A Nightmare On The Psychotherapist's Couch: 7 Real Stories From Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View

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A Nightmare On The Psychotherapist's Couch: 7 Real Stories From Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View
A Nightmare On The Psychotherapist's Couch: 7 Real Stories From Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View

Video: A Nightmare On The Psychotherapist's Couch: 7 Real Stories From Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View

Video: A Nightmare On The Psychotherapist's Couch: 7 Real Stories From Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View
Video: FBI Cyber Series - Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD by Rachel Yehuda, PhD 2024, September

In the practice of doctors who treat psychological health, there are many strange situations that can not only surprise, but even shock.

The work of a psychotherapist is a conversation with the unconscious in the language of those "imaginary" images with which every person is familiar - they appear before your eyes when you remember something, invent or imagine something. The task of the psychotherapist is to identify the image by which the unconscious encodes a problem, and transform it so that it encodes well-being and becomes a new "instruction" for the unconscious.

In the process of work, a person describes the images that appear in his mind's eye and voices the first thoughts that come to mind. They are information from the unconscious, which can be obtained without hypnosis, trances and other techniques.

There is nothing mystical or esoteric in this work, despite the fact that often the images are of a fantastic or religious nature. At the same time, it allows in a very short time to solve problems that seem insoluble or torment a person for years.

Below are some real-life cases from practice. All names have been changed.

Crucified daughter

Girl Olga came with an ordinary with a request - to improve relations with a young man. When they began to analyze her situation, while trying to throw out the symbol of the belief "I am ugly", figures of her mother and grandmother appeared, declaring "you cannot be beautiful, otherwise you will become a prostitute." They handed Olga a mop of a cleaning lady with a precept: "We lived ugly, and you will live like this."

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Grandmother easily agreed to the offer to give them a better life and willingly lived (virtually) the life of a beauty, after which she was ready with a light heart to allow her granddaughter to be beautiful. But the mother refused. She replied that she wanted to watch her daughter be crucified on the cross for ages, and then mock her body.


Who benefits from such a monstrous mother image? The figure of Olga herself appeared at the age of 14, and this teenage girl said that it was convenient for her to hate her mother, because then she could unroll the lawsuit in her head and get satisfaction from it. The court, by the way, was not limited to punishing the mother, but was engaged in passing sentences to all people in Olga's entourage.

When we grew up all the children's and teenage characters who participated in this trial, the court dissolved itself, and the mother's figure magically became kinder and, following her grandmother, gave Olga permission to be beautiful.

Demon of Stavrogin

The young man Nikolai made a request to achieve success in his business. At the next meeting, Nikolai complained that for several days he had been in a terrible depression, which began out of the blue, and thoughts constantly crawl into his head about hanging himself. The depression was removed, and the young man felt better. We continued working with the main request.

At that time, the task was to transform the inner Adult. The image of the Adult came out like the figure of Nikolai himself, but the Adult stood with his back to the young man. When asked why he was standing with his back, the Adult replied: "I don't want to look at you."


When the psychotherapist asked Nikolay if there were any obstacles in the space between him and the Adult, he replied that he saw a stool. When asked who had put the stool and why, the figure of a black man appeared, who said: "Yes, I was just passing by, I look - you are so interesting here." And then Nicholas suddenly exclaims: “Oh, God, this is the same stool on which people stand to hang themselves! That's where these thoughts came to me!"

The psychotherapist suggested to Nikolai to call on the images of higher powers or divine light for help, and the black man screeched away, taking a stool with him. After that, the Adult willingly turned his face to Nikolai and agreed to assist him in his projects. Depression, of course, did not return either.

Children's coffin

Girlfriend Alina, the problem is that she cannot get married. In the course of work, she admitted that she had never really fallen in love, although there were relationships with men, and complained about the lack of joy in life.

The psychotherapist suggested looking at the state of her inner child, who, ideally, should be responsible for the joy of life. But when the unconscious was asked to show it, a child's coffin appeared. The child himself was soon found, but he hung high in the air above the girl and did not agree to return to her life under any circumstances, because "… this is a terrible life, a terrible world." Viewing the girl's life line showed that the child was torn away from her throughout her life, and the feeling of longing from the very need to live this life was found both at the point of birth, and even at the point of conception.


The psychotherapist suggested that the girl simulate a situation when she looks at the point of her conception from above, as if from life before birth. From there, this perspective seemed to her a terrible funnel, where it was about to be drawn, and the life line itself, according to her, looked like a giant worm from the movie "Tremors" (children of the 90s remember), which ate her at the point of birth, and at the point of the present, I'm sorry, popped out.

