The Nature Of Reality Through The Eyes Of Astral Travelers - Alternative View

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The Nature Of Reality Through The Eyes Of Astral Travelers - Alternative View
The Nature Of Reality Through The Eyes Of Astral Travelers - Alternative View

Video: The Nature Of Reality Through The Eyes Of Astral Travelers - Alternative View

Video: The Nature Of Reality Through The Eyes Of Astral Travelers - Alternative View
Video: How To Lucid Dream - Explained | Behind Her Eyes 2024, September

Want to know who you really are? Why were you born here and at this time? What is happening around you and your life in particular? What awaits you after this life? What is the essence of Reality?

Here is published a very interesting, global and sobering material, which can be safely called the most powerful package of knowledge at the moment. Before you is the Matrix as it is.

Ocean of the Universe and Medusa-Logoi

So, in order to describe what is happening around us, we will use another well-known metaphor: the Ocean of the Universe. Inhabiting this Ocean are beautiful creatures woven from Reason (information) and Energy, let's call them “Medusa-Sub-Logoi”. Oddly enough, people observing them (during astral exits) see them in an image very reminiscent of a jellyfish.


Although, there is nothing strange here, if you look at it. Here it is, in front of you, admire it. This being is actually a portrait of your Higher Self (Higher Soul), of which you are now one of the incarnations, in this life, in the reality of 3rd Density.


Promotional video:

Higher Souls and their incarnations

And above, you see an image made by the artist - the co-author of the materials of "Matrix V" according to the descriptions of everything seen in the astral exits. These are the Higher Souls who go through the Cycle of Gaining Experience in one of the 3rd Density realities. We can say they "feed". Their food is acquired and conscious experience. And you personally are now one of the most subtle, most complex and interesting “organs” of this Being: its “tentacle”, which, in fact, collects the most valuable experience of self-awareness, plunging into Density and passing through the “Games” of thought forms. Take a look at this picture.

Try to contemplate it. What internal response does it evoke in you? Notice, from the "jellyfish" itself, a thread also stretches up. It transcendentally leads to higher, “larger” Collective Souls-Logoi, whose “tentacles” in turn are these Logoi, but which these latter will become later on. (This is the essence of transcendence - becoming, self-association, from small to large).

And so on, up to the very Primary Logos - our One Infinite Creator. Basically, almost always, when we pray to “God”, our prayer is directed to our Higher Soul, - our Guide and Sub-Logos.

Some prayers are directed to the Center - to the One Infinite Creator (Almighty), who is present in Everything. Prayer is our communication with the Supreme Soul, as well as with the One. When “feeding on experience” by “descending” their tentacle-incarnations into lower Densities, these Hyper-Medusa (Higher Souls) use one of two ways:

- The Way of Synchronous Incarnations (many incarnations at the same time, fast Cycle).

- The Way of Singular Incarnations (only one incarnation, slow Cycle).

- The path of the Spirit of Nature (various manifestations of the natural world, the Higher Self of the planetary body of the Earth (in the book "Matrix 5" is discussed only indirectly).

The Higher Souls themselves are several densities higher than their incarnations / incarnations. If you are now on 3rd density (and after dying you get into the 4th, astral), then your Higher Soul is most likely located

on the 5th.


The Higher Souls begin to collect experience gradually, first incarnating into the Spirit of Nature, then mastering Successive incarnations, and only then, upon acquiring sufficient “basic experience,” some of them dare to the cycle of Simultaneous incarnations.

This cycle allows you to collect experience many, many times faster. However, for this, again, a certain maturity of the Supreme Soul is required, for not all of them are capable of processing so many streams simultaneously. The Path of Synchronous Incarnations is shown schematically in the previous picture.

In it, the Medusa-Logos (Supreme Soul) uses many "threads" at once - incarnations, whose individuals live Synchronously (in parallel) in different periods of planetary density.

Incarnations are scattered in time, but they are present in parallel in all layers (since the linearity of time is illusory). Time itself can be compared to a “spiral roll” or a reel of tape.

In the Synchronous Cycle, Medusa-Logos launches many “tentacles” at once into all “sectors” of the coiled time coil, and, as it were, “scans” the entire content of the “spiral” at a time. As already mentioned, this is many times more difficult, but it gives a very quick result.

