All Familiar Faces - Deja Vu Effect - Alternative View

All Familiar Faces - Deja Vu Effect - Alternative View
All Familiar Faces - Deja Vu Effect - Alternative View

Video: All Familiar Faces - Deja Vu Effect - Alternative View

Video: All Familiar Faces - Deja Vu Effect - Alternative View
Video: Mad World -Gary Jules (lyrics) 2024, September

A person who unravels the mystery of the deja vu effect will surely gain worldwide fame, because then amazing opportunities will open before humanity.

Something has become with my memory. More than 120 years have passed since the deja vu effect began to be taken seriously. Officially studying this phenomenon began at the end of the 19th century, after the French psychologist Emile Bouarak, who lived at that time, used this scientific term in his book "Psychology of the Future".

"Deja vu" in translation from French means "already seen". Any of us have ever come across it. Someone more often, someone less often. Deja vu means a mental state in which a person, being in a certain place and at a certain time, feels that he has already been in a similar situation, and at this moment everything seems familiar to him. Some can even predict what will happen after this sensation occurs. Real facts serve as proof. People who lived at different times and in different countries experienced a similar feeling and could predict what would happen to them in the near future.

Sigmund Freud did not deny the existence of the deja vu effect and called it miraculous and supernatural, but he interpreted it as the presence of unconscious fantasies and desires in a person. Freud's desire to explain this phenomenon only from a scientific point of view was not supported by his student Carl Gustav Jung. Having experienced the effect of deja vu at the age of 12, Jung was convinced that he lived two parallel lives for the rest of his life. This feeling can be explained by the eccentricities of the scientist. But how strong the feeling of déjà vu had to be in order to leave a mark on the boy's memory for life. And he just accidentally saw in the portrait of a doctor who lived in

18th century, boots with buckles. This fact formed in him a clear confidence that he had already seen and felt them on his feet.

Leo Tolstoy experienced a similar effect when he fell from his horse while hunting. He suddenly suddenly remembered that 200 years ago another rider also fell from a horse, and that rider was himself. The fact that the writer felt like a horseman who lived 200 years ago can be explained by his violent imagination. But a clear sense of what has already been seen in such an unusual situation confirms the theory that the effect of deja vu can await us in the most unexpected places, at a time that is difficult to predict.

Remember all. Is it possible for us to have some kind of genetic memory that stores information about his past lives in a person's mind? Of course, this has not been proven. But gene memory exists, and this is a real fact confirmed by scientists. Only what information does it store in itself? Whether this is information about ancestors, previous generations, deceased relatives or lived lives, remains to be studied and proved to humanity. In the meantime, we can only be based on real events happening to us.

British Dorothy Idri, who lived in the middle of the 20th century, at the age of three, began to remember her past lives, frightening others with this. With age, she began to claim that she was nothing else, but an Egyptian priestess, and her name was Bentricheti. At the age of 34, Dorothy-Bentricheti moved to Egypt and shocked all archaeologists and Egyptologists with amazing knowledge about the period of the reign of Pharaoh Seti the First. She unmistakably pointed to the location of the garden of the temple in Abydos, the famous wall with bas-reliefs, the Nag Hammadi papyrus, and was awarded the Order of Merit for the Arab Republic of Egypt.

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Since ancient times, some peoples, for example, the Eskimos, North American Indians, Jews, some African tribes and, of course, the Indians, have supported the theory of reincarnation. "Reincarnation" translated from Latin means "reincarnation", that is, the property of the soul to reincarnate again and again from one body to another. The case of the British Dorothy could be attributed to a similar theory, whether we are Indians or parapsychologists. But since we are neither one nor the other, and do not believe in such tales, we explain everything by genetic memory. Although these two theories are so close that they constantly overlap with each other. An example is regressive hypnosis, which allows the human mind to travel into the past. Experiments with regressive hypnosis allowed scientists not only to learn about a person's past, but also to treat him for many mental illnesses. If, during a session, ask a person to talk about their past life, amazing details can be revealed. Life in various corners of the planet, at different times, stories that a husband and wife were brother and sister in a past life, mother and daughter were husband and wife, and so on. If regressive hypnosis does not prove the theory of reincarnation and the existence of gene memory, then it clearly makes it clear how many secrets the human consciousness many secrets the human consciousness many secrets the human consciousness hides.

Forgotten and requested. Californian hypnotherapist Michael Newton, known for his private practice of correcting various kinds of deviations in behavior, as well as helping people to reveal their higher spiritual self, in his book "Journeys of the Soul (Life Between Lives)" gives a very interesting description of the cause of deja vu. While developing his own age regression technique, he discovered that patients can be placed in intermediate periods between their past lives and was able to demonstrate and prove this in practice. The patients, whom he introduced into a state of trance, all as one told about the existence of an immortal soul between physical incarnations on Earth. At the moment of the transmigration of the soul into a new body, she is given from above clear instructions or signs that she must see in earthly life and remember her real origin.

These can be smells, sensations, clothing items and other things that seem insignificant at first glance. For example, one of the patients talked about a silver pendant, an adornment that he should have seen on a woman's neck at the age of seven. At the same time, when asked how this silver object would become the lever of his memory, he replied that the decoration would shine in the sun in order to attract his attention, and he would have to remember his real purpose in the current life. A very similar version can be found in Plato in his theory of anamnesis or recollection, who considered the soul to be immortal and defined the process of cognition as memories of the ideas that the soul contemplated before its connection with the body.

