The Essence Of Money As A Surrogate For Happiness - Alternative View

The Essence Of Money As A Surrogate For Happiness - Alternative View
The Essence Of Money As A Surrogate For Happiness - Alternative View

Video: The Essence Of Money As A Surrogate For Happiness - Alternative View

Video: The Essence Of Money As A Surrogate For Happiness - Alternative View
Video: Бессмертие. Искусственный интеллект, пересадка головы, технологии клонирования и крионики 2024, September

problems, and make you happy. And even when a person realizes that true values are immaterial, he still has many doubts. Almost all of us seem to agree that money is not happiness, but in most of life's most important decisions, we continue to view money as the main reference point. What's the catch?

I recently watched the feature film Imaginarium and learned that during filming, the lead actor Heath Ledger had died. Subsequently, his role was played out: Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell. Some believe that Heath Ledger's death was caused by an overdose of antidepressants. Others talk about deliberate suicide. Today I read another sad news that the famous fashion designer Alex McQueen, recognized as the best designer of British fashion four times, hanged himself for essentially a similar reason. He also suffered from depression. I don't think these people had money problems.

The question that I wanted to raise in this article can be expressed as follows: why youth, health, a good profession, fame and wealth, which everyone aspires to, do not in themselves give satisfaction with life? Why do people who have achieved success and have made a lot of money sometimes end up so sad?

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The answer to this question may sound simple and obvious, but it is not so easy to understand: true satisfaction with life lies in something other than superficial material goods. No matter how much we chase happiness in the outside world, its horizon continues to move away in proportion to the speed of our attempts to achieve and capture it. I do not call for quitting work, throwing money away and spitting on health. I agree that material wealth and a healthy body are essential building blocks in a home of well-being. But the foundation of this house lies deeper, therefore, it is hidden from the gaze of the layman, who believes that money will make him happy.

Money is the equivalent of the value of a commodity. Money itself is an emptiness, a convention that we use to facilitate the exchange of our labor for the goods necessary for our life. This is a collective convention. We have pledged to believe in the value of money in order to maintain the state monopoly. There is nothing wrong with that. It's just convenient. And the bad begins where self-deception arises. Can money buy everything?

If you do not become like Shura, who was sure that for complete happiness he needed six thousand four hundred rubles, then one can understand that only secondary benefits can be paid for with money, which in themselves, apart from the personality, cannot carry any ultimate satisfaction. And the closer the “commodity” that we are trying to measure in money, to our essence, to what is really important, the less likely it is that money will somehow cover and compensate for it. We cannot buy ourselves health and youth, another body, new personality traits, rationality, intelligence, clarity, and most importantly, life experience. We cannot sell and redeem our own soul. True values are assessed differently.

Everything really important is contained in our psychic essence. Joy and satisfaction are not objects, but emotional experiences that depend only to a relative extent on external conditions. There are a number of articles on this topic on under the tag "projections". The better we understand who we are, what we are, the deeper we realize our real needs, the closer we are to living our own life in the best possible way. And if they offered me: "Buddy, let us give you a hundred million dollars, but in return we will take everything that you have experienced and understood over the past ten years?" Guess what the answer would be?

The level of awareness that I have managed to achieve is not enough to consider myself a spiritually advanced person, but still I understand that holiness is not in vain regarded as the highest good. After all, only in a state of spiritual harmony do we accept life. This is a psychological axiom. Acceptance of life is not some kind of passive apathy. Awareness in creative movement is aerobatics. By showing awareness and sensitivity in what is happening at the present moment in life, we do the best we can.

Happiness and life satisfaction are revealed in self-discovery. Our true nature is life in the here and now. The greater the stress in trying to achieve something in the future, the further away we are from ourselves. No matter how much we avoid the present, we always remain in this intimate gap between the past and the future. Tension creates tension. There is nothing more obvious. Relaxation gives rest and tranquility. When we gain the ability to accept the present, then we will feel true satisfaction with life. And this ability manifests itself when the mind is calm, the conscience is clear, the delusions of the fussy mind are exposed, and does not excite the consciousness when every gesture and movement of the mind is controlled by heat. That is, in the end, happiness is not found in money, but only through harmony in one's own soul.