Conspiracies Against Humanity - Alternative View

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Conspiracies Against Humanity - Alternative View
Conspiracies Against Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracies Against Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracies Against Humanity - Alternative View
Video: Conspiracy Theories and the Quest for Truth | Rachel Runnels | TEDxTexasStateUniversity 2024, September

Conspiracy advocates often seem frivolous and even ridiculous to other people. However, sometimes they are much closer to the truth than "healthy skeptics" would like.

In general, we are so arranged that where there are at least three people, there will certainly be a conspiracy of two against one. If you project this model onto all of humanity, then is there any doubt that some conspiracies, one way or another, exist?

So, before you the most famous conspiracies against humanity.

No alcohol law

Conspiracy theory: FBI agents poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.

Conspiracy supporters have repeatedly spoken out about the American government poisoning its people with chemical waste. Many reacted with irony and even sarcasm to such suggestions.

But, as it turned out later, the FBI officers did indeed poison alcohol during Prohibition. They pursued the goal of disgusting citizens of any kind of alcohol.

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It is worth noting that in America the dry law was in force in the period 1920-1930, although it was absolutely not enforced. Most people did not see themselves as a threat in alcohol, as a result of which they reacted negatively to Prohibition.

In the United States, there was a so-called "Sobriety Movement" that promoted the rejection of alcoholic beverages. There were cases when supporters of the movement broke into bars and destroyed containers of alcohol.

The FBI began looking for ways to help people break the habit. As a result of a conspiracy against humanity, they began to add toxic substances to alcohol. Drinks could contain ammonia, acetone, methane, or even arsenic.

The most commonly used denaturation of ethanol, by adding propylene, extracted from natural gas and petroleum products. The combination of alcohol with propylene is very effective in disinfecting wounds, but when such a mixture enters the human body, it begins to destroy the internal organs.

Thus, it is not surprising that during the Prohibition period, many people died from "alcohol poisoning."

Gulf of tonkin

Conspiracy theory: The Gulf of Tonkin incident is only half true.

According to the official version, the events in the Gulf of Tonkin happened instantly. We learn from the textbooks that the main reason for the start of the war between the US and North Vietnam was an attempt to defend the democracy of South Vietnam from a pro-communist neighbor.

So, on August 2 and 4, 1964, in the water area between Vietnam and the Chinese island of Hainan, American warships were attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. As a result, the Americans had to return fire, which led to the killing of some Vietnamese sailors.

The US government announced that Lyndon Johnson is able to help Southeast Asia from the negative influence of communism. So the war was started.

For a long time, it was hidden from the public that, in reality, on August 4, no aggression came from the North Vietnamese ships. The first conflict at sea actually took place. The American destroyer Maddox engaged three Vietnamese ships at once, killing several sailors.

But after 2 days the Vietnamese were exclusively engaged in the rescue of their ships, not attacking anyone. However, Johnson has publicly stated that the Maddox and the destroyer Turner Joy have been repeatedly attacked by the Vietnamese. In reality, the second destroyer was never attacked at all.

For some time, it was assumed that the CIA was deliberately spreading disinformation to induce Americans to go to war against the communist regime. Many officials called for the annexation of the territory of North Vietnam, and, if necessary, Russia and China, if they begin to interfere.

The situation today became known that the National Security Agency was engaged in the dissemination of false information and, in fact, a conspiracy against humanity.

Thus, the employees of the organization tried to hide the mistakes they made during the 2nd incident, namely:

the Americans' radar detected what they believed were approaching enemy ships;

in reality, these were flashes of light that caused erroneous readings on the equipment.

The overthrow of the US government by the fascists

Theory: Fascist conspiracy to overthrow the American government.

In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt abandoned the gold standard, deciding to develop an economy based on the US currency. This was especially beneficial for the UK, as it would allow its citizens to buy goods at lower prices.

Many business leaders believed that economic progress could not be made without a gold standard, since gold does not depreciate like money.

A year later, Major General Smedley Butler publicly stated that some people from the American Legion war veterans movement suggested that he participate in the overthrow of Roosevelt. After the coup, it was planned to establish a fascist government.

An interesting fact is that although Butler was skeptical about Roosevelt's ideas, he did not intend to participate in the coup. Moreover, he was sure that the plan would not have been carried out. As a result, he decided to publicize the information he received.

In general, Butler's statement caused a mixed reaction in the US Senate. No investigation was carried out. This was due to the lack of any evidence of the existence of the conspiracy, as well as the fact that many of the individuals involved in this case were retired generals and major bank owners.


Conspiracy theory: The CIA forced Naira al-Sabah to perjure at trial.

In 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl named Naira Al-Sabah gave testimony in a courtroom in the United States House. She stated that she had witnessed with her own eyes Iraqi soldiers rushing into maternity hospitals in Kuwait and then throwing babies on the cold floor. As a result, inevitable death awaited all newborns.

Tom Lantos insisted on listening to Nairu, who openly called on the US government to strike at Iraq for the atrocities it committed against the Kuwaiti people.

In many ways, it was the "testimony" of the girl Naira that became the basis for the Americans to start a war against Iraq. CIA officers brought Naira's testimony to the public in various ways. As a result, not only the whole of America, but the whole world learned about this story.

In 1992, a journalist for The New York Times established that Naira was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The journalist also proved that the testimony of the teenager was fabricated. As a result, the reporter was able to provide facts that the CIA officers helped the former US government to start a war with Iraq solely for the sake of oil.

The Iraqi army did indeed illegally invade Kuwait, but its soldiers did not bully the newborns. When investigators began questioning doctors who supported Naira, many of them said that the girl was lying.

It turned out that the CIA paid Naira to perjure and also trained her in acting skills to make her performance look as believable as possible.


Conspiracy Theory: Operation Mockingbird.

Operation Mockingbird began in the 1950s at the initiative of Cord Meyer and Allen Dulles. Over time, Frank Visher began to lead it. It was one of the largest conspiracies against humanity.

The purpose of the operation was to subordinate the entire world press to the US authorities. The organization encouraged prominent American reporters to cooperate. Journalists had to implement the views of the CIA, forming new cultural associations and publications, using them as a cover.

In 1966, the American political magazine Ramparts published an article that provided evidence that the National Students' Association was founded with the direct assistance of the CIA. The operation was first named "Mockingbird" in 1979.

Thanks to Mockingbird, a coup d'etat was organized in Guatemala against the communist regime, Jacobo Guzmán.

In 1953, the same operation resulted in a coup in Iran. According to experts, "Mockingbird" influenced half of the world political events of the 20th century