A CD analogy: Imagine that instead of one laser reading beam, a turntable has several thousand that can read the entire disc in a few seconds. Not all Higher Souls immediately dare to use this method.

Only experienced, courageous and once already tried the Sequential Reading Cycle (see its description below). Individuals incarnating in the Synchronous Cycle usually do not remember their “other” incarnations, and their task is to get as varied experience as possible, balancing between the Polarities.

At the same time, the experience of some incarnations will be “low” (rough vibrations, prevalence of negativity, service to oneself, etc.), while for others it will be “high” (high spiritual vibrations, positive orientation, service to others, etc.).

It takes many thousands of incarnations to gain enough experience. Whichever way of life you choose - trust your Higher Soul. She knows what kind of experience you came for this time. Whatever incarnation you are, and whatever your path may be, know that you will still eventually return to the realization of yourself as the Supreme Soul. The incarnations of the Supreme Soul passing through the Synchronous cycle are usually located in different epochs of time.

However, the Final Incarnation (which completes the cycle) is not necessarily in the Final of the 3rd Density Game. For example, one of the basic (collecting rough experience) incarnations may be in the Final of the Game, and the Final incarnation - somewhere in ancient Greece or Babylon.

But one way or another, information from one incarnation is transmitted instantly to the rest, through the Supreme Soul. Therefore, now, when you are reading this text, all incarnations of your Higher Soul, wherever they are, receive (at least unconsciously) the same information.

Hence dreams, deja-vu and other "through-breaks" of the signal. In the Final stage (when the cycle of the Game comes to an end) it happens that the incarnations of the same Supreme Soul live at the same time.

Some people meet their incarnations, while not always realizing who they see in front of them.

Humanity now basically is the incarnation of the Higher Souls passing through such Synchronous Cycles. Everyone needs experience! There is no “unnecessary” or “wasted” experience.

In this sense, Medusa-Logos is “omnivorous”. Therefore, incarnations do not in fact have "mistakes" only delay. But the whole experience goes for the future. The Penultimate and the Last Incarnations complete the Cycle, and the Last Incarnation itself transcendentally identifies itself with the Higher Self (in fact, it becomes Medusa-Logos).

Usually the Last Incarnations are enlightenment, going beyond the ordinary understanding, gradual exit from the Game. Finishing the Cycle, Medusa-Logos ascends into the higher “Spheres of the Ocean” (octaves of Densities), never seen before.

Actually now on the Earth many Logoi, walking along the Parallel Cycle, are just finishing their Cycle of Gaining Experience. You all notice from your own experience that all sorts of intrigues are built by the Synchronous in the Game. This is the essence of the Game.

To clarify the "competition" it should now be said about the Singular Cycle. With him, Medusa-Logos releases only one “thread”, and the experience is “read” by it for a long time (one incarnation, singularly), along the gradual “unwinding” of the spiral-time, one incarnation at a time. In the picture you can see an image of this mechanism through the eyes of an artist who contemplated these things during astral exits.

Note that individuals who incarnate in this way are rarely born human. For the most part, these are "alien" entities, or human geeks born with phenomenal abilities, or the memory of all previous incarnations.

We can say that these Higher Souls are relatively young, and their information processing abilities are not yet the same as those of adults, experienced Higher Souls. Therefore, they do not yet like to “take risks”.

In fact, the essence of the Game that we see around us in this Density is the “mutual acquisition” of experience by different Medusa-Logoi with the help of their “threads” -incarnations. In other words, here, in this Density, Medusa-Logoi (Higher Souls), both Parallel and Sequential, “feed”.

There are many, many times less Synchronous Higher Souls than Singular. (Due to the fact that Synchronous Reading requires a certain maturity as well as courage). At the same time, their interaction is perceived by us in 3rd density as a paradox:

The singulars essentially HELP the Synchronous to gain experience, HINDERING them to complete the Cycle, and building all sorts of intrigues, THANKS TO WHICH Synchronous gain experience faster. Do you catch all the irony of this paradox? In light of this “insider's” word about the sacrifice they made by making Negativity, it doesn't look so absurd.


Here, however, the Polarities play an important role, and how the Higher Souls of both "teams" operate with them. In short, extreme Polarities, both negative and positive, are beneficial only to Successive incarnations that survive in swarms, in bulk.

Any tyrant dictator and any "lightworker" does an equally effective job for the Successive, swinging Polarities to the extreme. Simultaneous live by the "synthesis" of two polarities into a single Balance. In this case, one should not confuse Yin and Yang with true Balance.