After removing this giant worm (wound up in a roll and burned), the inner child agreed to reunite with the girl. Later, she said that after that her life began to gush with joy, which she had never experienced before.

So that you die

The man Oleg addressed the problem of self-destruction. He complained that he himself sees that he is engaged in latent suicide through alcoholism, failure, unsuccessful marriage, etc., but he cannot do anything about it, he literally goes downhill.

At the next meeting, his basic fears were worked out, and an ugly witch came out as the owner of one of them. When asked what she was trying to achieve, instilling fear in Oleg, she replied: "I want you to die sooner!" When the psychotherapist asked: "What good will it be when he dies?", Replied: "Well, he has already ruined this life, and if he dies, he will reincarnate, be born again and get a chance to be happy again."


In other words: Oleg's unconscious sought happiness for him through death and a new life, not seeing the opportunity to realize happiness in this life. And it generated suicidal tendencies in order, paradoxically, to quickly lead him to happiness.

After the resource and transformation, the image of the witch was transformed and willingly agreed not to postpone happiness until the next life, but to put things in order in the current one. Oleg came to the next meeting changed beyond recognition - energetic, vigorous, talkative, without a trace of alcoholic puffiness on his face.

Killer grandfather

Elena addressed the problem of procrastination. As a symbol of the obstacle between her and her goals, the image of a black tree appeared behind the girl's back. When the psychotherapist asked to show who had put the tree, the heroine's paternal grandfather came out. Elena said that her grandfather, an alcoholic, twice a murderer, spent most of his life in prison, and now lives out his life in a nursing home. The girl's father erased him from life, but she herself had mixed feelings for her grandfather.

When asked why he put the tree behind the girl's back, he began to crawl on his knees in front of her, begging for forgiveness and "at least a drop of love." But attempts to give him a resource of love were unsuccessful - the image was unable to accept it.


Viewing the grandfather's life line showed that the only moment when his life was not yet in black was the very first year of his life, after which everything sharply turned dark colors. Clarification of the turning point showed that even in infancy, due to an oversight of parents, the child overturned a boiling samovar, after which he had ugly scars on his back for life, which caused him to be teased by his peers.

At first, the parents did not reveal to the grown-up son the true origin of these scars, but at some point, in passing, they told the truth, which became a kind of psychological breakdown for the boy (both the very fact that they were lying and how they presented him with the truth).

After the psychotherapist and the patient gave all the participants the missing resources and re-recorded this episode (in the new version, the parents sincerely repented before the child), the boy went along a different, bright line of life and came to the point of the present in the guise of a beneficent old man who gave Elena his blessing to live and rejoice. After that, all obstacles on the way to her goals on the vector of the future disappeared by themselves.

Fear boy

The young man Igor applied with a desire to increase his income. As an obstacle between him and the money, the figure of a boy who consisted entirely of fear emerged. When I asked if the boy is an inner child, the image replied: "Yes and no."


When the psychotherapist asked to show that inner child who is one hundred percent so, a cheerful, blond-haired active boy came out, who immediately began to jump around. When asked what the fear boy had to do with him, the cheerful little boy replied: "I split in order to survive, and poured all my fear into him."

As it turned out, this happened when Igor's parents divorced and the boy had to live in the family of his mother's new husband. Resource and re-recording of this period on the life line led to the fact that the boy-fear disappeared without a trace, and the inner child became whole and already unalterably cheerful and cheerful.

Anna and Satan

Anna addressed the problem of constant fear for her already grown-up son. In response to a request to the unconscious to show the owner of fear, the figure of Satan came out - neither more nor less - the figure of Satan, who said that his goal was to drive Anna to madness with the help of the fear of loneliness, so that she would die in a madhouse forgotten by everyone, after which, according to Satan, her the soul will go to him.

When asked at what age Anna Satan first appeared in her body, he indicated the time of the heroine's divorce. However, the fear of loneliness appeared in her life much earlier - as a result of the harsh maternal upbringing.


When the therapist and the patient rewrote Anna's past, giving her a magic mother, Satan moved far enough, but still made it clear that he would return as soon as possible. When they asked the unconscious for the resource that could finally expel Satan from the space of Anna's life, an image of communication with higher forces appeared in the form of a pillar of light descending on Anna. She once again walked along the imaginary life line with this resource, and the figure of Satan disappeared without a trace.