical decisions."

2. The two-edged statement.

Constructing your predictions in such a way that they simultaneously contain two conflicting truths.

For example, a psychic may say this: "depending on the situation, you can be shy, and sometimes, on the contrary, too open and sociable."

3. Shooting in areas.

Here it is important to ask the client questions at a fast pace, be sure that some of them will definitely hit the target. Due to the high speed and an abundance of questions, the psychic's mistakes will simply not be noticed.

4. Let's come back later.

When asking questions, the psychic must carefully monitor absolutely all the client's reactions. Since this can then be used to your advantage. So the psychic can later, for example, return to that question and repeat it again, which caused very violent experiences in the client.

5. Asking as many questions as possible gives maximum confidence that the person himself will provide the psychic with all the necessary information. One of the most important tasks of a psychic from the first minutes is to get in touch with a person, arrange for a frank conversation, and establish cooperation.

All the information that the psychic receives from the client in the process of presenting it to the client is thoroughly processed so that the person does not get the impression that the psychic is simply quoting him.

6. It is important to emphasize as often as possible the point that the results of the session completely depend on joint efforts, on the element of cooperation.

7. Coming up with esoteric signs, with a request to interpret them for the client. Moreover, in the preface, the psychic often uses incomprehensible words.

For example, a psychic may say the following: “I feel something unusual, strange, possibly having something vital for you. But, alas, the signal is not clear. This is something related to the mystery of a mythological artifact that is dangerous, perhaps, on the contrary, providing assistance. Help me? Has anything unusual or new happened in your life lately ?!"

8. A psychic in his work often draws conclusions based on the information that the client himself presents to him, and, in principle, this information is a self-evident fact following from what the client said earlier. For example, if you are a student, you most likely go to college, sit in class, live according to a schedule. One follows from the other.

9. Psychics are very attentive and have a perfect knowledge of body language and body language.

It is not even necessary to be a psychic in order to understand that much about a person can be said by his clothes, postures, ornaments worn on him, as well as objects with which a person moves (for example, the presence of books may give reason to assume that we have student).

10. Psychics do not use direct statements in their work, all conclusions are made in disguise.

11. Almost in the life of every person there are those things that are common to everyone. Psychics often use this knowledge very professionally, surprising the client. So, for example, almost every house has:

- old photos;

- toys from childhood, which a person often keeps;

- jewelry inherited;

- a key stuck in a box, but not used by anyone for a long time;

- a specific number in a phone or address.

Or, for example, every man:

- have grown a mustache or beard at least once in my life;

- tried to play an instrument as a child, but then quit.


- almost every woman has clothes that she has never worn;

- wore long hair in childhood;

- each once lost an earring;

- tore pantyhose.

Almost all people have:

- there was a sore or abrasion on the knee;

- in childhood there was a story related to water.

Psychics in their work brilliantly manipulate these facts, delighting the subjects.

12. Psychics in the process of work widely use physiological knowledge. So, for example, when looking at the fire for a long time, while not blinking, fatigue arises, but a psychic with the help of beautiful psychic expressions will describe it like this: "The spirits of fire gradually begin to take possession of your eyelids, you feel heaviness, the eyelids close."

Or by asking you to breathe deeply, you will feel a little dizzy, this is also a manifestation of physiology. A psychic can accompany this phenomenon, for example, as follows: "Spirits make your head light."

13. A psychic, in order to avoid doubts about his talents, can throw the blame for a mistake on the client. For example, a psychic may tell you the following: “I feel your distrust and skepticism, it prevents me from attunement. You think too much and your thoughts are blocking my spiritual vision."

14. Agree, if during the session you see the use of various attributes by the psychic, this will give you more confidence that they will help you. It can be:

- different incense;

- the presence of animals, for example, a black cat;

- globe and magic crystals;

- mysterious music;

- photographs of various saints of the ancient worlds.

15. Psychics during the session repeatedly emphasize the fact that their abilities depend on many factors, so sometimes they can be erroneous, not reliable.

16. Very often psychics use flattery to the client in their work, say what the client wants to hear when he comes with a request.


Magical things - as attributes in the work of psychics and their essence

Magical things in the work of psychics have an important place, it is more correct to say one of the central places, since they are, in their own way, a continuation of the psychics themselves.

A magical thing is a mediator between reality and, say, the other world. Each thing has its own magical power, so each psychic is very responsible in the process of choosing such an important part of his work.

The most common magical things used by psychics: knives, tambourines, beads, Muslim rosary and magic candles, totems, wands, maracasi, Chinese coins, yin-yang balls, tarot cards and other symbolizing things.

Psychics often use additional "devices" such as a pendulum, vine, frame, or, for example, divide the area into squares. Psychics also use energy shields in the process of energizing any objects.

What is a frame for?

Using dowsing technology, for example, a frame, it is possible to carry out the process of searching for objects of interest, and the search can be organized both directly on the ground, and without leaving the room, using a map.

