Where Did Atlas Hold The Sky? - Alternative View

Where Did Atlas Hold The Sky? - Alternative View
Where Did Atlas Hold The Sky? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did Atlas Hold The Sky? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did Atlas Hold The Sky? - Alternative View
Video: Atlas: The Mighty Titan Who Hold the Sky - Mythology Dictionary - See U in History 2024, July

Since then, as Plato in the dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" spoke about Atlantis, humanity has lost its peace. Wherever they have not searched for this mysterious country: in the Atlantic Ocean and South America, in the Mediterranean Sea and Africa, in Asia Minor, the North Sea and in many other places. But where Atlantis was "found", it did not correspond to the descriptions of Plato, and in the place indicated by the philosopher, this mysterious land cannot be found until now …

The latest discoveries of the Earth sciences give us the opportunity to raise the question of Atlantis in a new way, solving its riddle as part of the problem of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. Combining the most ancient myths, which tells that the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was under the Pole Star with the latest achievements of sciences, which proved that in the Arctic Ocean, possibly, there was a land in historical time and that from the 9th to the 3rd millennium BC. e. the climate in those places was warmer, we assumed that Indo-European peoples could live there.

It is possible that we can imagine this hypothetical ancestral home and graphically. The Soviet hydrogeologist Ya. Ya. Gakkel presented “his” Arctic as a narrow strip that stretches along the underwater Lomonosov Ridge and connects the Canadian Arctic Archipelago with the New Siberian Islands. The largest medieval cartographer Mercator, referring to ancient writings, reflected it first on his globe in 1541, and then on the map of 1569. The ancient lands are depicted by Mercator around a sacred mountain located right at the North Pole.

Having built a hypothesis about the Arctic ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, we naturally came to the conclusion that the death of these lands, their immersion on the bottom of the ocean were the basis for the creation of a large number of myths about the flood And that it is in the North that the secret of Atlantis should be sought.

It is possible that Heinrich Schliemann also saw the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans in Atlantis. Poet Valery Bryusov tells about the grandson of the famous discoverer of Troy, Pavel Schliemann, who reported that his grandfather had left a sealed envelope, which was allowed to open only to one of the heirs who vows to devote their lives to research on this will. When P. Schliemann opened the envelope, a letter was found in it, in which his grandfather reported that in 1873, during excavations in Troy, he found a large bronze vessel with various objects. On the vessel and some objects there was a hieroglyphic Phoenician inscription: "From the king of Atlantis Chronos."

Such a circumstance cannot fail to attract our attention. True, Bryusov was outraged. “How could it have happened,” he wrote, “that the gift of the“king of Atlantis, Chronos,”has an inscription on itself in the language that entered. everyday life forty centuries later? " But it is this incongruity that makes us look closely at the mysterious inscription. Maybe we ourselves do not know enough about the "Phoenician hieroglyphs"? What if these hieroglyphs were carried away from the flood from the ancestral home of Phenicia, who gave the name to the land of his new settlement - Phenicia? Indeed, from the dialogues of Plato (as well as from the Scandinavian sagas) it is clear that the most ancient gods judged according to written laws.

By the way, these "Phoenician hieroglyphs" confirm our hypothesis that Atlantis is part of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, where, after defeating the Titans, Zeus sent them together with the defeated ruler Cronus.

What does Plato know about the Atlantic? She was in the Atlantic Ocean directly opposite the Pillars of Hercules. A magnificent state flourished on the island with rich palaces and temples, a developed system of canals and a powerful fleet. Militant Atlanteans dominated the surrounding peoples.

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In the VIII millennium BC. e. the Atlanteans began to threaten Athens, setting off to conquer "all of Europe and Asia." The brave Athenians defeated the conquerors and saved themselves and other peoples from slavery.

Reading Plato's messages, one cannot fail to note the inconsistency of his descriptions with modern geography. Let's start with the fact that Atlantis cannot be found at the “address” indicated by the philosopher. But, more importantly, the Athens described by Plato is completely at odds with historical Athens.

We will be even more surprised when we read the description of the “antediluvian” city: “The location of the Acropolis was not at all the same as it is now. It occupied a much larger area. It was all covered with earth, and above, except for a few places, it was an even space."

So it turns out that in the place indicated by Plato, we cannot find not only Atlantis, but also the most ancient Athens. It turns out that if these states were nearby, then somewhere else. In this regard, it is interesting to recall the author of the 4th century BC. e. Theopomp. He said that "Europe, Asia and Libya were once islands surrounded by the ocean." Plato writes that the Atlantean island "was larger than Libya and Asia." Apparently, the Atlanteans, like their neighbors, the Athenians, LIVED IN Europe.

By the way, linguists believe that the word "Europe" originally meant simply "west", and the Atlanteans, according to all legends, lived in the west. Then it turns out that the Egyptians lived in Asia (which simply meant "east").

Plato, having placed Atlantis in the West, without knowing it, was absolutely right: it really was in the extreme west of other states, but located in the Arctic. When a catastrophe struck, when volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and, finally, the flood engulfed the polar archipelago, the surviving remnants of the population rushed to the south in waves in all directions, and new places of residence began to assign "antediluvian" names and spread the legends of the worldwide flood around the world … And each nation had its own "Noah" who restored the human race.

