A Hilarious Stand-up In Every Sense: Abomination As A Way Of Making Money - Alternative View

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A Hilarious Stand-up In Every Sense: Abomination As A Way Of Making Money - Alternative View
A Hilarious Stand-up In Every Sense: Abomination As A Way Of Making Money - Alternative View

Video: A Hilarious Stand-up In Every Sense: Abomination As A Way Of Making Money - Alternative View

Video: A Hilarious Stand-up In Every Sense: Abomination As A Way Of Making Money - Alternative View
Video: Идрак - "Промежуточные итоги". Стендап концерт 2021 2024, October

Comedians-stand-ups with their vulgar jokes gather full houses, performing on city tours. Why and who needs it?

Runaway buffoon

We have such a pop genre that migrated from the USA - stand-up comedians. Some of these people, proudly called "artists", sometimes have large Internet audiences, they gather full houses, performing on tour in cities. The key to success in genre is vulgar jokes with obscenities, godless blasphemy, black humor, cynicism, attacks on power. Disguised as buffoonery, these laughters work as one of the gears in the machine of destruction of consciousness, moronization of the younger generations of our citizens. Some, however, on their "star" path come across thorns, from which they panic.

Recently, a story about a new light-faced fighter against the Putin regime and his clerical henchmen ran around the network. They announced a certain Sasha Dolgopolov, whose stand-up career was growing by leaps and bounds under the supervision of high patrons: genre guru Ivan Urgant, guys from KVN and Comedy Club.

So, the slender vyunosh, whom some heated, but poorly educated fellow citizens began to call even Raikin Sr., Zhvanetsky and Zadornov in one person, joked, joked, and even joked. After another of his blasphemous mockery of Christian relics and of Christ himself (“if you think about it, Jesus is the ### Bogdan of all”), a believer from Orekhov-Zuev turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, offering to involve a joker under the well-known article of the Criminal Code “insulting the feelings of believers.

The prosecutor's office began to check, and now the stand-up artist notices with horror "strange and gloomy people in civilian clothes" at his concerts. The humorist immediately leaves his sense of humor. And so much so that he drops everything and runs in panic … to Israel. Where, in his opinion, the new "Chatsky" will immediately be provided "for the insulted feeling" a corner. Nobody prevents him from flying out. The funny thing is that literally a day after Sashka, Vladimir Putin arrives on the Promised Land. As they joked on the Web (really funny), "the darkest one came to personally capture his sworn enemy." And Dolgopolov is already filling messengers and social networks with pretentious statements about the persecution of freedom of speech in Putin's Russia, which, of course, are happily picked up by MBKh and other Novye Gazeta. The comic and "insect" of the comedian himself does not bother them - you give "a fighter for an hour." Like, we will work out,and let the fool down the pipe. And the fugitive, meanwhile, became depressed: in Israel his work was somehow not appreciated and for anti-Putinism and anti-Christianity in one bottle they are in no hurry to hand over the same bags of shekels and dollars that he used to receive in rubles in the Russian Federation.

The fact, by the way, is remarkable! As well as the one that the organizers of his own concert handed over to the comedian, prompting law enforcement officers where to find his latest photos. This should be taken into account by the Dolgopolov stand-up colleagues who roam the laughter paths close to the Sashins.

Promotional video:

Dolgopolov is already filling messengers and social networks with pretentious statements about the persecution of freedom of speech in Putin's Russia. Photo: Kirill Zykov / AGN * Moscow *
Dolgopolov is already filling messengers and social networks with pretentious statements about the persecution of freedom of speech in Putin's Russia. Photo: Kirill Zykov / AGN * Moscow *

Dolgopolov is already filling messengers and social networks with pretentious statements about the persecution of freedom of speech in Putin's Russia. Photo: Kirill Zykov / AGN * Moscow *.

