Flying In A Dream - Alternative View

Flying In A Dream - Alternative View
Flying In A Dream - Alternative View

Video: Flying In A Dream - Alternative View

Video: Flying In A Dream - Alternative View
Video: What Do Dreams About Flying Mean? - Flying Dream Meanings and Interpretation - Dream Meaning 2024, September

Before talking about UFOs, I want to state my attitude towards the media. The fact is that until the recent burrows, I had to be very skeptical about certain curious reports in the press. Only at the end of 1989, when reports on noospheric phenomena began to be published (Trud newspaper, Around the world magazine), I had to change my skepticism to a surprise. Somewhere else in 1968, I came across a youth magazine, either "Technics for Youth", or "Smena".

It contained a lengthy article entitled "Why is there no vodka on the moon?" On five pages, it was proved in small, small print that the rivers of moonshine flow on the moon and that brew lakes stand untouched.

The names and surnames of some scientific workers were mentioned, who proved the phenomenon as real. Of course, I did not have to have anything to do with the press, which is why I developed a distrust of any sensational surprises.

Only such articles as "Kharovskaya landing", "Jiva's tricks", "Every day with miracles" finally convinced me of the competence of such messages. These messages not only convinced me of the reliability, but also somewhat alarmed. They were alarmed, because, judging by the content of the messages, I myself have to do with noospheric phenomena.

The fact is that since 1984 I have been collecting information for the text "The Lay of Igor's Campaign." This is a well-known work. I think that I can easily navigate the text, I am ready to prove my case on the spot. It is difficult for me to believe in this sense any of my interlocutors, if you do not bear in mind the source that I use as information.


I am familiar with the text of the Lay from V. Chivilikhin's book Memory. I had to think about it after reading familiar names. Chivilikhin had in mind the names of Russian places and regiments of Ancient Rus far in the north, but they were familiar to me from the Krasnodar Territory, in the vicinity of the cities of Apsheronsk and Neftegorsk. All this was preceded by an unusual meeting with unusual people. Unusual in the sense of unearthly.

The main meeting took place long before my interest in the Lay in 1968. At that time I worked in the city of Tashkent as a construction worker. Midsummer howled. The days were hot. The walls of the brick house in which my family lived became so hot during the day that the heat did not subside even at night.

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As today, I remember, that evening I had to go to bed, completely without covering myself with anything. He slept on his back, spreading his arms and legs to the sides. After a hard day at work, I slept without dreams. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he woke up in his village of Karachinsk in the North Caucasus. When I opened my eyes, I saw quite clearly the familiar landscape on the outskirts of our village.

It's hard to say if it was a dream or reality. There was a starry sky, and my shoulders and arms were cold from the coolness of the night. Feeling the coolness of the night, I did not feel my body at all. I saw a man in front of me. He was sitting in the very place where a stone statue had been located many years ago, which was later dug by a bulldozer into a pond dam.


I believe that it was about him that the author of the Lay mentioned: “Tmutarakan idiot” and “we are silkworming”, since it very much resembles the outline of the head of a knight in a helmet. According to the meaning in the text of the work, the author wrote it, sitting next to this ancient monument. Remember: “… for you too, Tmutarakan fool”… Although it was completely dark, it was visible, as if by touch, that is, telepathically.

The man was sitting on the ground with his left leg tucked under him. Right leg in a bent standing position. His right hand rested on this leg. This man was strange, both in himself and in his clothes. The face is somewhat elongated, narrowed downwards, the features of a primordially Russian person were determined. It clearly resembles the face of the artist playing the role of Alexander Nevsky, except for the peculiarities of the nose. The nose is thin, very long, but does not protrude forward.

Its upper part clearly passes into the frontal part without a notch or hump. The eyes are set closer to each other than our usual distance. The mouth is small. The lips are thin. He is dressed in chain mail, which was worn by Russian soldiers in the Middle Ages - solid rings.

For my part, I want to note that I had nothing to do with chain mail before. There was a helmet on his head. A protective cape, also made of rings, hung directly on the back of the helmet. In his right hand he held gloves, a means of Defense in battle. Time was given to me to take a good look at it. For some reason I really wanted to see my legs.

After a while, the man turned his head and looked me straight in the face with a strong, willed look. His eyebrows frowned, and black rays seemed to spray out of his eyes. It was perfectly clear that these rays were black, and they hit me right on my head. The feeling was that sand fell on my head, and the sound sensation was like burning "sparklers".


All this lasted for about a second, then all the visions disappeared, and I spoke. He talked about his invention. It seemed to me that he spoke for a long time, detailing his idea. In everyday life at that moment I was far from inventing. At the end of the presentation, the clear words of this person were heard. At the same time he disappeared. Only a few words were said in pure Russian, and so clearly that even breathing was heard: "We no longer need all this."

I was in the same place. Night, stars, old landscape. Only this person was not there, although the feeling was that he was near. And suddenly a vision appeared over the forest - the outlines of the city … Domes, spiers, just roofs. His words had to be understood in such a way that the civilization to which this person belongs no longer needs such cities. The invention outlined by me belonged to the category of urban planning.

The next unusual vision was from the same point, but in a different direction. It should be recalled that all this time I am in a kind of numbness, in the power of this person. I can’t even think on my own except for what is kind of allowed for me. My gaze was moved from the northwest to the northeast.

About twenty meters from me I saw the unit. Rather, not the unit, but the engine of the unit. Uncovered, opened, as at the stand. I see rotating parts. I understand it not with my imagination, but as if from the position of a capo of someone else, that is, I want to say that I am no longer me, but someone else.

The unit looked like a round ball about two meters in diameter. Like a globe of the globe, it was divided by meridians by vertical lines. Along these lines, at least six pieces (no more than) were placed hemispheres (this is my name) no larger than a goose egg. It's no more than a goose egg.


It is a lightweight material like our stanioli, made in the form of a goose egg with impellers adapted to rotate from the slightest movement of air or a stream of gas. To make my explanation clearer, let me remind you of one article in the Trud newspaper, because what I want to explain on this page is unsubstantiated.

The newspaper for September 16, 1989 has an article "Every day with miracles." There we are talking about some strange ball that burned up in space in a semi-suspended state. As material evidence, some unknown radiation, a grid made by a high-tech unearthly method, traces of magnetized silicon remained from this ball.

When I read this article, I immediately remembered a dream in the 68th year. Not only the dream was recalled, but also the device of the unit seen then. It was the article in Truda that triggered recollection.

These "hemispheres" rotated in a silicon base, repeatedly mixing a stream of gas in a strong magnetic field. Somehow I do not want to delve into a more detailed explanation of the unit's device, but I should dwell on the magnetized silicon mentioned in the article.

In this case, the magnetized silicon turns out to be magnetized not because it is a necessity, but because silicon has been in a strong magnetic field for a long time. In this situation, many non-magnetic materials can be magnetized.

I do not want to bring to the attention of the reader detailed information about the device of this unit, but the fact that I am in some other image and my thoughts are intercepted by some information from the way of thinking of another person.