Now, about the situation on Earth, we can only say that all efforts to “unite” humanity into one global state with a single government, to create a Unified World Order are the efforts of Singular Entities (which on Earth need a Swarm Order, not an Individual) to prevent so that the Higher Souls could pass on the Earth the Synchronous Cycle of reading experience.

The only thing that they do not take into account is that it is already too late, and the Higher Souls, passing the Synchronous Path, will soon end the Game, moving to higher densities, leaving the Singulars to play out their "long history". By the way, the notorious "insider" is a representative of these, alien, Singular entities.

The fact is that there are Singular entities with a very remarkable mental strength, which are very good at making Replications (“virtual” copies) of Densities and Matrices within the Octave. Actually, we live in such a Matrix. (Remember how the first “insider” said: “Are you sure you live on the planet you think you are?”) It is designed after the model of the real one, but in fact it is a fake.

Likewise, the astral traveler can instead of the Original slip a copy (replica), for example, of the 4th Density, or even the 5th. Up to the 12th. Well, we all know biblical stories about how the “evil one” is good at imitating even “angelic” characteristics, with all the ensuing sensations for his chosen “goal”. Therefore, you should be extremely careful.

This is part of the Game, and part of the training in the process of becoming the Supreme Soul. Replicators cannot create, but only copy. And SubLogos - they know how to create. Therefore, people are so often now reminded: remember who you are.

The Art of Being Simultaneous

Translation of the whole book “Matrix 5 ″ is quite time consuming, and time is running out. Translating it in its entirety, in principle, is not even entirely advisable: the book is a very chaotic collection of notes that can be grouped by main topics, and 4-5 topics will be published.

Each of these topics contains key information that is relevant to the direct practice of life. Therefore, I will publish a "squeeze" from the articles I have read, in which I will present just practically important information.

Who is this information for

We usually measure the success of our lives by the degree of success, comfort and satisfaction of various needs. The book "Matrix 5" focuses on a different perspective and a different gradation: the degree of development of your incarnation (incarnation) on this planet.

This is mainly expressed in how the bodily aspects / values prevail over the spiritual, and vice versa. By (semi-conditional) gradation, the author divides people into incarnations of the lower levels, middle levels, upper levels, and the Final (as well as the Awakened Final) incarnation / incarnation.

How fascinated are you with the process of interaction with the outside world, society? How important is the recognition of others, position in society, status for you?

How fascinated are you with the technological possibilities of this world, including for creativity?

How seriously do you take events in the visible world around you?

Do you sometimes (or often) feel that everything that happens is the essence of the Game?

Does it ever happen that you feel a latent desire not to participate in the events of life, but only to observe them?

By answering such questions to yourself (just honestly), you can roughly determine where you are in the perspective of incarnations. The Matrix 5 materials are primarily targeted at Final Incarnations. Usually these are people who feel (at first - unconsciously) their deep growing desire to “move away” from the Game, to stop getting carried away by its various aspects.

Over time, such people become increasingly aware of the “fake” of what is happening; although they have to play, each time they "plunge" into the next round of the Game, they internally "frown" from a heartfelt unwillingness to do all this more.

Whoever read the famous novel by Selinger "The Catcher in the Rye" remembers how the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, describes his perception: he latently sees and feels how everything around only seems real, in fact it is thoroughly saturated with falsehood, pretense and absurdity. These are typical signs of the Final Incarnation, preparation for exiting the Game: all the experience on 3rd density has already been collected, and the Supreme Soul is preparing to end the Game in order to move to much higher densities.

In fact, Holden Caulfield's further life will certainly lead him to an epiphany, and his Higher Self will provide him with all the ways and levers to realize himself, with the subsequent completion of the Game. The Middle and Lower Middle Incarnations, reading this text, are likely to misinterpret everything, resent, pour accusations and criticism. This is normal. Therefore, if you are passionate about the Game - look for other texts, allow yourself to live as your Higher Self now tells you.

In other words, do not lead yourself astray if you firmly feel that this is your Path. It is completely wrong to believe that the Lower and Middle Incarnations are anything "worse" than the Higher or the Last: these are equally important parts of the same Supreme Being, and somehow all the "personifications" exist simultaneously, and as a result they will return to Home, becoming One Being!