God Horus - Miraculous Birth - Alternative View

God Horus - Miraculous Birth - Alternative View
God Horus - Miraculous Birth - Alternative View

Video: God Horus - Miraculous Birth - Alternative View

Video: God Horus - Miraculous Birth - Alternative View
Video: Miraculous Birth, Life & Teachings of Jesus (PBUH) | Shaykh Dr Musharraf Hussain Al Azhari 2024, July

The son of Osiris, the god Horus, was born under amazing and tragic circumstances. When Isis saw the chest enclosed in the column, she knelt in front of him, hugged him and sobbed bitterly. Realizing that Osiris and Isis were in front of them, Malacander and Astarte fell on their knees before her. Isis took the chest with her husband's body to the Nile and hid it from prying eyes. After that, she went to her sister Nephthys.

Nephthys was Seth's wife, but when everyone knew about his atrocities, Nephthys fled from him. Realizing that the angry husband would cruelly take revenge on her, Nephthys hid on a small island among the marshes and led a quiet life there with her son, the shakalog-headed god Anubis. Isis went to them. Her first desire was to mourn Osiris with her sister and bury him with honor.

The place where Isis left the chest was very quiet, and no one looked into this place except owls and bats. However, suddenly footsteps were heard in the swamp. Then, like two flaming embers, two red eyes flashed in the darkness. It was Seth, as if led by an evil spirit, went hunting. He loved to hunt at night, under the moon. The villain carried a sword on his belt and a spear in his hand.

Looking for a place where he could lie in wait for the hippopotamus and, grinning bloodthirsty, he rushed to the bushes and suddenly stumbled on the chest. At that moment, the moon came out from behind the cloud, and he saw glittering decorations.

- Hidden treasures! - Shouted Seth and greedily began to rub his hands. - Today I have the best hunt ever!

He struck the straps with his sword, threw back the lid and froze, recognizing the chest, which was once thrown into the river by his order. Coming into an indescribable rage and still feeling fear of the brother he had killed, he drew his sword and hacked the body of Osiris into many pieces, scattering them across Ta-Kemet.

In the morning Isis with Nephthys and Anubis came to the chest and saw a terrible sight.

As soon as Isis saw the blood on the grass, she immediately understood everything. The goddess closed the chest and quietly said:

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- Soon my son will be born - the Egyptian god Horus. He will become the avenger for his father.

- So let this day come sooner! Anubis exclaimed. - We need to collect the body of Osiris in parts, after which I can heal it with the help of medicinal herbs.

They immediately went in search. Anubis went through the desert, Nephthys - mountains, and Isis - swamps and rivers. The remains of Osiris were collected, after which Anubis spliced them and poured noble oils and potions on the god's body. Thus, the body of Osiris was buried with honors. Fourteen tombstones were installed by Isis and Nephthys in the Nile Valley in honor of Osiris. People, as predicted by Anubis, began to worship Osiris, remembering him as a good king. And the people hated Seth, the fratricide.

Seth did not realize that Osiris's body had been restored, but he learned that Isis had managed to bury her husband. That was enough to make the desert god furious. He ordered to seize Isis and imprison her. But his plans were not destined to come true: the god Thoth came to the aid of Isis. He helped her escape and hid her from her pursuers in the swamps of the Delta.

Soon, Isis gave birth to a son, whom she named Horus. Secretly from the evil Seth, Isis raised the baby, looking forward to the day when he grows up, avenges the villain for the murder of his father and ascends the throne of Ta-Kemet that legally belongs to him.

In the mornings, Isis fed the baby and hid him in a reed hut, after which she went to the village for food. In the evening she came back.

Many years passed, the god Horus grew up and became a handsome youth. He was strong and clever - now he could engage in single combat with Seth. But first, Horus decided to meet with his father Osiris, who is in the afterlife. There he became the ruler and judge of the dead.

Seeing the god Horus, Osiris said:

- My son! Are you ready to fight Seth? Think: he is as strong as few of the gods.

- Yes, I'm ready, father! - Horus answered with conviction, full of courage.

- If you are ready, then go and defeat Seth!

Such words were uttered by Osiris, after which, blessed his son for a great feat, he moved forever to the afterlife.