The Ideal Person - Alternative View

The Ideal Person - Alternative View
The Ideal Person - Alternative View

Video: The Ideal Person - Alternative View

Video: The Ideal Person - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

The ideal is the best, completed state of the phenomenon. And if a person is adjusted to these standards, his death, or simply nothingness, whose balance should not be distorted and disturbed by any manifestations of life, will be the absolute ideal. In general, a complete and final nirvana without any hope of any "continuation" with fascinating details. But then, our whole life is some kind of one big divine mistake, the correction of which falls on the shoulders of people who are "carried away" by spiritual teachings. Hope you smiled at this place. We live in a diverse reality, and here, in the midst of a chaos of phenomena, among other things, life-affirming experiences sometimes arise, the value of which, I think, does not need to convince anyone. And in this respect, the ideal is a dream, a bright and creative life filled with love and joy.

Life consists of sensations that occur in what we call "I". “I” is the one in whom my perceptions take place, which are added to my life. We move towards what we feel, and we feel what is happening in ourselves. If God were not in us, for us He would not be anywhere. Our psyche is multifaceted, our subconscious already contains the entire set of probabilities that can happen to us. All religions and teachings are short instructions for our psyche. The ideal person already exists in our subconscious, otherwise we would have nothing to strive for. Our development is about unleashing our potential. We are moving towards what we know, or at least with a subtle hint we anticipate, because the “seeds” of His life are manifested in our everyday consciousness. Conscience does not allow us to go astray.

Conscience is a kind of psychic mirror, looking into which a person wants to see God, but sees himself in it and gets upset. He feels the difference between his expectations and the real state of affairs. This difference is felt like a pang of conscience. And conscience, in this case, is a great motivator for self-improvement. She is that psychic magnet on the body of God in our consciousness, which pulls us out of our comfort zone, and pulls us through life's troubles to a great goal. And the closer we get to the ideal person within ourselves, the more powerful the force of this gravity, the stronger the contrast between the ideal and the ordinary, the stronger the torment of conscience. The stronger our connection with the ideal person within us, the louder his voice sounds, which guides us along the path of self-improvement. And since this "ideal person" is already inside us,self-improvement is reduced to self-knowledge.

To become better, we must get to know ourselves. And it doesn't matter what religious views we adhere to. We can even be materialists. All these views are just a worldview - just another limited way of thinking and talking about life. Many people all their lives buy into their worldview, as the ultimate truth, not even noticing how it changes to new, more "true" truths, on which another layer of illusions about life is based. Soon, all the ultimate truths will be exposed again. And then, lo and behold! New ones will come. Someday we will stop taking them seriously. The theme of such illusions on is one of the main ones.

Sometimes we feel like we are going beyond our boundaries, and we realize that yesterday's truths are nonsense that fettered our consciousness. We are happy to get rid of old concepts, but then, with all our might, we grab onto new ones - more subtle! With a tired adult look, we talk about old concepts, and with an immediate youthful passion - about new ones. This is one of the secrets of youth: to make discoveries, get the first experience, impressions, learn something new for yourself. One of the secrets of development lies in the fact that, as new discoveries are made, to be fixed in their “transcendental” images. For example, when we feel something that is bordering on the limits of our understanding, we can try to put this understanding in words, so that then "support" appears in its place. Now this support can become the next step in development. And someday it will become a useless anchor, a block that, in order to move on, we will have to destroy and release. This is how development happens.

For changes to take place, we must create them, let them into our lives. But, sometimes, we are simply not able to accept their essence. Usually we want our old life to transform and flourish, so that our old attachments reach their apogee, in which we do not run after the objects of our passion, but these "objects" themselves run after us. And we at the same time indulgently allow these objects to be in our society. This can be expressed, for example, in the image of a loved one who begs us to be with him, even a little more. All this is self-deception, the realization of which in this life is most often impossible, because it is useless. Our attachments keep us in place.

Perhaps our minds today are not yet able to accommodate and then sustain an ideal life. We just have to admit that real change happens when we “lose” something important, and after the loss, we gain the ability to let go of this “important”. Again and again. The longer we hold on to our attachments, the longer we slow down in place, the deeper we plunge into the continuously decaying quagmire of the current stage of development in which these attachments hold us. How scary and painful it is to leave your comfort zone! How much, at times, this fear has to be endured in order to gain a taste of life, in order to understand what kind of swamp our attachments lead us into, in order to learn to stand and move on our own feet towards our own goals. It's just that sometimes we refuse to understand that the path to the ideal runs, not through a carpet covered with flowers, but through mental bumps,alternating with a relatively flat path of freedom and understanding.

We cannot change simply by eliminating “destructive” influences, ridding ourselves of some “unpleasant” people, or “burdensome” obligations. We cannot change by staying in place. We can change only by letting something new into our life. We can replace one influence with another, and only then the loss will not force us to experience a gaping emptiness in the place of the soul, which was occupied by our attachment before we lost it. And if we allow changes in our lives, the voice of conscience is diluted with our curiosity, interest and passion for the unknown facets of life. This does not mean that we should treacherously leave loved ones in the past. This means that we change when we sincerely realize our own true goals, and move towards them, making discoveries, letting in a new world that we knew about yesterday only on a subtle hint,an elusive premonition in your own mind.

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