Mystical Fleur De Lis. Announcement. Part 1 - Alternative View

Mystical Fleur De Lis. Announcement. Part 1 - Alternative View
Mystical Fleur De Lis. Announcement. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Fleur De Lis. Announcement. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Fleur De Lis. Announcement. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: st fleur de lis Hype Video - Mystic 1 2024, July

Well, well, dear friends, I will report to you, the sign of Fleur de lis, in fact, turned out to be not at all as simple as I had thought at first. And truly mystical. Directly and indirectly connected with the great meta-meanings of our World, its fundamental principles, the Primordial Goddesses and the Primordial Gods. And the heraldic trail from which we began to get acquainted with the symbol, was highlighted in this host of large and small directions only as one of many multitudes.

The initial presentiment of something Fractal-Uroborus, that is, continuously branching into micro and macro, self-ringing and endlessly re-reflected in a system of mirrors, including magnificently curved ones with the most varied degrees of curvature, is confirmed at every step of the continuing following the mischievous glomerulus and its brothers …

Will I continue to unwind, with your permission? Who is still not tired of wandering in comprehending new, unexpectedly opening interlinear subtexts on the off-road of parallel spaces, concepts and interpretations, to wade through the dense tall grass of linguistic exercises, dates and names of historical figures, follow me! Alga, alga!

Or not? Tpruuuuuu! I hurried … I hope no one has yet reached supersonic speeds in half a second, and therefore did not hurt himself from a sudden stop. Of course, I'm wildly sorry, but I'll explain everything now! The point is this. All the same, before starting a gallop again, and even at a trot, you must first do one small, but very important preliminary work!

2. tangles
2. tangles

2. tangles.

As an announcement and prophylaxis against mold, let's shake out, friends, from a couple of fleur-de-lysis baskets, the glomeruli accumulated there, we will decompose for drying into beautiful intricate configurations. This will be our curtsy with Ouroboros in the direction of especially impatient readers, who are worried if we will miss something in our investigation. Dear ones, we love you, we care about your precious well-being, we try to take into account all requests and wishes!

Undoubtedly, and undoubtedly, they will simply definitely be considered, but preliminary contractual work has already been put into the plan and with might and main is going on, not only in the previously designated areas, such as: French court, but also other separate lines. Affecting, for example, the comparative characteristics of the flower row: Fleur de lis, like lily, iris, water lily, lotus, lulav, etlingera, orchid in general … And a few more interesting options. Of course - all with evidence from the fan club.

3. Flower row: lily, iris, water lily, lotus, lulav, etlingera
3. Flower row: lily, iris, water lily, lotus, lulav, etlingera

3. Flower row: lily, iris, water lily, lotus, lulav, etlingera.

Promotional video:

I hope that those who like to breathe flowers and fogs, adherents of a purely floristic version of the spicy-mysterious fleur from Fleur (wow, pun!), Will be interested in learning about other contenders from the world of plants for the role of a symbol, besides the stuffy-fragrant garden lily itself, moreover, consider them in all seriousness. And then exchange, if not seeds, then at least instructions - where to look and for germination.

Also very curious, in my opinion, is a series of instrumental and weaponry. All kinds of lances and Gallic darts. Copies of Destiny and the Sovereign sceptres. The entire line of tridents, starting, of course, with the most known copyright holders to us - the gods of the water element - Poseidon-Neptune, to whom the Merovingians are imposed in kinship, as well as the gods of the Indian pantheon, first of all, Shiva-Kali, whose trishuls in some of their parts are practically identical to the Greco-Roman designs and … our beloved fleurdeliz. For greater persuasiveness, pictures of quite old times will certainly be attached, clearly demonstrating the stages of the transition from simple tridents, such as a pitchfork, to graceful, lily-like ones.

4. Poseidon's trident; Trishula Shiva-Kali; Shiva with his Trishula
4. Poseidon's trident; Trishula Shiva-Kali; Shiva with his Trishula

4. Poseidon's trident; Trishula Shiva-Kali; Shiva with his Trishula.

Hatchets, lightning plasma emitters of Marduk, Adad Teshub, Inanna, Mithra, Cybele, Zeus-Jupiter, Indra, Vajrapani, Virakocha, Thor and Odin and many, many others from the Almighty clan, plus everything that can be attributed to superweapons of the Gods, their various devices-adaptations of properties unknown to us and the vajara principle - also belong here.

