The Okhta River And Its Mysteries - Alternative View

The Okhta River And Its Mysteries - Alternative View
The Okhta River And Its Mysteries - Alternative View

Video: The Okhta River And Its Mysteries - Alternative View

Video: The Okhta River And Its Mysteries - Alternative View
Video: River Flash mob St.Petersburg 2024, July

The Okhta River is the right tributary of the Kem River, which flows into the White Sea. These are the lands of Karelia, and the republic is famous primarily for the remote taiga places. It is through them that the water stream breaks its way. It is characterized by the alternation of river sections and lakes. There are 15 of the latter on Okhta. But this does not mean that the river is calm and quiet. There are many rapids and rifts on it. They attract tourists from all over the vast Russia. Every year in the summer, several thousand fans of extreme water sports float down the river, which is 142 km long.

The river bed runs through remote uninhabited places. There are villages along the banks. But people have not lived in them for a long time. But there are still legends about mysterious stones-idols. Once upon a time, these blocks were placed in a remote taiga thicket along the winding river banks and on the hills. Who set them up and for what purpose is unclear. But the most striking thing is that some of these stones "sing".


Common boulders are called seids. There are a lot of them on the territory of Karelia. These are large boulders supported by several small stones. Official science claims that these are not man-made formations at all, but the result of melting glaciers. Those shifted to the north and as a result left behind such peculiar natural structures. As for the "singing" seids, everything is more complicated here, since they have only been heard about, but not seen. The Okhta River is the landmark. These mysterious formations are located near it.

There is a legend that if a traveler comes to the "singing" stone, the granite block will immediately determine what thoughts are in his head. If they are bright and kind, then such a person will be helped. He will be cured of illness, fatigue, and his consciousness will be illuminated by answers to many difficult life questions. If the wanderer turns out to be the embodiment of evil, then mortal terror will seize him, and such a traveler will rush away from the stone block. He will run away without looking back, and may get lost in the forest thicket, and, therefore, disappear forever in the dense Karelian forests.

It cannot be said that people were not looking for mysterious "singing" stones. Whole expeditions left for the taiga, but returned with nothing. But one day, the researchers got lucky. They went out to a small hill, climbed to its top and saw a seid. He stood on a flat stone support. Everything would have been nothing, but the stone "sang". The wind blew and penetrated the narrow gap between the base of the stone and the rocky support, on which the "chanter" held on.

This generated a sound that resembled the sound of a pipe. It was as if a shepherd was hiding behind a stone and playing a soulful melody on his pipe. The tone of the sound changed depending on the strength of the wind. This was facilitated by the unstable position of the block. She swayed under the pressure of air. The stone seemed to be balancing on a granite stand. But a slight tremor was observed not only with strong gusts of wind. It did not stop even when it became completely quiet.

The monolith was big, heavy, and no wind could make it sway. However, the movements were visible to the naked eye. This led eyewitnesses to the idea that this composition was created by hands, and not by nature.

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The "singing" stone was surrounded by bushes and trees on all sides. Only in one place did nothing grow. It was a narrow passage that made it possible for the wind to blow the structure unhindered. It was in this direction that it was oriented.

The ground around the "songstress" was trampled down. The impression was that this place had been regularly visited for hundreds of years. Maybe people who once inhabited this land performed ritual ceremonies near the stone. But no legends or stories about this monolith remained.

Stone-seid. It is believed that the spirit lives in it, and the world of the living in this place meets the otherworldly
Stone-seid. It is believed that the spirit lives in it, and the world of the living in this place meets the otherworldly

Stone-seid. It is believed that the spirit lives in it, and the world of the living in this place meets the otherworldly.

However, the main discovery on the bank of the Okhta River was not the "singing" stone at all. A group of researchers discovered a whole chain of seids that were not yet known to science. People looked at the map, checked the compass route and saw that all the stones are located on a perfectly straight line, and it is directed to Lake Karma. It is located next to Okhta, on the geographical map it is, despite the fact that it is surrounded on all sides by impenetrable swamps.

This was the reason that no one explored the reservoir. But legends soar around him, claiming that the lake is a repository of information about Hyperborea. This ancient civilization is inextricably linked by many scientists with Karelia. Thus, the Okhta River and its mysteries are inextricably linked with one of the greatest mysteries of our planet.

As for the perfectly straight chain of stones, it can be assumed that they were a kind of milestones, denoting a certain mysterious path. Incidentally, it should be noted that Okhta is translated from Old Sami as "guiding river". It was along its shore that the path went towards Lake Karma. For example, the same young men could pass here shaman initiation. They moved from one sacred place to another. Each of them had a certain specificity and gave a part of secret knowledge. The one who passed the whole path received full initiation.

All of the above is not at all true in the last instance. This is just one of the assumptions, but it once again indicates that the Okhta River and its mysteries give rise to a variety of hypotheses. And they, as you know, arise when it is very difficult to explain some phenomenon from the standpoint of modern science. It seems that the secrets of the past centuries should be comprehended based on a completely different way of thinking. But he is unknown to modern man, which is why there are so many mysteries in the world.

Yuri Syromyatnikov
