A Revolution In Evolution - Alternative View

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A Revolution In Evolution - Alternative View
A Revolution In Evolution - Alternative View

Video: A Revolution In Evolution - Alternative View

Video: A Revolution In Evolution - Alternative View
Video: Gregg Braden - The Untold Story Of Human Evolution Is Evident in Our DNA 2024, October

The sensational theory of the Russian scientist: God created the world in full accordance with the Bible

The bright holiday of Great Lent that has begun for many believers is overshadowed by one single circumstance - the endless speeches of atheists that there is no God, they say, that life on Earth appeared as a result of natural evolution over millions of years. In general, Darwin's teaching is omnipotent because it is true …

However, there are scientists who, on the basis of scientific facts and their own calculations, more and more often come to the conclusion that the 1st chapter of the biblical Book of Genesis about the creation of the world is true from the first to the last word. Muscovite Ustin CHASHCHIKHIN also believes

Even in the physics and mathematics school, he was promised a great future. He participated in the prestigious All-Union Olympiads in Chemistry, successfully graduated from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. This knowledge seemed not enough - and he is finishing his postgraduate studies at MEPhI.

There are not so many physicists in the world who know chemistry well. In any case, the Soviet physicist Landau, the Nobel Prize laureate, was greatly helped by his fundamental knowledge in chemistry.

However, Chashchin failed to repeat the scientific feat of the famous academician. The country was already undergoing perestroika, funding for science was in a fever, and his mentors, domestic luminaries, rushed to the West. The young scientist had to look for the meaning of life in the Bible.

“I came across a large number of scientific facts,” he says, “which directly or indirectly say that the age of the Earth is much less than what is believed according to the official chronicles. He began to systematically study this issue from the points of view of astronomy, geology, physics. And in the theory of tectonics of continental plates, he found serious contradictions …

How are they expressed?

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- From Newton's 1st law, we know that a body moves at a constant speed if no forces act on it or the resultant of forces is zero. Today, it is believed that the continents diverged from each other at a constant rate over 200 million years. But this is contrary to the law of inertia, since the force of friction between the continents and the Earth's mantle was not balanced by any other forces. With the help of Newton's second law, I concluded that the split of the once united continent on Earth occurred in a few hours or a few days - if we take the maximum friction force. But certainly not for millions of years!

Modern ships cover the Atlantic Ocean from South America to Africa in a few days. With what speed should huge continents “scatter” to cover such a distance in a matter of hours?

- We are talking about a real planetary catastrophe, the initial drift speed of the continents was enormous - hundreds of meters per second.

What caused it?

- Most likely, somewhere in the North Atlantic, the Earth collided with an asteroid, huge waves appeared, which caused the Flood. The Bible says it lasted for about one year. Before that, the Earth was quite flat, there were no mountains, no winds, no rains - which, by the way, is said in the Book of Genesis. But as a result of the spreading of the continents, mountain ranges were formed. The Indian plate crashed into the Asian one with a monstrous impulse - the Himalayas appeared, etc. etc. The theory of plate tectonics fits neatly into catastrophic geology. On this topic, I made reports at various geological conferences, arguing that the existing theory of plate tectonics is wrong, it contradicts Newton's second law. There are other methods that can be used to estimate the age of the Earth.

For example?

- Scientists have proven that the magnetic field of our planet is gradually weakening. And if you look tens of thousands of years ago, not to mention billions of years, when the Earth, according to the official version, was allegedly formed, the magnetic field should have been as strong as that of a neutron star - which cannot be at all by definition.

Or consider the leaching of salts through rivers into the oceans. Knowing the speed of this process and the current salt content, it is possible to determine the age of the World Ocean. In many scientific works it has been calculated that for zinc these periods are 180 thousand years, for tin - less than 100 thousand …

But even 180 thousand years are not biblical 6-10 thousand years

- This is the maximum age if everything went evolutionary. And since the continental plates "scattered" as a result of a tectonic catastrophe, the rate of salt washing out during the year of the Flood was enormous, abrupt.

You seem to have been talking about other methods as well?

- A layer of dust on the moon. American astronauts in 1969 found that its thickness was only 3 cm. While they were preparing to land hundreds of meters of dust - so as not to fall through, the lander even had special sliding "plates" that reduce the specific pressure. However, according to the thickness of the layer, it turns out that the age of the moon is only a few thousand years.

