The Whole Truth About Meditation - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About Meditation - Alternative View
The Whole Truth About Meditation - Alternative View

Video: The Whole Truth About Meditation - Alternative View

Video: The Whole Truth About Meditation - Alternative View
Video: The TRUTH About MEDITATION Explains The Law of Attraction And Consciousness - NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS 2024, July

Much has been written about the technique of meditation, but at the same time, very few really understand what its essence is.

Meditation is a technique that brings a person directly to the "astral". The name of this technique, meditation, is incorrect, and it is this that misleads a person, since preparation for meditation is perceived as meditation itself.

In fact, meditation should be called a special state of human consciousness. A person normally perceives the world around him and himself in it in the physical spectrum. In other words, he hears, sees, thinks. Thus, a person's perception is primarily directed at the material.

A person in his everyday life does not notice a different state of his consciousness in the perception of the intangible or unknown due to the fact that such states are very short-lived and spontaneous. It is these moments that are called meditations. In this state, programming takes place for the realization of free and secret desires.

To achieve meditation, there are many different techniques, that is, special psychological exercises that combine concentration on one's sensations and special breathing exercises. Through meditation, you can get rid of anxiety and disturbing thoughts. If you practice regularly, you can not only cheer up and relax, but also get rid of bad habits, learn to respond adequately to stressful situations, increase your intelligence level and improve memory.

There are several meditation practices that are actively used in the world. These are passive meditation using mental images, active meditation using specific movements, guided meditation, intermediate meditation using movements and images, and collective meditation.

In the modern world, meditation is becoming more and more popular. More and more people strive to learn how to meditate correctly. In fact, this is not so difficult to do: the main thing is to decide on the choice of the most suitable technique and have a desire.

According to scientific research, meditation is more active in producing the gray medulla, which is responsible for sensory perception and controls muscle activity. Scientists conducted research with elderly people, dividing them into several groups. The participants of the first group meditated for forty minutes daily for a month. People from the second group led their usual passive lifestyle. Ultimately, the members of the first group showed increased concentration of attention and a slowdown in the aging process. There were no changes in the participants of the second group.

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Scientific research also suggests that meditation can reduce pain threshold much better than morphine. With daily meditation, the pain threshold is reduced by 57 percent, while morphine can reduce it by only 25 percent.

Through meditation, people with high blood pressure can relieve the need for constant medication. Positive results were found in 80 percent of people who meditated for three months.

Meditation can also help hyperactive children relieve stress and anxiety. In addition, meditation helps to improve school performance.

Nowadays, it is still widely believed that meditation is something supernatural, as if unknown higher forces help in solving problems that arise. But in reality this is not at all the case. Through meditation, a person gains calmness and clarity of mind - and it is with such factors that the right decisions are made.

Unfortunately, some are still quite ironic in meditation, reading the ancient ways to improve the quality of life through deception and a waste of time. Such people simply have not yet come to understand what they need, what result they want to achieve with the help of meditation.

Often people turn to meditation when they want love, beautiful relationships and starting a family, become more confident, protect themselves from negativity, find peace of mind, tune themselves to a wave of good luck and, of course, be healthy, in other words, find harmony. Theoretically, all this can be achieved through meditation, but for this you need to do a lot of work on yourself. First of all, you should accept and love yourself for who a person is, forgive all your offenders and begin to control your own thoughts.

Meditation has a beneficial effect on a person, but only if he manages to achieve maximum inner concentration on a specific goal. Only by removing all unnecessary in his mind, a person makes room for favorable factors, which ultimately change life for the better.

The duration of meditations can vary from 5-10 minutes to several hours. But this is not the most important thing. It is important to practice every day, this is the only way, by performing the exercise on deep reflection, you can achieve in order to improve one or another area of your own life.

Very often people who have tried to meditate say that nothing is working. The reason for this lies in their own home, where there is simply no place in which to retire. This problem can be solved very simply: you just need to record the meditation on your phone or player and listen with headphones. This is the so-called passive way of meditation.

The reason for the failure may be hidden in the fact that a person practices from time to time, not regularly, and also does not believe in the effectiveness of training.

Only if a person sets himself up for success, believes that meditation will help him improve the quality of his own life, and will practice day after day, meditation will become a real gymnastics for the brain, that magic wand that will bring everything you want.