Yuri Loza: "Or Maybe We Live In The Matrix?" - Alternative View

Yuri Loza: "Or Maybe We Live In The Matrix?" - Alternative View
Yuri Loza: "Or Maybe We Live In The Matrix?" - Alternative View

Video: Yuri Loza: "Or Maybe We Live In The Matrix?" - Alternative View

Video: Yuri Loza:
Video: "Free" Wicked Saints -английская версия суперхита "Плот"Ю.Лозы. 2024, September

Musician Yuri Loza made an unexpected post on the Internet: the size of the Sun is not the same as we are taught, the Earth itself is not that size, they fool us, guys. He made such conclusions by comparing the temperatures of the Sun and the Earth. The temperature on the way from the Sun to the Earth drops by a degree over 25 thousand kilometers, the musician calculated, and if so, nothing converges. For you, such an act of mine is a surprise, but in fact I have been engaged in science all my life, the musician told the correspondent.

“I studied geophysics at the university,” Loza said (according to his biography on Wikipedia, the singer studied at the Faculty of Geography of the Kazakh State University and even was a Komsomol organizer of the group, but dropped out of his studies - “KP”), “And we were told how the Earth is arranged. Then I was constantly interested in this and got acquainted with the mass of alternative theories. And I found a lot of inconsistencies that are difficult to explain from an official position. Not everything is so simple on our planet.

Vine is interested in the theory of a flat earth, but to admit that it is just like a table is not yet ready. She, says Loza, is not spherical, but which one exactly remains to be seen.

- Why, if you go up in a balloon, the horizon rises with you? Why, when they tell us that at such and such a distance I cannot see this particular lighthouse, but I actually see it? - asks Vine, - If the Earth is not quite a ball, or not at all a ball, this changes everything!

Loza is closely involved in the problem of climate change, but does not believe in global warming:

- I see not warming, but climate change. In 1941, the summer fuel froze to the Nazis near Moscow in November. Remember last November, was that? It's good if it's cold in January, and then not for long! But the summer is all rainy.

But most of all, Loza is interested in the popular theory on the Web, according to which the Earth relatively recently experienced a global catastrophe. Supporters of this theory ask: why in Moscow, in other cities, the first floors of old buildings have gone so deep into the depths? Not otherwise, they were overwhelmed with something!

- I am now in Bulgaria, in Varna. I see that the first floors are densely covered with soil. The locals don't remember why. So they came here after the disaster. We are told: the cultural layer is growing. But you will forgive, the cultural layer grows where litter is. But in Europe, and in Moscow, janitors have always cleaned the sidewalks. Look at old photos, wipers everywhere. And people could not give a damn about so many seeds. This means that the cultural layer could not grow by 5-8 meters. And the houses, which have gone so deeply underground, are not so old. This means that there was a catastrophe, the level of which is difficult for us even to imagine.

Promotional video:

Loza is ready to discuss with serious scientists, and not with "bad people on the Internet", but admits that he does not expect much from such a discussion:

- They will come with some kind of arguments, with formulas, but everyone has eyes, and he himself sees that this is not so and the arguments do not work. Everything is so strange that it is time to ask, maybe we really live in the Matrix? - sums up the musician.

Recall that the possibility that the world around us is just a computer simulation was not ruled out by the American visionary Elon Musk. It all started with an article by the Swede Nick Bostrom "Proof of Simulation", which appeared back in 2003 in the reputable magazine Philosophical Quaterly. Since then, enterprising startups in Silicon Valley have figured out how to open the exit from the Matrix even to the rich, and there, in California, it has become a real religion and a fashionable fad. No wonder Bank of America warned its depositors about the risk of getting stuck in the Matrix. After that, Oxford tried to calculate whether the Matrix is probable, and came to the conclusion that no - a computer is needed too powerful to imitate the entire universe. But who will believe British scientists?

And Russian scientists do not trust Yuri Loza. The radiation level does not fall linearly, but with the square of the distance, says astronomer Vitaly Romeiko.

- We even give schoolchildren such a task, where is it more profitable to put a solar station on the Moon? And it turns out that on the back side, because the back side, when it is fully illuminated, is closer to the Sun than the visible side, says Romeiko.

In addition, the temperature regime on Earth is not so simple: the Earth has an atmosphere, much is reflected in Space, and a lot of heat is carried by the wind.

- So, I'm afraid Yuri Loza did not fully understand this issue, - Romeyko sums up, commenting on the post of the famous musician.