Here, for example, another "stand-up comedian" - TNT star Alexei Shcherbakov, whom such an "authority" as Yuri Dud calls "Russian folk stand-up". Well, of course - a typical "guy from our city" or "ordinary person", as they say today: the son of a traffic cop and a housewife from Zelenograd. He parked, played guitar and drums in a local group, served in the airborne troops, worked as an installer in the Moscow metro. But at one point I watched the performances of famous stand-ups, found out what kind of money they were raising, and thought: "Why not me?" And now he is already a participant in the YouTube show "What happened next?" and "Calls". And then - filming on TNT, a tour schedule, scheduled for the year ahead, sold out, proceeds of three or four hundred "oblique" for the concert. Story!

Lyokha's former colleagues in the metro or a neighbor on the entrance - some unfortunate engineer from one of the Zelenograd electronics enterprises - should just think about what they are doing? As the bard Timur Shaov sang in one of his mocking songs: “I have lost my craving for non-don’t work, there is paper in the toilet - I’ll go to the writers”.

Clap who is for Putin

Lyosha Shcherbakov is a guy even less intricate than Dolgopolov, directly from the famous film "Dumb and Dumber". In a recent interview with Dudyu, he boasts: "He came up with a political joke for which I will get nothing." The joke is that, going on stage, Shcherbakov says to the audience: "Clap, who is for Putin!" And then, they say, deafening silence.

Funny, is not it? Or here's another from the public life observations of Lyosha Shcherbakov: "Everything is in shit, everything is visible, but for some reason people still do not understand, they say that Putin is not to blame for this." Laugh as funny, passion as observant - right Antosha Chekhonte!

Another thing is not funny: the people who are engaged in this piece of the American pop genre today, omitted even in comparison with the not too intellectual original, have an impressive youth audience. And the latter, having, again, not very high, to put it mildly, educational and cultural qualifications (victims of the exam), thanks to these comedians, goes even lower.

Dolgopolov's program "New Hour of Jokes" had more than two million views. The program of a certain Danila Poperechny "Impartial" - 17 million. The first largest stand-up festival was held in St. Petersburg last summer. Three days in a row, 350 comedians from all over Russia and far abroad: the USA, Ireland, Croatia, Australia and other countries performed simultaneously in several bars and on the streets in the city center. 85,000 wished to laugh, so to speak, alive and several tens of millions more - on the Web. Impressive, huh?

Tell the telegram teenagers about the miracles of * popular popularity *, which is growing as if by itself. Photo: Zamir Usmanov / Globallookpress
Tell the telegram teenagers about the miracles of * popular popularity *, which is growing as if by itself. Photo: Zamir Usmanov / Globallookpress

Tell the telegram teenagers about the miracles of * popular popularity *, which is growing as if by itself. Photo: Zamir Usmanov / Globallookpress.

In general, when it comes to an audience of several million across the country, accidents, the “invisible hand of the market,” and other mysticism end, and technologies begin. How certain resources and people with very mediocre abilities, but ready to move in the right direction, rise and unfold in the global Web, those who steer the "web" know well. Tell the telegram teenagers about the miracles of “popular popularity” that is growing by itself.

Humor as propaganda

And why and who needs it? It's about "harmless, albeit rude humor," as some believe. It's not that simple. The young clientele of the "comic industry" is accustomed to scoffing at shrines, mockery of the older generation, political frustration without the slightest ideas of their own in their heads. And this is no longer a joke. In the same way, from the second half of the 19th century, a base for an explosion from within the Russian Empire was prepared, the same thing was done with the USSR from the mid-1980s.

Humor and satire, especially in young people, were well developed both in the escalation of the Prague Spring in 1968 and in the subsequent Polish events associated with Solidarity. Only then there were no such powerful and convenient tools as the Internet, video platforms, messengers. And the mental level of the population was much higher. Once, Raikin and Zhvanetsky worked, then Petrosyan and Shifrin, and today Dolgopolov and Shcherbakov are enough.

The same "Novaya Gazeta", in every way interceding for the blasphemous stand-up and swearing man Dolgopolov and his colleagues in the shop, convinces: "Understand, this is such a psychotherapy for young people." From laughter, they say, nerve cells are restored and wrinkles are smoothed.

Laughter laughter strife, which is known from time immemorial. From something else you can laugh and die. And not individually, but directly to all the people, once again laughing at the country. And then not only the therapist, but also the surgeon will not help.

Author: Samokhin Andrey