5. Marduk, Zeus, Odin - with their formidable devices ala fleur de liz; Vajara - with a hatchet attachment
5. Marduk, Zeus, Odin - with their formidable devices ala fleur de liz; Vajara - with a hatchet attachment

5. Marduk, Zeus, Odin - with their formidable devices ala fleur de liz; Vajara - with a hatchet attachment.

As well as other entertaining tools, including even the framing of keyholes, forged locks and bolts, for some reason so often found on various household and church utensils and numerous manor gates in the fleur-de-lis design.

6. Details of locks and bolts in traditional utensils and architecture
6. Details of locks and bolts in traditional utensils and architecture

6. Details of locks and bolts in traditional utensils and architecture.

And some other curious artifacts of antiquity, striking in their perfection and made, obviously, not only for contemplative appeal or because there was absolutely nothing to do on long winter evenings without the Internet and TV, but the left leg wanted it so.

Our close attention, looking for features of external similarity and meaningful correspondence, will also not elude in this instrumental and weaponry range and modern gadgets, such as a drill or, for example, a pulsating air-jet engine, a laser spark plug, strikingly reminiscent of cut and all the same sacred a la lily symbol … and the Jedi's lightsaber …

7. Detail of a medieval (TI) device of unknown properties; 8-10. Details of modern devices: Electromagnetic perforator; PUVRD - Pulsating air-jet engine; Laser spark plug for engine
7. Detail of a medieval (TI) device of unknown properties; 8-10. Details of modern devices: Electromagnetic perforator; PUVRD - Pulsating air-jet engine; Laser spark plug for engine

7. Detail of a medieval (TI) device of unknown properties; 8-10. Details of modern devices: Electromagnetic perforator; PUVRD - Pulsating air-jet engine; Laser spark plug for engine.

11-13. Hypersonic ramjet engine (scramjet engine); 14.wajra; 15-fragment
11-13. Hypersonic ramjet engine (scramjet engine); 14.wajra; 15-fragment

11-13. Hypersonic ramjet engine (scramjet engine); 14.wajra; 15-fragment.

16. Vajra is the principle of the weapon of Jedi Exar Kun and Indra
16. Vajra is the principle of the weapon of Jedi Exar Kun and Indra

16. Vajra is the principle of the weapon of Jedi Exar Kun and Indra.

We will devote a separate song to the similarity of the vajar proper and the lily sign … And then, from the examples of the vajar-delize tools of various uses, we will rush to the crowns. For they, in their part, are simply thickly adorned with the Fleur symbol or its truncated reproduction in the form of a sacred trefoil-clubs, and in part - an absolute, complete copy of the vajars with fleur inlays. Let's try to deal with this incident together. With some such fright, all the Lordships, Holiness and their Majesties needed not only to mark coats of arms, shields and banners, but also to plant it on their heads.

17. Grand Duke of Muscovy Alexei Mikhailovich in a 2-tiered special hat with "fleur-de-lis"
17. Grand Duke of Muscovy Alexei Mikhailovich in a 2-tiered special hat with "fleur-de-lis"

17. Grand Duke of Muscovy Alexei Mikhailovich in a 2-tiered special hat with "fleur-de-lis";

18. Small diamond crown of the British Queen Victoria; 19. Crown of the Bavarian Queen Bienne; 20. Coat of arms of the Jordanian Arab Legion, where the crown is a pure vajra, revealing the true energetic meaning of the original "Monomakh's cap" and the crowns nearby
18. Small diamond crown of the British Queen Victoria; 19. Crown of the Bavarian Queen Bienne; 20. Coat of arms of the Jordanian Arab Legion, where the crown is a pure vajra, revealing the true energetic meaning of the original "Monomakh's cap" and the crowns nearby

18. Small diamond crown of the British Queen Victoria; 19. Crown of the Bavarian Queen Bienne; 20. Coat of arms of the Jordanian Arab Legion, where the crown is a pure vajra, revealing the true energetic meaning of the original "Monomakh's cap" and the crowns nearby.

