Miracle In Mansfield: 5G, UFOs Or The Glitch Of The &Ldquo; Green Code &Rdquo; In The Matrix? - Alternative View

Miracle In Mansfield: 5G, UFOs Or The Glitch Of The &Ldquo; Green Code &Rdquo; In The Matrix? - Alternative View
Miracle In Mansfield: 5G, UFOs Or The Glitch Of The &Ldquo; Green Code &Rdquo; In The Matrix? - Alternative View

Video: Miracle In Mansfield: 5G, UFOs Or The Glitch Of The &Ldquo; Green Code &Rdquo; In The Matrix? - Alternative View

Video: Miracle In Mansfield: 5G, UFOs Or The Glitch Of The &Ldquo; Green Code &Rdquo; In The Matrix? - Alternative View
Video: Managing expectations ahead of Pentagon UFO report 2024, September

On November 10, 2019, a girl named Jen Louise, who lives in the UK, went out on the porch of the house and decided to shoot a little of the area on a mobile phone camera. However, when pointing the camera in a certain direction, something strange began to happen to it:

Location - Mansfield, Nottinghamshire:


According to Jen Louise, this effect was observed for an hour. Nothing of the kind was there either before or after this moment.

Jen Louise does not know how to explain what is happening and therefore asked about the situation on one of the forums, confusing the most famous telephonists / telegraph operators.

The first and the most correct explanation of the situation was the presence of a cell tower or other transmitting antenna near the house, which gave such interference to the phone. But as it turned out, there are no towers there and no one installed anything new, and the effect was short-lived.

The second possible explanation is what experiments of the military, for example, at a nearby military base, the operator accidentally turned some hefty radar in the wrong direction, after which someone's brains were fused along the beam line, someone's hair fell out, and Jen Louise began to glitch telephone. But as it turned out, neither in the direction of the shooting, nor in general in this area, there are no military bases.

Promotional video:

The third possible explanation is mobile radar. That is, a car with some kind of transmitter that drives around the city and looks at something. However, as you can see from the video, the maximum effect is observed when looking at the sky. Cars, as you know, do not fly.

No more intelligible explanations of what is happening to anyone else comes to mind, so opinions are expressed about the glitch in the Matrix.

We fully admit such a possibility, but then, in theory, Jen Louise should have had glitches. That is, when looking in a certain direction, she had to jump the image of the world and see double in her eyes. Therefore, the Matrix is most likely also excluded. But what then?

In our opinion, the most correct explanation would be to assume that in the direction of shooting in the sky there was some kind of apparatus hidden by optical camouflage. Jen Louise, for obvious reasons, did not see him, the camera did not see him either, but a beam of strong radiation came from the apparatus, which somehow influenced electrical devices.

Similar effects are very often described by people who have seen UFOs near: the ignition is turned off in cars, the arrows of the instruments begin to dance in aircraft / helicopters, and so on. Therefore, Jen Louise saw, most likely, something similar.

We do not know whether it was the secret apparatus of the military or the apparatus of the "Martians," but we continue to monitor the development of the situation: perhaps people will also express some other ideas explaining the phenomenon.
