100-year-old Yoga Teacher Has Revealed The Secret Of Longevity - Alternative View

100-year-old Yoga Teacher Has Revealed The Secret Of Longevity - Alternative View
100-year-old Yoga Teacher Has Revealed The Secret Of Longevity - Alternative View

Video: 100-year-old Yoga Teacher Has Revealed The Secret Of Longevity - Alternative View

Video: 100-year-old Yoga Teacher Has Revealed The Secret Of Longevity - Alternative View
Video: 100 Year Old Yoga Teacher Reveals Lifelong Secret 2024, July

A resident of the American city of Greenburg, New York, shared the secret of longevity. Her words are quoted by The State newspaper.

Tao Porchon-Lynch, who will turn 101 on August 13, is confident that she has lived to a ripe old age thanks to "eternal optimism." The woman grew up in India and became interested in yoga at the age of seven. She recalls how one day she saw a group of men on the beach doing unusual exercises. Her aunt explained that these movements are called asanas and girls should not repeat them.

“If the guys can do it, then so can I,” replied Porchon-Lynch. The woman began to seriously study yoga as a teenager and realized that her main vocation was to teach. The pensioner still teaches yoga lessons, where she teaches people to think positively and to breathe correctly.

In 2018, she received the Padma Shri Distinguished Service Award, the fourth highest civilian honor awarded by the Indian government. In addition to yoga, Porchon-Lynch is engaged in ballroom dancing. In 2016, she took part in the American show America's Got Talent, where she danced salsa with a 26-year-old partner.

At the end of March, it was reported about the oldest resident of Great Britain, who jokingly called the secret of his longevity "every kind of avoidance of death." According to the Briton, over the course of his life, the world has changed in order, but people, for the most part, have remained the same. He also noted the progress in means of transportation, which greatly simplified travel across countries.