21. God Thoth (Dzhehuti ancient Greek θ) in a “fleur de lis” headdress. "Flower" of completion at rest; 22. Gods Thoth and Khnum (Thoth - Khnoum) in the process of man's creation. Active hats
21. God Thoth (Dzhehuti ancient Greek θ) in a “fleur de lis” headdress. "Flower" of completion at rest; 22. Gods Thoth and Khnum (Thoth - Khnoum) in the process of man's creation. Active hats

21. God Thoth (Dzhehuti ancient Greek θ) in a “fleur de lis” headdress. "Flower" of completion at rest; 22. Gods Thoth and Khnum (Thoth - Khnoum) in the process of man's creation. Active hats;

23. Pope Pius II. (1405-1464). On his headdress there are 4 rows of fleur de lises; 24. A fragment of the headdress of Pius II, illustrating the active stage of the form. 25. fragment of the painting with Pope Pius II. The small capital in the background is the fleur de lis form
23. Pope Pius II. (1405-1464). On his headdress there are 4 rows of fleur de lises; 24. A fragment of the headdress of Pius II, illustrating the active stage of the form. 25. fragment of the painting with Pope Pius II. The small capital in the background is the fleur de lis form

23. Pope Pius II. (1405-1464). On his headdress there are 4 rows of fleur de lises; 24. A fragment of the headdress of Pius II, illustrating the active stage of the form. 25. fragment of the painting with Pope Pius II. The small capital in the background is the fleur de lis form.

Here, probably, you will need to sit tightly on a penny, eat a pie while the little ball is resting, and on the devices of the Gods and other powers that be, make a serious excursion tour. Specially and scrupulously noting not only the external similarity of the same headdresses with the symbol under study, in whole, in details and particulars, but also, apparently, very complicated features and aspects acquired by the fact of similarity and presence. Exactly as in the case of tools and instruments, devices-adapters of the above and not listed. For there is such a suspicion, and it is quite possible that in the near future it will be confirmed that all these amazing properties that allow them to act as mental amplifiers, receivers, transmitters, energy storage capacitors, protective screens, cutters, incinerators and fuses,and who knows what else, are acquired precisely thanks to the form in question or its inclusions in …

For example, we all know that the spherical shape is the most capacious and at the same time energy-saving. Everything in the Universe in a state of rest and preservation of properties tends to this configuration. We ourselves, freezing, are in a breakdown, and it happens that just falling asleep, we strive to curl up into a ball. But how much do we know about the properties of other shapes and patterns? Especially difficult?

26. Live glomeruli
26. Live glomeruli

26. Live glomeruli.

“Everything is energy, vibration, harmony and dissonance of frequency; everything is geometry. " The ancients knew about this. That sacred geometric shapes are not just works of art. That their geometry is at the heart of life. And we all live in a geometrically regulated world, where many objects and processes have the property of "self-similarity", and the actions of the physical plane obey the laws of mathematics. Very interesting, intelligible and detailed about this is described in the book "Sacred Geometry", Neapolitansky SM, Matveev SA Institute of Metaphysics St. Petersburg 2004.

A lot of works on the topic of sacred geometry have been written: from the most ancient times to the present day. However, and unfortunately, despite this, the understanding of the processes taking place around us in most people, even those with higher education, not only does not come to the realization of the truly matrix and network comprehensiveness of mathematical and geometric connections of everything with everything, but even in the field of memories of the course school geometry, as a rule, does not extend beyond the simple list of primary figures, such as: point, circle, sphere, spiral, cube, square, triangle, pyramid. Well, maybe a couple more terms come to mind. The so-called Platonic solids only by name: octahedron, icosahedron, tetrahedron, hexahedron, dodecahedron - not everyone will immediately, without hesitation remember, pronounce, and so that the image appears before his eyes,yes, the number of facets-sides to name each, to correlate with the primary elements of the Universe … Honestly, this is still not an easy task for me.

What about you? Better, better? Well, well, let's conduct an experiment!

27. Five Platonic solids
27. Five Platonic solids

27. Five Platonic solids.

How many seconds did it take to recognize everyone by the line above carefully, but not in the order listed? And if the list had not preceded? That's the same … What can we say about more complex figures. Such as, for example, the one that is projected onto the plane, we associate with the fleur de lis symbol.


This mysterious figure, who has everywhere left its fleur-de-lis reprints, does not say much to us today and gives, except perhaps, aesthetic joy for the eyes and the feeling of something weighty, status, probably, was once natural and ordinary, like sugar cubes, and everything is cubic, now surrounding us, and so beloved by us, civilization in-cuba-tor-ia … After all, each of the forms of the Universe manifests itself and begins to actively influence all aspects of life in human reality if and only when we are ready for it in our awareness. The rest of the time it exists in a minimized form.