Further. If the Sun has existed for billions of years, it must radiate energy through thermonuclear processes. But in this case, our star would emit neutrinos, and they cannot be registered on Earth. Thousands of physicists are puzzled over this problem, while it has the simplest solution: there are no thermonuclear reactions on the Sun.

By what means does it shine then?

- Due to gravitational compression. This is the well-known law of thermodynamics. If the body is compressed, it releases energy, heat. And due to gravitational compression, the Sun can shine for a maximum of 30 million years, but not 5 billion, as evolutionists claim.

By observing the Sun and solar eclipses for several centuries (1567, 1715 and 1979), it was found that its diameter decreases at a rate of 0.1% per 100 years. Observing the solar eclipse on April 9, 1567, astronomers of the Middle Ages, according to their calculations, expected that it would be complete, but it turned out to be annular. The sun is really shrinking. Thus, the biblical theory of the creation of the world automatically solves the problem of the absence of solar neutrinos.

You can also talk about the inertial mobility of the rings of Saturn, which was discovered by the Voyager spacecraft, volcanic activity on the moons of Uranus and Neptune. At such a gigantic distance from the Sun, these processes cannot last for billions of years! Our solar system is also relatively young.

So, after all, the creation of the world?

- Everything fits into the biblical presentation. 6,000 years ago, God created the world in 6 working days - as it is written in the 1st chapter of the Book of Genesis, to the letter. Only atheistic scientists stubbornly keep silent about this. In the Book of Genesis we read that before the Flood, people lived for 900 years: Adam - 930, Noah - 950, etc. In our understanding, age is fantastic, simply unreal. However, before the flood, there was a steam-water dome over the Earth's atmosphere, as the Scriptures say: “the waters that are above the heavens” and “the waters above the firmament of heaven” (Genesis). The specific gravity of water is less than that of air, and gaseous water in a highly rarefied form could well exist above the Earth's atmosphere. It created a greenhouse effect from pole to pole, and the Earth was very warm, the temperature difference between the poles and the equator was only about 20 degrees. For this reason, the remains of mammoths are found in Siberia, and in their stomachs there are herbs and flowers that do not grow in those parts today.

The climate was very warm; in the Yamal-Nenets district, Russia is still pumping oil. Where does the oil come from? From the decomposition of wild vegetation! On the island of Svalbard, near the Arctic Circle, coal is mined. The question is - where?..

Here and there and in other places there was abundant vegetation, high temperatures. Coal and oil were formed from plants very quickly, within a year. Imagine the movement of continents, the release of enormous energy … Pyrolysis takes place, moreover, in a confined space under the water column … They find such fossils as one fish eats another - and all this turns to stone. It was an instant process.

But you did not agree: why did people live for so long before the flood?

- The steam-water dome was equivalent to a 12-meter water column, it created an additional atmospheric pressure of 2.16 atmospheres. The dome shielded the Earth from cosmic rays and absorbed more than 70% of the radioactive background. And since people age mainly from exposure to radiation, alpha rays, protons and electrons, then before the Flood it was almost nonexistent - the life expectancy was under a thousand years. A real paradise on Earth! People did not suffer from hypertension, carbohydrates burned very quickly, and metabolic processes were arranged in a completely different way, plant food was enough for everyone to live.

After the fall of the asteroid, condensation occurred - the dome fell out in the form of rain. The Bible states that it rained 40 days and 40 nights.

In the 9th chapter of Genesis we read that after the flood, God allowed people to eat meat: at low atmospheric pressure, people had an additional need for protein. In general, the climate has changed and life expectancy has begun to gradually decrease.

* * *

According to the young scientist, the creation of the world explains many phenomena that evolutionary scientists are unsuccessfully trying to solve. In particular, we are rightly surprised at the size of dinosaurs, while there is absolutely nothing to be surprised at. It is known that reptiles grow all their life, and if in antediluvian times they, like humans, lived several times longer, then they grew several times larger.

Today it is not clear how the flying dinosaurs got off the ground: with the current air density, they could not rise into the air, because with a wing area of 5-20 square meters. meters, their weight was 150-200 kg! Ustin Chashchin believes that before the flood, thanks to the steam-water dome, the air density was 2.16 times higher - and pterosaurs easily floated above the ground.