Thanks to the use of the frame, it becomes possible to determine the characteristics of the necessary objects at a distance, to carry out bio-diagnostics of a person. Also, with the help of the frame, you can examine residential and other types of premises, identifying geopathogenic zones during use. The frame will also help builders, for example, by correctly indicating the most successful place for building a house, factory or recreation center.

With the help of the frame, the psychic will be able to determine the approximate location of a possible accident on the road, on the route of the oil and gas pipeline, help to discover voids in the ground, the remains of ancient burials, and minerals.

Tarot cards

A psychic who has Tarot cards in his assistants will be able to look into your past, understand the present and see your future. Also, a deck of these "magic" cards will allow you to understand and analyze the reasons for any situation, suggest the possible consequences of certain actions.

The use of Tarot cards in the process of work must be treated with extreme caution, since at the moment there are a huge number of cases, in the practice of psychics, when Tarot cards broke whole families, and sometimes made them unbearable for the whole life of their owner.


The pendulum is one of the most popular items that is widely used in the work of psychics. He helps to get various predictions, diagnose energy chakras, analyze the terrain, and also helps to come into contact with representatives of the other world.

A pendulum is a small weight swinging at the end of a string, chain or rope.

A little about the human biofield

We repeat once again that a psychic is a person who, first of all, differs from others in his special biofield, its size and content. It also differs in that it has the ability to perceive in a special way certain characteristics of the biofield of another person, people.

So, for example, based on visual or tactile sensations, using fingers, many psychics are able to determine such characteristics of the biofield as the shape, structure, size and external shape of the human energy shell.

Also, the existence of the energy shell can be confirmed using certain electronic devices.

The state of a person, his biofield determines:

- intrauterine development (perinatal);

- a person's lifestyle;

- features of energy exchange with the environment.

It is important to remember that the structure of the biofield of all healthy people is the same, differences exist only in the geometric dimensions of some individual elements.

Each disease or functional disorder is explained by characteristic changes in the structure of the energy-informational shell of the human body.

The energy potential of the biofield can and should be increased in combination: physical health, mental health and energy health.


Why is it important for a psychic not only to feel, but also to be able to see the biofield, the aura?

1. Thanks to the ability to see the color, brightness and shape of the biofield, the psychic has the ability to determine the state of health of the person who applied for help.

If the biofield is colored in a silvery-white color, this indicates that the owner of such a biofield is practically healthy, if the color is gray, there is some kind of disease. And if the field is black over the head, then, most likely, such a person will soon die. If all the biofield is black, a person has nothing to hope for.

2. Opportunity to recognize human abilities by biofield. For example, it is claimed that Lao Tzu had a violet glow. This color, in turn, indicates a high level of development of abilities. For Buddha and Kuan-yin (goddess of mercy), the glow consisted of five shades of color, and this is an even higher degree characteristic of perfect representatives.

3. Biofield allows you to determine the character of a person, the scope of his activities.


We offer a small test for those who are interested in the strength and power of their own biofield, and also wish to develop their psychic abilities.

We will need:

- thin paper (ideally, if it is papyrus paper), - nylon thread.

1. cut out a spiral from the prepared paper;

2. Hang the cut out spiral on a nylon thread;

3. step back at a distance of 2-3 meters and stretch your arms forward, while trying to turn the spiral of the hour hand without touching it.

4. then you need to stop the spiral suspended on a nylon thread and try to do the same, reach out and try to move the spiral, now only this needs to be done counterclockwise.

If you managed to accomplish this, congratulations, you have a predisposition to engage in bioenergy, if not, do not be discouraged, it means that you are necessary for the realization of something else equally important in your life.

What does science say about psychics and their activities?

Psychics have been studied, and will always be studied, psychophysiologists are most closely involved in this. Numerous studies were carried out at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, especially under the leadership of Academician Bekhterova, where the activities of many psychics were questioned.

Russian academician Vyacheslav Bronnikov has developed a method thanks to which people acquire the ability to see with their eyes closed, carry out energy-informational influence and correction of their own body, and are also able to help others in the future. By creating his method, the author aimed to prove that psychic abilities will burn out and develop absolutely every person in himself.

This method is based on one of the directions of Taoist yoga. The complex is based on a number of exercises that allow you to develop various structures of the body, including energy, as well as exercises to improve the functioning of the brain, blood circulation, autonomic nervous system, strengthen the immune system in general. Thanks to the implementation of work on oneself, a person is able to discover and develop hitherto hidden abilities for “extrasensory perception”.

German psychologists from the University of Zurich have also conducted a number of studies on people with so-called paranormal abilities.

In his studies, special emphasis was placed on the study of synesthetics - these are people who are able to "hear color" and "see sound". As a result of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that the phenomenon of synesthesia occurs as a result of abnormal development of the human nervous system. In their opinion, the so-called peculiar "crossroads" are formed in the head of psychics, at which the intersection of neural impulses transmitted from the senses, namely from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, occurs. These "crossroads", in turn, distribute impulses in several directions at once.