And, it is clear that in our investigation it will be impossible to pass by such a multivalued and powerful cut from the existence of this amazing form of Being, as that which reflects the ornamental tradition. We will consider her prints-prints on carpets and clothes, on household and sacred objects, in embroideries, appliqués, paintings and bas-reliefs, among a variety of peoples, very ancient and not too, scattered across all countries and continents, where the familiar outline and various variations on his subject simply abound. To disgrace. Moreover, even where no lilies, no irises, or even locusts were ever seen. Well, at least they cannot be found in these places today with fire during the day. And the royal bourbons never went there. At least the story is silent about it.

29-33. Kazakh ornament; Amur Nivkhs; Adyghe; Balkarian ornament; Altaic
29-33. Kazakh ornament; Amur Nivkhs; Adyghe; Balkarian ornament; Altaic

29-33. Kazakh ornament; Amur Nivkhs; Adyghe; Balkarian ornament; Altaic.

34. Azerbaijani ornament; 35.36. Mongolian ornament; 37. Kyrgyz; 38. African
34. Azerbaijani ornament; 35.36. Mongolian ornament; 37. Kyrgyz; 38. African

34. Azerbaijani ornament; 35.36. Mongolian ornament; 37. Kyrgyz; 38. African.

Carefully peering into ornamental patterns, outlandish weaves, we are suddenly surprised to find that some of the patterns have been adopted by such serious organizations as knightly orders. For example, the Spanish Orders of Calatrava and Alcantara.

39.40. Fragments of Kyrgyz ornament; 41. Cross of the Order of Calatrava; 42. Cross of the Order of Alcantara. What's in a name? Here is the mark on the lace
39.40. Fragments of Kyrgyz ornament; 41. Cross of the Order of Calatrava; 42. Cross of the Order of Alcantara. What's in a name? Here is the mark on the lace

39.40. Fragments of Kyrgyz ornament; 41. Cross of the Order of Calatrava; 42. Cross of the Order of Alcantara. What's in a name? Here is the mark on the lace!

It would seem, how can you tie the Kyrgyz warriors and the Spanish knights? We look at the map. Where is Kyrgyzstan? And how many kilometers will it be to Spain? Without removing the assumption of the once One State from the agenda, I still dare to imagine once again what connects them with that property of form, which recently actively manifested itself and which everyone knew at that time. As we know today about the properties of the wheel, fire, water, something like that. Or … There is a hint of patronage. Of the Supreme Law. Powerful primordial power.

Everything is simple and complex at the same time. After all, this is only for us, representatives of the technical era, super-ethnic groups and megacities, who have completely forgotten how to read in folk ornaments that multi-layered information about belonging to a Family, tribe, caste, professional guild, much more, all the surrounding signs, paintings on canvases, objects, etc. the walls are dumb. And our ancestors quite recently grabbed them, throwing even a fleeting glance at the embroidery that adorns everyone, speaks about him without further ado, and at the same time protects the owner. The simplest signs - belonging to knightly, military formations, special units, organizations, and we still find out, highlight on purpose, although we no longer remember about their protective function … So we say, sealing with words - insignia …

Well, signs are signs. Why, that's fleur de liz again! Let's figure it out together as it should. Why Spiritual Knightly Orders? Why does the scout movement all over the world? Even in Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.

43. Signs of the scout movement
43. Signs of the scout movement

43. Signs of the scout movement.

Why the Russian Public Movement “Revival. Golden Age , created by Nikolai Levashov, also identified itself as a golden lily as an emblem? The participants in the movement, however, argue that this is not a lily at all, but a stylized image of a very rare herb that possessed unique healing properties and in ancient times was a fighting symbol of the Slavs-Aryans (Source). But is it really so? And is it only in the magic grass that the dog rummaged?

What about Aman, Israel's military intelligence? A division of the General Staff Sayeret Matkal? Under the torture of ayahuasca the representatives will tell us about what cheerful grass that served as the prototype for the emblems of these valiant organizations? The emblem of the Priory of Zion is still circulating on the Internet. But with a cavalry swoop, little was learned about her. Either a fantastic, invented, or a hidden organization that went underground.

44. The emblem of the Russian Social Movement; 45. Aman-Ha'man; 46. Sayeret Matkal; 47. Priory of Zion
44. The emblem of the Russian Social Movement; 45. Aman-Ha'man; 46. Sayeret Matkal; 47. Priory of Zion

44. The emblem of the Russian Social Movement; 45. Aman-Ha'man; 46. Sayeret Matkal; 47. Priory of Zion.

Do you feel what kind of plowing of the plow is ahead of us? Not like - from the fence to lunch. Will be where and when to walk around with balls.

