The Secret Lunar Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

The Secret Lunar Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View
The Secret Lunar Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Lunar Program Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Lunar Program Of The World
Video: The Satanic Ceremony Nobody Seemed To Notice 2024, September

Until now, many people doubt the haste with which NASA suddenly announced the curtailment of its Apollo lunar program, in which the US government has already invested $ 25 billion. And all this despite the fact that spaceships have already been built, crews trained, and even landings on the lunar surface have been identified.

Can you believe that the Americans, who like to count every dollar, suddenly, after the money for the preparation of the continuation of the mission was practically spent, could abandon the further research program, dismantling the already prepared 5 launch vehicles? But what is even more surprising - at the same time as the Americans, the Soviet Union also abandoned a further program of exploration of the Moon. And such "synchronicity" cannot but arouse suspicion.

It is no coincidence that among the supporters of the "conspiracy theory" there is a steady opinion that in fact the programs for exploring the Moon have never been curtailed and the flights of crews to it continued all this time, only this time in secret from all mankind. According to this hypothesis, on the lunar surface (mainly on the back of our satellite), many artifacts were discovered related to the activities of an ancient antediluvian civilization, the level of development of which made it possible to build space bases and carry out interplanetary space flights within the solar system.

And since these artifacts make it possible to come up with qualitatively new technologies for obtaining cheap energy, then these discoveries were classified as "secret". And this was done in order to continue to rob common mankind, providing fuel and energy TNCs belonging to the global elite, fabulous profits by continuing to use outdated hydrocarbon energy and internal combustion engines.

Some "leaks" of information about this secret lunar program point to this hypothesis. So, one of the American military pilots, William Rutledge, who moved to Rwanda in 1991, said that there was no stoppage of the lunar project. The flights of the Apollo spacecraft numbered 18, 19 and 20 continued, and their crews landed on the moon. But this mission was classified.


W. Rutledge himself claimed to have been an astronaut participating in the flight of the Apollo 20 spacecraft. According to his information, an ancient alien spacecraft was discovered on the moon, which had truly gigantic dimensions - almost 5 kilometers in length. This ship was cigar-shaped, and near it were found strange dilapidated structures, which the astronauts called the "city."


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Inside the ancient ship, members of the Apollo 20 expedition discovered traces of unknown organic plants, as well as the bodies of two humanoid creatures, male and female. At the same time, the bodies of the aliens were well preserved, as if they were embalmed. Samples of the ship's fabrics and structures were sent to Earth.


The presence of various artifacts on the lunar surface is also confirmed by former NASA employee Ken Johnson, who worked in the lunar Apollo program. He claims that ancient cities and unknown machines with advanced technology capable of manipulating gravity have been discovered on the lunar surface. However, information about all this was classified by NASA, and therefore Johnson was forced to remain silent for many years.

However, now this information is starting to surface little by little. So, on March 21, 1996, at a briefing at the National Press Club of Washington, NASA scientists and engineers who participated in the programs for the study of the Moon and Mars, as a result of processing information obtained during the study of these celestial bodies, reported the existence of artificial structures and man-made objects on the Moon …

So, in the area of Tycho crater, a whole city was discovered, covered with a transparent dome. This dome is made of a material similar to fiberglass or crystal and has a strange feature: it shines from the inside with a blue light. Similar artificial objects are located in other points of the moon. Some of them resemble quaint cities, while others resemble large mining factories. It is possible that in the fairly near future, scientists will be able to tell us the truth about all these strange objects on the lunar surface. Moreover, it is becoming more and more difficult for the servants of the "elite" to conceal this truth.

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