Thus, for example, signals traveling along the auditory pathway reach the “intersection”, where the impulse is processed and sent to the eyes. In particular, brain scans of psychics showed that when they study printed text with their eyes, they activate not only the part of the brain responsible for understanding speech, but also the areas of the cortex responsible for color recognition.

Scientists also set about looking for an answer to the question: "Do psychics have a special sensitivity to biofields?"

In search of an answer to this question, Professor VI Lebedev conducted an experiment in which two hundred and seventeen psychics took part. The experiment consisted of several stages.

1. All psychics were studied for their reaction, perception of different influences on them, among which were:

- strong influence of constant magnetic and electromagnetic fields, - exposure to increased radiation, - the influence of static electricity, - vibration, - temperature effects.

Also, at this stage, the “Rosa Kuleshova effect”, which thundered twenty years ago, was investigated, the essence of which is to determine the color without the participation of the visual analyzer, using the hands.

In all the psychics tested (two hundred and seventeen people), it was not possible to find any special sensitivity to the proposed stimuli. And also none of them was able to recognize this or that color suggested in the test using the “biofield”.

2. It was offered to psychics to determine the diagnosis in patients. Moreover, the researchers already knew the real diagnosis, since it was established and confirmed by medical means (for example, exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, confirmed with the help of a gastroscopy).

As a result of the study, psychics were unable to diagnose patients using their biofield. So, as a result of doing some manipulations, psychics recognized chronic hypertensive patients as practically healthy people, and those preparing for surgery, for example, for a stomach ulcer, were strongly recommended to treat rheumatism. in the opinion of psychics, a practically healthy person turned out to be so sick that he could hardly stand. In the course of the study, sometimes the same patients were used, to whom psychics each time put different diagnoses, men were diagnosed with women, and vice versa.

Also, the researchers proposed a dummy, which also received a number of diagnoses from psychics: from impotence to myocardial infarction.

As a result, the studies carried out gave every reason to assume that psychics using the "biofield" are not able to make correct diagnoses of diseases.


Why do people turn to psychics?

In fact, there may be a huge variety of reasons that ultimately contribute to the appeal to a psychic. Sometimes due to despair, sometimes with the thought that this is the only opportunity that can help answer the question of interest, solve the problem. However, two groups of the most common reasons can be distinguished, explaining why people line up in huge queues in order to get a consultation with a psychic:

1. Difficulty, doubts in the process of making a responsible decision, which in the future can change the entire course of a person's life. For example, these may be questions about future marriage or business.

2. Finding answers to questions that cannot be solved by themselves due to a lack of understanding of the situation.

For example, why did my husband go to another woman, although everything seemed to be fabulous - beautiful and how to return him.

What is required of a person who turns to a psychic for help?

It is important to understand that without active participation in the process on the part of the applicant, the psychic is unlikely to be able to achieve anything. You need to be ready for an open and sincere conversation. Otherwise, the block for information output is automatically set. To achieve an optimal result, you need to be ready for the perception of any information, as well as its further processing and acceptance of all the recommendations proposed by the psychic.

Be careful!!

Unfortunately, the work of psychics, in addition to benefits, can also cause enormous harm to the individual. In this regard, it is necessary to be very careful about the services of a psychic, to be extremely careful when choosing a representative of this activity, so as not to stumble upon a charlatan.

Potential damage:

1. Destabilization and destruction of the family;

For example, in connection with harsh statements about another family member, a person stops all communication with him. (Your husband is an "energy vampire" so you don't feel well).

2. Separation from educational activities;

The psychic gave arguments proving the harm caused to a person by study or work

3. Damage to mental or physical health;

4. Application of psychotherapeutic practices, methods of suggestion and elements of hypnosis, as a result of which a person receives a mental wound, destructive development.

Destructive methods of influence on the psyche:

- Insulation. A psychic inspires a person about the need to isolate himself from communication and interaction with others for his own good.

- Dependence. The psychic emphasizes his importance in human life.

- Feeling of helplessness. Instilling this feeling by a psychic, using a number of arguments for this purpose.

- Feeling of vulnerability. The psychic, whenever possible, emphasizes the physical and mental problems of the individual, while increasing their strength.

- Fraud, extortion.

If you suddenly find yourself with a psychic - a charlatan, all his activities will be directed neither at working with you and solving your problem, but only at getting as much money from you as possible.

After all, for example, it is no secret to anyone that a person looking for a missing person will give any money just to get information about his whereabouts, or a person with a serious illness will go to great lengths to get rid of it. This is exactly what psychics-charlatans are counting on.

We tried to reveal as accurately as possible such a phenomenon as "extrasensory perception", as well as reveal the essence of the work carried out by psychics. Whether or not to use their services is up to you. Be happy and always healthy!
