Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena - Alternative View

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Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena - Alternative View
Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena: Mysteries 2024, September

Science tries to understand the world around, but scientists are not always able to understand and explain the phenomena encountered. I think that each of us, if not faced, then at least heard about something that does not fit into the scientific picture of the world

We present the rating of such phenomena to your attention.

The rating created by the magazine, unfortunately, does not include the most intriguing question: "where did humanity come from and why does humanity exist?", But the top ten in the rating is also very interesting.

10 - Body to mind connection

Medicine is just beginning to understand how the mind influences the body. For example, the placebo effect clearly demonstrates that people can relieve symptoms of a disease simply by believing that a drug is effective, regardless of whether the drug is actually effective. The self-healing possibilities of the human body are extremely impressive, but no less mysterious.

9 - Paranormal abilities and extrasensory perception

Paranormal abilities and extrasensory perception are in this ranking only because they are considered widespread. As a result of scientific research, the existence of paranormal abilities has not yet been unequivocally proven.

8 - Life after death

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People who have been to the brink of death often talk about strange visions and describe the experience of out-of-body existence. And although the testimonies of different people have much in common, it has not yet been possible to prove the reliability of this information. In order to understand this mystery, scientists are now conducting a study called AWARE.

7 - UFO

There is no doubt that UFOs (unidentified flying objects) exist. In heaven, they often see what they cannot identify. And while most cases are understandable (from meteorological probes to meteors), there are always mysteries.

6 - Deja vu

Deja vu translates from French as "already seen" and describes the persistent feeling that an identical set of circumstances has already happened before. For example, when entering a building in another country where you have never been, you may feel that it is familiar to you. The causes and nature of the phenomenon is still a mystery.

5 - Ghosts

The spirits of the dead appear throughout the history of mankind. The ancients wrote about them, our ancestors and our contemporaries saw them. However, there is still no unequivocal scientific evidence of the possibility of contact with the dead.

4 - Mysterious disappearances

People disappear for various reasons. In most cases, they flee deliberately, sometimes the disappearance is the result of an accident, sometimes people are kidnapped or killed, but most of them are subsequently found. But absolutely mysterious disappearances are also known. From the crew of the Mary Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa and Natalie Holloway. People just disappeared without a trace.

3 - Intuition

The sixth sense is familiar to all of us. And although our premonitions sometimes deceive us, they are no less often correct. Psychologists believe that a person is able to subconsciously collect and analyze a huge amount of information and thus draw conclusions and know something without understanding how he knows it. But the presence of intuition is difficult to prove, and the study of intuition is extremely difficult, so psychology can only be part of the answer.

2 - Bigfoot

Bigfoot has been rumored for decades. On different continents, he has different names, but everywhere the same appearance. A huge, furry or hairy, humanoid creature was seen by many, but it was not possible to prove its existence.

1 - Noise of Taos

Some residents and visitors to the small town of Taos in New Mexico have heard low-frequency noise from the desert for years. Strange, but only 2% of the local population can hear it. Some believe that the unusual acoustics of the place are to blame, others see this phenomenon as an example of a mass hallucination or even some kind of secret project. However, for several years no one has been able to determine the source of this noise.