About Cinema, Consciousness And The Kingdom Of Crooked Mirrors - Alternative View

About Cinema, Consciousness And The Kingdom Of Crooked Mirrors - Alternative View
About Cinema, Consciousness And The Kingdom Of Crooked Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: About Cinema, Consciousness And The Kingdom Of Crooked Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: About Cinema, Consciousness And The Kingdom Of Crooked Mirrors - Alternative View
Video: The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors 1963 Russian film with English subtitles 2024, October

… or why don't I watch movies in mirror image..

(Ps: … the content of the article is the subjective opinion of the author and may contain false information when the author has not fully understood the situation. The author cannot verify the accuracy of all posted information, which must be taken into account when reading and posting his comments. The article is in no way intended to offend, intimidate or offend someone ….)

So … I noticed that more and more often on various resources on the World Wide Web, a huge number of films are published in mirror image … As a rule, under the pretext that, they say, the owners of authorship will track and ban the film … Ok … but I started thinking in my own way..

As a person studying the picture up and down, its connections, coincidences with the real universe, came to some conclusions..

A person inside his consciousness has something like a "memory card" (I mean not a storage device … but something like a geographic map) … And this map has areas responsible for the past, future, light, heavy, joyful, sad, etc. d … Any picture, artistic, drawn, photographed, plot, music also obeys the principles of this very "map of consciousness". When an artist creates a picture, he uses visual elements to apply light and color spots that affect the viewer in a certain way. Until now, advertisers even have a certain list of rules in the style of “how to sell a poop by presenting it as a fashionable candy” … and all these rules are based precisely on the laws of the viewer's perception … That is, light from left to right,from top to bottom, for the most part in the advertising picture, it is considered a standard … or if a loaded mule goes uphill from left to right, then the author wants to show how hard it is for this mule to walk such a difficult path, even if there is fluff in bags … And now we reflect the picture … and everything became with exactly the opposite … Complete substitution of concepts and values … only due to the mirroring of the plot … In one case, a person began to perceive a positive image as not very positive … in another, cognitive dissonance may arise against the background of the plot of the same film when the actions of the characters say one thing, but spatial "spots" are completely different … But the director, it seems, shot the film the way he saw this plot. As a supporter of the conspiracy theory, especially in the current situation with this "pandemic", etc. I no longer think this moment is as “random” as it looks from the layman's side..

By the way, about cognitive dissonance … If you look at some of the techniques of hypnosis, then it is cognitive dissonance that is often used to accelerate the introduction into a trance state … well, this is so, by the way..

As a result, individuality is already considered positive, and partnership goes far into the past … I remembered the ancient saying “Divide and rule”..
