Development Of Super-abilities And Individuality - Alternative View

Development Of Super-abilities And Individuality - Alternative View
Development Of Super-abilities And Individuality - Alternative View

Video: Development Of Super-abilities And Individuality - Alternative View

Video: Development Of Super-abilities And Individuality - Alternative View
Video: LAUDATO SI AND THE SDA TRINITY - Nick Ionashku 2024, September

Now there is such a fashion as to develop in oneself various abilities, which are "super" - abilities. Many people are attracted by this topic, and they go headlong into it. There is nothing to worry about when you clearly understand what you are doing and what and how is happening in the structures of Destiny.

Each creature has certain abilities. This is what is usually called talents among people, and this is what most often from birth and during the period of growing up begins to be the brightest in a person's manifestation. And the fact that society has a certain list, what to call talent, what not to name, and what to attribute to super-abilities - this is only a limitation of the society itself. And in fact - the most striking features of manifestation in behavior - these are individual super-abilities.

And then it is very important to understand that the drawing of Destiny, those patterns and highways - they are completely based on these abilities of the creature. What does it mean. I will describe it first with my example. I have a peculiarity - super-hearing, such a werewolf gadget that has been shaped and perfected by many incarnations. I can select anyone that is important to me from the entire sound spectrum and hear what they say. I have actively used this ability since school. There were subjects that I was not at all interested in, but I was an excellent student, and just coming home with a bad grade in my case was physically punishable. And my friends always helped me, because I still didn't prepare for such subjects. But when they called me to answer, one of my friends just started under his breath, barely moving his lips to tell me, without even looking in my direction,they just muttered so that the neighbor on the desk could not make out anything. It was not a whisper. It was just a subtle formation of sounds. And that was enough for me.

And now it is very important to understand the following - I have this ability from birth, it permeates my being through time, space and dimensions, it is my part. And when your ability is you, then all the patterns of Destiny will be permeated with it. Those. events will be shaped so that you can use your ability. They will be built around ability. As in my case, completely uninteresting objects will appear, there will be conditions at home that will not allow you to just bring a four from school, there will be friends who are ready to help you and who know this subject. Those. the whole scenario will unfold so that you can use what you in fact are.

But if I had followed social norms from childhood, I would have decided that being an excellent student is necessarily a crammer, and refused to use my innate talent, then I would have closed it. It always happens - you don't hear yourself, you put someone's "correct" standards ahead of your own, you lose that part of yourself that you replaced with generally accepted standards. Forever and ever.

This is one point. And there is another. When you do not understand that you have your own unique features, which are talents, and under which your movement is painted here - events, personal life, choice of work, opportunities to realize yourself, then you start looking around for what to develop in yourself in order to be successful. And there is no understanding that if you could not fill your unique script with strength and be successful, then how can you do it with something that has nothing to do with you? After all, the feeling of being filled with Power and Freedom gives only what you are in fact, and only takes away everything else. In any case, until it becomes part of the light body.

And this is where elementary physics comes into play. There is your personal pattern, which is formed based on your abilities. You do not walk along it, and from this, by the way, the energies do not stop moving along the lines of your pattern. And you take and begin to develop, i.e. draw a new additional pattern. No question - draw, no one is sorry. The question is different. First, where will you get the energy for a new pattern? What part of your natural pattern will you lose strength? And the parts are different - some are responsible for health, others for personal well-being, others for the material part, etc. Those. at the expense of which from this list will you begin to develop super-ability? And this question is really acute, because since there is an interest in turning your head around, it means there is no access to yourself, to your true abilities, which means there will be a lack of strength,and many of those destiny directions are already lacking fulfillment.

And the second point - if you do develop some ability, then you will have to weave it into the scenarios of your life, so that there is an automatic opportunity to use this new ability. Then there is an opportunity to integrate it into your light structures, and not to exhaust yourself further, and to destroy the structures of Destiny.

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For example, what is the use of pyrokinesis if you do not use it in life. If this ability is only triggered for show, show, or just quietly, while no one sees. But if you can integrate this into life, so that every day there is a need to light something and not just once, then the energy from this ability begins to flow through other patterns of your Destiny, it begins to weave into the overall pattern, become its organic part. But if it happens that there is pyrokinesis in your life, and there is Life - everything else, and they go in parallel, then a part of the picture in life will surely begin to collapse completely, so that there, like a puzzle, an alien structure that you stubbornly hold in yourself …

So it's not a difficult question about all sorts of super-abilities - they can be developed. But personally, as for me - why break what is already harmonious and just waiting for you to start to be yourself in order to unfold in all your power and beauty. We all have abilities. Not everyone hears them, because they listen to what others will say about everything about it. And the answer that this is my development and evolution is not accepted in this case. Because these concepts work only when you sound in your full strength, and your pattern is so rich and powerful that there is simply a need to expand yourself further and draw new structures for the movement of force along them. Development, it arises from a feeling of overcrowding, not from scarcity.

There is another example about choosing a profession. Get a surgeon. A surgeon who can really do this safely for himself, i.e. not to drink too much from stress, from responsibility, from suppressed pity for patients - this is a person who enjoys the fact that he cuts the body, tissues, organs, jewelry and accurately removes problem areas in the human body, and with laser beauty sews everything with nano- accuracy. These are the qualities of a maniac, because he will get high from the process when he has a scalpel in his hands. There is no question about the situation of the patient himself - he will not care at all. There is only a question - enjoyment of the process. This will be a successful combination of the natural talent of working with torsion fields of different densities and layers of subspaces, and the chosen profession. And each operation for such a person will not bring stress,but to fill with strength.

Ps: innate abilities are fully manifested in a person up to 40 years old. Through different situations they make themselves felt. The brightest are always a constant trait of character and behavior from birth. If you have doubts about what and how you manifest, then you can turn to astrology, numerology and other characterizing systems - the main highways of who you are will always be visible there. I read one description and was surprised - one of my characteristics in it was that I belong to people who hear spaces, “hear how the grass grows”. So, if you set yourself a goal - to understand who I am, then this can be done with modern improvised means.
