You Can Kill - Alternative View

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You Can Kill - Alternative View
You Can Kill - Alternative View

Video: You Can Kill - Alternative View

Video: You Can Kill - Alternative View
Video: Signs Jesus is Coming Sooner Than You Think! 2024, September

Recent research by scientists has shown that human eyes have powerful bioenergetic effects

Victims of the great singer

“Once my friend, retired militia colonel Vladimir V., who had worked in the militia for a long time, told me a curious story,” Igor Vinokurov, a researcher of anomalous phenomena, the author of many books about miracles, tells me. - In one of the Moscow research institutes, the head of the leading department, who was distinguished by a quarrelsome character and disrespect for colleagues, suddenly died. Once again, he made some harsh and insulting remark to his subordinate. He remained silent, but looked at the offender so that he suddenly fell head down on the table and wheezed. The ambulance doctors who arrived stated death, but could not understand its cause: the chief was absolutely healthy.

The pathologist who performed the autopsy told my friend privately that he had the impression that the heart of the deceased had been taken and stopped, like a pendulum at a clock. The investigator immediately had a suspicion that this “someone” was the subordinate offended by the chief, whose gaze made such an unpleasant impression that even the well-worn operative had goose bumps on his spine.

The power of the murderous gaze has been known for a long time. One of the most sensational cases occurred at the beginning of the last century in Paris. At that time, the singer Massol enjoyed great success on the stage of the Italian Imperial Opera, distinguished by his gloomy character and a heavy look from under his overhanging eyebrows. Once, when he sang the aria "The Curse" from the opera by Halevy with his eyes raised to the ceiling, he fell right on the stage and died on the spot, a machinist who was moving the scenery above. Another time, during a performance, the singer accidentally lingered on the conductor with his gaze. He almost immediately felt ill and on the third day died of an unusual nervous attack. For the third time Massol was advised to sing while looking at the empty box. But later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseille, who was late for the start of the performance. He died the next day. After that, the opera was forever excluded from the repertoire, and Massol left the stage.

Indian yogis and magicians of Tibet, as a result of long training, acquire a gift called "vazitva", that is, the ability to tame and even kill wild animals. And experienced trainers argue that the animal can be about to become with one glance, without resorting to verbal commands.

From the archive "KP"

The ability of the famous psychic Rosa Kuleshova to see objects at a distance of three meters with her eyes closed and to read letters in sealed envelopes confirms that the gaze can be penetrating, distant and even pass through opaque objects.

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The historian also notes that Leo Tolstoy's gaze "shone through" the interlocutor through and through, like an x-ray, and Joseph Stalin's gaze forced him to lower his eyes and paralyze his will. There are people who can even influence photographic film with the power of their eyes. One of the most famous is the American Ted Sirius. In the presence of a special commission, he stared at the photograph, memorized it and turned his gaze to the photographic plate. When the film was developed, a vague and blurred image was found, similar to the original. Later, specialists observed similar phenomena in people suffering from severe visual hallucinations.

Secrets of the witch

In order to reveal the secret of the evil eye, Igor Vinokurov decided to find the witch and find out the "production secrets" from her. In a remote village near Vladimir, he found his grandmother Tamara, about whom there were rumors that she was causing damage. Contrary to the idea of terrible witches, Baba Tamara looked like a kind fairy from children's fairy tales: a round face, a snub nose, kind blue eyes.

“Damage is easy,” she said. - It is necessary to vividly, in the smallest details, present the "object" as sick or dead, and then, upon meeting, look closely at it, mentally sending him curses.

Using the recommendations of the sorceress, the researchers decided to repeat the experiment in the laboratory. Doctor of physical sciences, bioenergy therapist Oleg Dubov played the role of "sorcerer". He acted with the power of thought on distilled water in a sealed ampoule. Physical measurements were amazing: the mobility of water molecules increased and its electrical conductivity increased.

The scientist told about the technology of his "witchcraft" as follows:

- At first I tried to "swing" the oxygen atoms. I imagined their nuclei as fireflies, around which sparkles-electrons revolve. Imagining that a silvery stream was flowing from the crown of my head along the spine and then to the tips of my fingers, I directed it towards these firefly nuclei. And they themselves, overflowing with energy, began to repel electrons and throw them out of their orbits.

"Spoiled" people

In the old days, when the power of the gaze was taken very seriously, a list of diseases caused by the evil eye was even compiled. Adults are affected by thinness, swelling, paralysis, seizures, blindness, gluttony, or impotence. And children - insomnia, nausea, headaches, epileptic seizures, consumption. People who have been corrupted begin to experience unconscious fear even before the first signs of illness appear. Later they are given a yellowish or gray complexion, then they begin to experience pain in the stomach, they constantly vomit. In children, the first symptoms of the evil eye were considered sudden pallor, uneven pulse, fever, sweating, and lack of appetite.

Eyes emit rays

Can a glance really destroy health and even kill?

- Of course, - confirmed the director of the Institute of Information and Wave Technologies Vladimir Hokkanen. - Numerous experiments in many scientific laboratories around the world have proven that the gaze has a powerful bioenergetic effect. The eyes emit radiation in the millimeter wavelength range of extremely high frequency and therefore can affect those around them. For example, many of us are able to physically sense the gaze of a passer-by walking behind. Experiments have shown that during such "hypnosis sessions" we change the electrocutaneous resistance.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Grant Demirchoglyan also agreed with this:

- Research by ophthalmologists has shown that the eye, like any unique optoelectronic system, can work not only to receive a signal, but also to emit it. Indeed, the very shape of the eyeball and the retina, which resembles a parabolic mirror, confirms the possibility of back radiation from the eyes of the so-called "rays of vision". The return radiation coming from the eyes is shortwave and therefore can be penetrating, like an X-ray or a laser. It can affect the central nervous system, the brain and the functioning of the entire body. It is known that there are points on the iris of the eye that are responsible for the work of all internal organs. It is used in iridology. If it is proved that the rays emanating from the eyes are of the same nature as the laser, then one will have to believe in the existence of heroes of science fiction stories who can incinerate a person with a glance.

Svetlana KUZINA.