I remember here, I don't remember here. It must be admitted that research in the field of deja vu is currently not very active. Let's try to consider the genesis of this phenomenon. At the end of the 19th century, a German psychological journal explained the phenomenon of deja vu by the congestion of the brain, the mismatch of the processes of "perception" and "consciousness", which in a normal state should occur simultaneously. In other words, the brain is malfunctioning from fatigue, and against this background, the effect of "deja vu" arises. The opposite theory at the same time was put forward by the American physiologist Ulyam H. Burnham. He explained the effect of deja vu on the contrary, the result of a good rest of the brain, then the process of awareness is several times faster, we can process the image easily and quickly, our brain subconsciously interprets this as a signal that we have seen it before. Scientists do not reject the version that people can see unfamiliar places or things in a dream before experiencing the effect of deja vu. Freud was sure that not a single thought, not a single feeling disappears without a trace. Everything settles in our subconscious. And if we find ourselves in an atmosphere very similar to the one that was in the dream, we have the feeling that it already happened. But where and when, we cannot remember, a person has the ability to quickly forget what happened to him in a dream. Such contradictory and diverse approaches have every right to exist. The versions of modern scientists have gone not far from them.very similar to the one that was in the dream, we have the feeling that it already happened. But where and when, we cannot remember, a person has the ability to quickly forget what happened to him in a dream. Such contradictory and diverse approaches have every right to exist. The versions of modern scientists have gone not far from them.very similar to the one that was in the dream, we have the feeling that it already happened. But where and when, we cannot remember, a person has the ability to quickly forget what happened to him in a dream. Such contradictory and diverse approaches have every right to exist. The versions of modern scientists have gone not far from them.

Studying patients with epilepsy, Austrian physician Josef Spat explained the appearance of déjà vu by the fact that in the process of perception, the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is responsible for emotions and the transition of short-term memory to long-term memory, is “turned off” for a while. At the moment when the hippocampus is turned off, only the parahippocampus, which is responsible for long-term memory, works, which mistakenly gives a new situation as an already experienced one. This theory does not explain the fact that many people who have experienced deja vu claim that at this moment it is as if they are recalling a dream. Therefore, Spat's colleague Uwe Wolfradt from Germany suggests that many other parts of the brain can be involved in the process of deja vu, and not just the two above.

At present, research on déjà vu is carried out in the old-fashioned way in the laboratory, experiments are carried out on the subjects. One good thing is that scientists today recognize the diverse causes of déjà vu, rather than trying to reduce everything to a common denominator. Investigating the phenomenon since ancient times, it is safe to say that the effect of deja vu has a cause independent of experience and its data.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is the future. The further into the forest, the more firewood, and modern scientists face a range of questions that have not yet been possible

find answers. The theories of the past are poor and limited, the facts speak for themselves. The evidence cannot be ignored. The effect of deja vu cannot be explained by experiments and assumptions alone. Research is needed that would cover the entire aspect of the causes and occurrences of the effect. But, unfortunately, such a multifaceted study has not yet been carried out.

Whichever theories currently exist, the effect of déjà vu remains a mystery behind seven seals. Everyone has it, but no one can explain the exact reason.

Neurophysiologists, with their activity of the parahippocampal gyrus, when we mistakenly present the new as what has already been seen, do not prove the fact if we really saw it before, for example, in a dream.

Hypnotherapists, who have proven in practice that people under hypnosis do not see dreams or hallucinations, with their version of the existence of an immortal soul, are fully entitled to a voice. In a dream, we see the reincarnation of information that got from the brain into the subconscious. Under hypnosis, a person is not in an unconscious state, all memory channels remain open, so we can receive and send information.

Psychiatrists with their exotic explanation for the effect of deja vu on retardation in the visual pathways. When we see an object, information about it is processed in the brain in two ways. The first leads to the visual area located in the occipital lobe. The other path is more convoluted and leads through various areas of the brain that coordinate visual information with the senses. When we see something, then both paths coincide. If suddenly the signals entering the brain in two ways slow down due to other processes occurring in the brain, then the information of what we see is perceived by us as a repetition. But deja vu occurs not only during a heavy brain load and fatigue, but also when a person has had a good sleep and rested.

Many of us tend to attribute paranormal or mystical origins to deja vu.

Whether it is a game of our imagination, or a violation of the perception of time, a memory of a past life, or new surprises that our nervous system and brain are preparing for us, no one can give an unequivocal answer. We can only assume that if in the future the secret of the déjà vu effect is revealed, this can help not only in the treatment of patients with mental illness, but also make it possible to quickly master any knowledge, diagnose diseases, solve crimes, prevent natural disasters and do much more that is still inaccessible to the human consciousness. Maybe it is worth reconsidering the approach to studying this phenomenon? Emile Bouarak, using the term "deja vu", in his well-known book "Psychology of the Future" wrote: "For many years, restraint, routine and skepticism have been preserved in human knowledge. Knowledge hates the birth of a new one, which,usually changes or adds to its fundamental academic aspect. But knowledge lags behind the true facts, mental concepts of life and man. His body, like an old man's, is made up of habits, opinions that make up a routine. But, as in the scheme of the Universe, the new always replaces the old."

Article author: Natalia Antonova