And having dabbled in a lot, together with the hostess of the cycle of articles "Crosses and Lilies" in 17 parts, mischievous Babka Yozhka and her beloved cat, Yoshkin, respectively, that I was personally taken to the comparative rows of ornaments and orders, and not only on them, let us turn to the actual cross theme. Let's delve into it with a big daring company.

The sin will pass by the beloved Fleurchik, reflected in such a powerful symbol of Faith as the cross, including in its worn version, with all the attendant and consequential.

48. Slavic lily-krina; Pectoral crosses: 49. Ukraine. Khortytsya; 50. Vologda region; 51. Vladimir region., Vyaznikovsky district; 52. Crooked cross of korsuchik; 53. Ethiopian pectoral cross
48. Slavic lily-krina; Pectoral crosses: 49. Ukraine. Khortytsya; 50. Vologda region; 51. Vladimir region., Vyaznikovsky district; 52. Crooked cross of korsuchik; 53. Ethiopian pectoral cross

48. Slavic lily-krina; Pectoral crosses: 49. Ukraine. Khortytsya; 50. Vologda region; 51. Vladimir region., Vyaznikovsky district; 52. Crooked cross of korsuchik; 53. Ethiopian pectoral cross.

54. Bulgarian embroidery; 55. Slavic curved pectoral cross of the Nestorians; 56. South Peruvian cross. Inca ceramics; 57. Coat of arms of the Teutonic Order; 58. Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek. Lily cross of the stained-glass window of an Orthodox church
54. Bulgarian embroidery; 55. Slavic curved pectoral cross of the Nestorians; 56. South Peruvian cross. Inca ceramics; 57. Coat of arms of the Teutonic Order; 58. Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek. Lily cross of the stained-glass window of an Orthodox church

54. Bulgarian embroidery; 55. Slavic curved pectoral cross of the Nestorians; 56. South Peruvian cross. Inca ceramics; 57. Coat of arms of the Teutonic Order; 58. Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek. Lily cross of the stained-glass window of an Orthodox church.

59. Nakupolny crosses
59. Nakupolny crosses

59. Nakupolny crosses.

60.61. Cross of St. Thomas - symbol of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. (India, USA, Canada, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia); 62.63. Turkey. Mardin. Saffron monastery of the Assyrian Nestorian church of the east.; 64. Ethiopia. Lalibela. Church of St. George, 645 kilometers from the capital Addis Ababa
60.61. Cross of St. Thomas - symbol of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. (India, USA, Canada, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia); 62.63. Turkey. Mardin. Saffron monastery of the Assyrian Nestorian church of the east.; 64. Ethiopia. Lalibela. Church of St. George, 645 kilometers from the capital Addis Ababa

60.61. Cross of St. Thomas - symbol of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. (India, USA, Canada, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia); 62.63. Turkey. Mardin. Saffron monastery of the Assyrian Nestorian church of the east.; 64. Ethiopia. Lalibela. Church of St. George, 645 kilometers from the capital Addis Ababa.

And where the symbol of Faith is, there is the whole bush … of legends, the relationship of the prototypes of the lily symbol: with the Mother of God, angels, archangels, saints, betrotheds, God's anointed, high priests … Meanings. Let's talk again about what is primary and what is secondary. About the Arians and Nestorians, Thomas the unbeliever, the Apocrypha and heresies, about the areas of distribution of fleurdelisian crosses and how they would come from in such vast territories.

In this conversation, there will be a place for Oriflamme, and for the symbols of the Bourbons on the icons of the countries they are not familiar with. And also to the dove, bringing the divine ointment to be poured on the crowned ones - God's anointed so that no one would say later that there is not enough oil in their heads. I don’t know how you are with that, dear readers. And I personally have long been bothered by the question, why, in fact, after the anointing procedure, the prefix "Christ" is not added to the list of royal regalia? Why do they continue to customarily call them simply Louis, Francis, Karl, that is, as they were called before, but about the fact that they are now also Christ - not a gugu. A conspiracy of silence! Well, perhaps a new serial number will be imputed. Or instead of Sofia Frederika, Augusta will begin to be called Ekaterina Alekseevna. And call Karl Peter Ulrich Fyodorovich.

But maybe it just doesn't sound in Russian, is omitted, and all foreigners know, unlike us, Russians, that if the French king, then he and Christ at once? Why are there French kings, even though they have been promoting the idea of their prerogative before others since the time of the legendary Clovis, their oil, you see, is not like everyone else's. All who are called anointed are, at the same time, Christs. Because this is not a proper name, as many are used to thinking.