And if we take into account the folk epic, where in every second fairy tale the Serpent Gorynych or some dragon is necessarily found, it becomes obvious that our ancestors saw dinosaurs, coexisted with them. Their stories are passed down from generation to generation. Well, what are the millions of years before our era ?!

Even sensitive population issues fall within the biblical framework. If everything is counted according to strict formulas, then, taking into account the wars and pestilence from plague and cholera, 6-7 billion people on our planet should appear exactly in 4-5 thousand years … from one family. But so, according to the interlocutor, it was: 4500 years ago, only Noah's family lived on Earth - 8 people who left the ark.

You speak of the greenhouse effect as a kind of paradise on Earth. Why is it that everyone is waiting with horror for a greenhouse catastrophe today?

- Then there were water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere, and now poisonous nitrogen oxides are accumulating. And if the planet, as a result of global climate change, will again be warm from pole to pole, the polar caps will melt - the flood will at least flood many countries.

And then the end of the world will come?

- Once the apostles asked Jesus Christ about when His second coming would be. He replied: “It is none of your business to know the time and terms that the Father has put in His power,” - from the book of “Acts of the Apostles”, chapter 1, verse 7.

You need to live in peace, observe and preach God's commandments, and not delve into mysticism.

One feels that you have studied the Bible as thoroughly as physics. And yet to a modern person, your reasoning sometimes reminds the words of old man Hottabych - somehow everything just turns out very simply …

- Many great scientists of the past - Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, James Maxwell, Leonardo da Vinci - were Christians. And they did not think that the creation of the world and the Flood contradict something. Paradoxically, the Bible corresponds to scientific facts, and the theory of evolution - to guesswork.

There is a lot of scientific data that is prohibited from publishing! The entire geologic column from the Cambrian to the Quaternary is believed to have formed over billions of years. In fact, it arose during the year of the Flood, when a tectonic catastrophe occurred following from Newton's second law. This caused a huge super tsunami, which in a matter of days washed away all the vegetation on the planet, buried the animals in a saline solution. First, deep-sea molluscs, then fish, then land animals. Those who fled from the flood are in the next layers. So everything goes in layers: deep-sea, then mammals. Everything is explained by the speed of running from the flood, not evolution.

The fundamental rocks of the Earth (granite, basalt) were formed instantly as a result of the act of creation, and not by the solidification of lava over millions of years. “And God said: let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it became so. And God called the dry land the earth, and the collection of waters called the seas …”This corresponds to scientific facts, although it completely contradicts the theory of evolution.

Everything is hushed up by atheistic propaganda.

But there is no atheistic propaganda in the West! On the contrary, even the dollar says: "We believe in God!"

“The same thing happens there. The United States ceased to be a Protestant-theocratic monarchy in 1791, when the Americans separated the Church from the state.

Okay, but what about the isotope method, which accurately determines dates? All the processes that you talk about are measured in millions and billions of years …

- In 1980, the volcano Saint Helena erupted in America. Isotopically-dated basaltic rocks have been hardened for the same billions of years. The isotope method gives errors in billions of years. And this is called science ?!

But what, in your opinion, is Darwin's fatal mistake?

- He extended observations of the variability of the species to the entire animal and plant world. In mathematics, this is called the incomplete induction error.

And if it's easier?

- Here's an example: January 1 is a holiday, January 2 is a holiday, January 3 is a holiday. This means that all days of the year are solid holidays. But this is not so, since it is necessary to prove the step of induction, the transition from the particular to the general. You can breed different breeds of dogs and cats, but from a dog you will never get a cat. And according to Darwin, it turns out that as a result of evolution, we all descended from bacteria …

But if the process has been going on for millions and billions of years, then why not?

- This is contrary to the 2nd law of thermodynamics. It can be formulated as follows: new information does not arise by itself, without the participation of the mind. Spontaneous progress is impossible.

As a result of evolution and trillions of years, the cogs in the scrap metal dump will not turn into microcircuits, and microcircuits - into a computer only because they had a "common ancestor" - that same cog. This is completely absurd; The second law of thermodynamics, verified experimentally, proves the fundamental impossibility of evolutionary progress.



Many of the Old Testament commandments are at the heart of the modern work ethic of excellence and godly management of employees, customers, and competitors. Hence - the economic prosperity of the countries of North-Western Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, where preference is given to the economic code

According to many economists and politicians, this leads to a high level of corruption and low labor discipline in the post-Soviet space.