Brain Riddles: Déjà Vu - Alternative View

Brain Riddles: Déjà Vu - Alternative View
Brain Riddles: Déjà Vu - Alternative View

Video: Brain Riddles: Déjà Vu - Alternative View

Video: Brain Riddles: Déjà Vu - Alternative View
Video: Ever Had Deja Vu? This Is Why. 2024, September

Déjà vu is one of the little-studied and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that this or that situation in their life has already been experienced earlier in all its details. All this was … But how and when? This phenomenon is called the effect of déjà vu (from French déjà vu - already seen). This is a mental state in which a person feels that he once was in a similar situation, but this feeling is not associated with a certain moment of the past, but refers to the past in general. Deja vu is a fairly common phenomenon.

Psychologists believe that 97% of people have experienced this feeling at least once. Sometimes people are afraid of déjà vu and fear for their mental health. What lies beyond human understanding always scares us. The reasons for the phenomenon have not been precisely established. It can be caused by processes in the areas of the brain responsible for memory and perception. There is a hypothesis that sometimes perceived information arrives in memory departments earlier than in the area of primary analysis. Therefore, the brain, comparing the situation with its neurocopy, which has already entered the memory, comes to the conclusion that it has already happened.

The human brain is powered by biological electricity. He receives bioelectric energy from the whole body and himself. The two hemispheres of the brain concentrate energy in different ways. The left hemisphere concentrates electrical impulses with a negative charge, and the right one with a positive one. Due to the potential difference, there is a multiple increase in the incoming electrical energy of a dense, low-frequency order.

But there is also a high-frequency thin-plane current, an analogue of radio waves, which is perceived by our brain and the body as a whole from the environment. High-frequency thin-plane energy is used by our nervous system to support all physiological and mental functions. Science has long proved that without fine-plane energy, man and other bioorganisms cannot exist. And our brain is also capable of producing this energy spectrum. This happens in the process of thinking because the transformation of dense electricity into thin-plane electricity is carried out during mental activity.

Subtle-plane energy has been known to man for a very long time. Psychologists call it psychic, spiritual, and physicists call it the energy of the physical vacuum. Scientists have already discovered an elementary particle of this energy - psychon, an analogue of an electron in dense electricity. Psychophysical research has proven that thinking is primarily a process of generating, producing thin-plane electricity with certain informational characteristics. Therefore, some psychics can see thought forms as thin-plane electric fields of different colors.

Psychology cannot yet describe in detail the given possibilities of our thought forms. But the very possibility of the existence of a thought as energy at the same time in different space-time continua is proved by experimental achievements in the field of quantum physics. It has been proven that a quantum can be in different places at the same time! And astrophysics confirms these possibilities by the discovery that light from distant stars comes to us from their past, present and future at the same time. Thus, if a person experiences the effect of déjà vu, then this is primarily the result of the action of the information with which his strong thought forms returned from the past or future.

We have an amazing, at first glance, mysterious opportunity to receive information from different space-time continua connected with us through our thought forms. Very strong, stable thought forms are formed under the influence of strong emotions and dominant motivations. Therefore, most often the effect of déja vu is experienced by people who are very emotional and have high dominants in their behavior.

Déjà vu is not a mental abnormality, and there is no need to be alarmed if you experience it. Try to get emotional satisfaction from this phenomenon, and fears will disappear immediately. Further studies of the effect of déjà vu will make it possible to consciously control this process and use it for a more complete disclosure of a person's mental capabilities.

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