In fact, the word "Christ" is translated from Greek and means "Anointed One."

I think that while unwinding the ball in the direction of "fleur de lis and church dogmas", it will not be possible to go around this reef. As well as the questions of the origin of biblical, evangelical lists. I suspect and look forward to surprise on surprise again.

Here, for example, I found a most interesting icon while running around with a greyhound across the Internet. All in fleur de lises. So far, only one such. I read:

65, 66. Czestochowa Black Madonna
65, 66. Czestochowa Black Madonna

65, 66. Czestochowa Black Madonna.

And stop right away! Who, you say, was written by? By the Evangelist Luke himself? When did Luke live? What good times? Tradition dates the creation of the Gospel of Luke to the 60s of the 1st century. Forgive me, but what about our Merovingian Clovis and his visions of languid angels in lilies, according to the same TI, before the battle already at the end of the 5th? …….

But we have an announcement today. Just an announcement. Dry the balls and roll them up again. All disclosures of the topic, as far as the Universe will allow us, - later, in articles specially devoted to the aforementioned issues.

Yes! We haven't finished yet about the dove. Having touched on only one aspect of the topic - about spruce, I went into a lyrical, albeit important, digression, and I almost forgot to say that just as there is a floral proto-row from which a fleur-delis symbol is derived, and a tightly knocked down column of adherents this version, there are many fans and the bird version. Where the dove comes into close contact with the first-dart, the falcon-Rarog, Phoenix (aka Ra, which symbolizes rebirth from the ashes, and all WHITE light), a symbol of the direct Divine control of the RoK bird, and several more curious characters. In my opinion, both from the point of view of design input-output and multiple senses - this option is quite competitive. More than even.

67, 68. Turkey. Mardin. Saffron monastery. Altar
67, 68. Turkey. Mardin. Saffron monastery. Altar

67, 68. Turkey. Mardin. Saffron monastery. Altar;

69.70. Military official of the Tang Dynasty (730 AD) found in 2001, Gansu Qingchengshan Zhao Zi village of Mutai
69.70. Military official of the Tang Dynasty (730 AD) found in 2001, Gansu Qingchengshan Zhao Zi village of Mutai

69.70. Military official of the Tang Dynasty (730 AD) found in 2001, Gansu Qingchengshan Zhao Zi village of Mutai.

71. Jewish Shekel. Yehud - province of the New Babylonian kingdom in Eretz Yisrael. IV century BC; 72. Mountain Altai. Pyzyryk culture; 73. Iliro-Albanian artifacts
71. Jewish Shekel. Yehud - province of the New Babylonian kingdom in Eretz Yisrael. IV century BC; 72. Mountain Altai. Pyzyryk culture; 73. Iliro-Albanian artifacts

71. Jewish Shekel. Yehud - province of the New Babylonian kingdom in Eretz Yisrael. IV century BC; 72. Mountain Altai. Pyzyryk culture; 73. Iliro-Albanian artifacts.

74. INDONESIE. found in Sandur village Bali. XV century; 75. El Museo del oro y la leyenda de & quot; El Dorado & quot; / Bogotá / COLOMBIA. Viajes Erráticos; 76. Scythian jewelry; 77. Podveska from Novgorod with the sign of Rurikovich; 78. Sweden. Brooch from Uppokra
74. INDONESIE. found in Sandur village Bali. XV century; 75. El Museo del oro y la leyenda de & quot; El Dorado & quot; / Bogotá / COLOMBIA. Viajes Erráticos; 76. Scythian jewelry; 77. Podveska from Novgorod with the sign of Rurikovich; 78. Sweden. Brooch from Uppokra

74. INDONESIE. found in Sandur village Bali. XV century; 75. El Museo del oro y la leyenda de & quot; El Dorado & quot; / Bogotá / COLOMBIA. Viajes Erráticos; 76. Scythian jewelry; 77. Podveska from Novgorod with the sign of Rurikovich; 78. Sweden. Brooch from Uppokra.

That is, the themes of the creation of the World and the world, wings and flights, the possible connection with them of our symbol, Uroborus and I will certainly pay due attention. After all, I repeat, in order to become a sign for all times and peoples (and that this was exactly the case, I hope I have already managed to convince even the most distrustful ones), the prototype must make the maximum impression, be spectacular to the point of shivering, terribly, or very useful. Well, simply, to the maximum.

Eh …

"I wonder at the sky that I wonder what I haven’t squeezed, what have I not lit?.."

Continued: Part 2

Author: FreiTana