Dr. Jung's Golden Scarab. Irrational Coincidences As Signs Of Fate - Alternative View

Dr. Jung's Golden Scarab. Irrational Coincidences As Signs Of Fate - Alternative View
Dr. Jung's Golden Scarab. Irrational Coincidences As Signs Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: Dr. Jung's Golden Scarab. Irrational Coincidences As Signs Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: Dr. Jung's Golden Scarab. Irrational Coincidences As Signs Of Fate - Alternative View
Video: Nothing is a coincidence. This is a sign: Yeliz Ruzgar at TEDxModaSalon 2014 2024, September

Carl Gustav Jung has repeatedly encountered amazing coincidences and was convinced that they are clues of fate and signs that need to be understood correctly.

In one of his works devoted to the study of chance and coincidence, Carl Gustav Jung told a story that he witnessed and, which was very symbolic.

The scientist was working with a very difficult patient. She was an intelligent and educated woman, an interesting conversationalist and a great skeptic. She questioned all the words of the psychoanalyst and, therefore, he could not help her cope with her psychological problems. Once, during a regular reception, she told Jung a dream she had the day before. In a dream, someone gave her a precious piece of jewelry - a golden scarab. And as soon as the woman mentioned this beetle, there was a quiet but insistent knock on the window. Jung approached the window and saw some kind of flying insect beating violently against the outside of the window pane. Opening the sash, he caught the intruder and was amazed to realize that it was the scarab beetle Cetonia aurata, or the common beetle. With the words: "Here is your golden scarab!" Jung showed the patient the insect.


This amazing coincidence made the woman reconsider her views and get rid of a fair amount of skepticism. A small irrational miracle broke the psychological attitudes that were the cause of her problems. Renewal began and the patient's life changed for the better. But among the ancient Egyptians, the scarab symbolized rebirth and the changes associated with it.

Perhaps skeptics will be skeptical about this testimony of Carl Jung, because it combines both incredible coincidence and deep symbolism. I, too, could have doubted the veracity of this story, if one day I myself had not encountered a similar case. True, he is rather funny and I still do not understand what kind of a sign fate sent then.

A friend came to visit me. It was a summer day and a lot of free time, so we talked with enthusiasm about everything. But a friend said: “As a child, I was very afraid of moths. I thought it was a big moth and it can eat my hair at night. As soon as she uttered these words, as out of nowhere, a large moth appeared, fell on her friend's head and instantly got entangled in her long curls. There was a squeal! We barely pulled this gray butterfly out of our hair and let it out the window. After a long and nervous laugh. We were struck by the instant embodiment of children's fears in life.

Jung wrote that the external and internal, the natural world and the world of our psyche are two parallel dimensions that can be compared to mirrors reflecting each other. Sometimes the outside world sends us signs that can be hints or warnings. The great analyst was convinced that when faced with a coincidence, one should not try to find a rational explanation, but treat it as a symbol that needs to be understood. And to understand it intuitively. Feeling, not reason.

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Author: Tatiana Statsenko