Why Do They Hide Everything From Us? - Alternative View

Why Do They Hide Everything From Us? - Alternative View
Why Do They Hide Everything From Us? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do They Hide Everything From Us? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do They Hide Everything From Us? - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Secrets People Think The US Government Is Hiding 2024, September

People have always been worried that the most important things were hidden from them. Secret societies, conspiracy theories, the government is stirring up something … Previously, such anxiety could still be understood, because there was no phone, computer or Google to search for any information. It was necessary to go to the library, rummage through books and even interview other people, go on reconnaissance …

But now, when almost any information can be found without leaving the couch, people are even more asking such questions. This is strange, because most of the documents have long been declassified, and everything that can and can not quickly appears in the public domain on the network. Everything that was not available before is right in our hands in front of our noses. Today, even homeless people and young children have the Internet, but the interests of the majority still remain at the primitive level. The desire to discover secrets and learn something new, as before, remained the privilege of a few. Why?..

Even in past centuries, everything was carefully hidden from the masses. There were secret organizations, which included rare and outstanding people. They exist to this day, they know absolutely everything …

So what will happen if today people learn the very truth?


Absolutely nothing. For many years, the media have been built in such a way that a person concentrates on the base goals in life and does not allow the thought of something bright. Attention is taken away from him with the help of all kinds of gadgets. His consciousness is manipulated, reducing interests to the level of primitive, and important information is presented in such a way that it causes laughter and frivolity.

For example, I recently went to YouTube to find some interesting program about the secret development of the military in the middle of the 20th century. I am the type of person who reads comments from other users under almost every video I watch. Interestingly, under most of these videos, the most popular comments were “How great it is to sleep with such broadcasts”, “I fell asleep after 3 minutes, thanks.” This trend was also observed under scientific programs, films about space … It seems that such comments are moved "up" deliberately, so that other users form a frivolous attitude towards the content of the video. It is possible that the well-known "Ren-TV" today is doing the same, presenting information in such a way that even the most narrow-minded person understands what nonsense it is and that you should not believe it. The most significant case is the UFO phenomenon, videos and photos of which have already been faked so many times that even if tomorrow a spacecraft descends directly to Earth, no one will believe it.

This is just one small example. As we can see, someone has already done everything possible so that the most important information, be it even in front of their noses, is not taken seriously by the majority.

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These are the consequences of the dark age of Kali Yuga. According to prophecies that were made several thousand years ago, we live in a dark time when total ignorance and madness flourish.

If this were not so, then the people who stand at the peaks and control these processes would have long ago gone down. But they actively continue to control the consciousness of the majority and support the flourishing of madness and degradation in society, fulfilling terrible prophecies.

Author: Olga Darshan