Additional evidence of the non-Mediterranean origin of these states is the message of the Egyptian priest that the Atlanteans captured Europe before Tyrrenia, and Hesiod also placed the Tyrrhenians not on the Apennine Peninsula, where we find them in historical time, but “on the distant holy islands” (apparently, on the extreme east of polar Europe). And it is not excluded that their main city was Tire, whose ruler, according to the prophet Jeekiel, boasted: "On the throne of God I sit among the seas."

Let's try to recreate the ancient history of the Greeks, relying on their own memory, recorded in myths. At the beginning of creation, Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven) gave birth to the Hundred-handed monsters and one-eyed cyclops. Then the Titans appeared in. led by Cronus: This was the population of the entire "circle of the earth." The life of the peoples was dominated by the "golden age": the climate was mild; the land itself bore fruit without needing to be cultivated; people were healthy, cheerful and benevolent, they knew no disease, no strife, no war.

But the son of Crohn, Zeus, organized a conspiracy of the gods living on Olympus against Crohn and the titans. The struggle between them was long and stubborn. Zeus managed to defeat the enemy, calling for the help of the wild and indefatigable Storakim who lived in Tartarus. Having seized power, Zeus exiled the titans, led by Cronus, under the supervision of the Stoorukhs to their homeland, Tartarus. Atlas played the main role among the exiled titans.

Let's take a closer look at this hero, who gave the names to the lost continent and the existing ocean. According to Plato, Atlantis is the eldest son of Poseidon, to whom his father transferred all power in Atlantis. Greek myths say that he is the son of the titan Raid and the oceanid Klymene, the brother of Prometheus. He lived in Arcadia, had a large family. Exiled by Zeus, he held on his head the vault of heaven, located in the Far West, at the end of the world. Lived in those parts and the nymph Callisto, who gave birth to Zeus's son Arkas, who gave the name Arcadia. Wanting to give Callisto and Arkas immortality, Zeus turned his mother into Ursa Major, and his son into Ursa Minor. “Bear” in Greek is “arctao.

This whole area was called the Arctic. It so happens that the events that took place in Arcadia developed directly under the constellations Callisto and Arkas, that is, in the Arctic. In a word, Atlas and his fellow tribesmen lived in an Arctic country located under the Big Dipper. There he kept the firmament.

The image of a titan supporting the sky was also close to the peoples of Iceland. Their god Heimdall, the father of all "sacred families", also held the sky on his back. It is very likely that Atlas and Heimdall descended from the same prototype.

So, in the west of the Arctic lived the Hundred-Hand, to whom Zeus exiled the titans. Atlant became the ruler of the country. But Atlant was also the name of the ruler of Atlantis, the son of Poseidon. I think that we can make one of the two Atlantes, which was first exiled by Zeus, and then, having received possession of Atlantis, "adopted" Poseidon. … So during the reign of Atlanta, Tartarus turned into Atlantis.

In addition to the Olympians and the inhabitants of Atlantis, as we have already mentioned, the Cyclopes also lived in the Arctic Circle ("Circle-with-eyes"). Where were they located? The leader of the Cyclopes was the son of Zeus and Hera, the blacksmith god Hephaestus. Unlike other gods, he was a hard worker, creating magnificent products with the help of Cyclops.

Cyclops had one feature - their only eye was placed in the forehead. But we know one more people of one-eyed - these are the Arimasps. Herodotus told us that this violent and wild people inhabited the land in the Far North, behind the Scythians and other peoples. It turns out that one should look for Arimasps somewhere in the north of Eurasia. It is very likely that the Cyclops and Arimasps are one people.

It is confirmed by the fact that these peoples lived in the North, and our geographical map: on the Taimyr Peninsula there is the Ary-Mac tract. This means that either the Arimases lived here for a long time, or moved after the death of the Arctic lands.

The first king of northern Athens was the giant Porphyrion, then we find Acteus there, whose daughter married the half-man-half-snake Kekrols. Under the latter, a struggle for the city between Poseidon and Athena began. First, Poseidon took possession of the city, but Athena soon appeared. The Olympian gods preferred Athena. Outraged Poseidon moved the sea to Aft. In this little myth is the whole tragic story of the struggle of the Greeks, led by Athena, against the Atlanteans, led by Poseidon. This struggle, apparently, was long-term and ended only with the death of the Arctic lands.

Apart from the myth of the struggle of Athena and Poseidon for the city of Kekrols, this war is described as a battle of the gods against the giants. Zeus struck Typhon and with his peruns threw him into Tartarus (that is, sent him home). But Ovid conveys another version of the myth, according to which the victory of the Thunder God was not so easy.

For the sake of justice, it must be said that there was neither Athena nor Hephaestus among the gods who fled. It turns out that it was Athena, abandoned by the allies, with the help of Hephaestus, took the enemy's blow and turned it back. The description of Ovid is fully consistent with the story of Plato, who conveys the words of the Egyptian priest, told to the politician of Athens Solon: “It was then, Solon, your state showed the whole world a brilliant proof of its valor and strength … It first stood at the head of the Hellenes, but because of the betrayal of allies it turned out to be presented to itself, in loneliness it faced extreme dangers and nevertheless overcame the conquerors."

Summing up the analysis of the most ancient Greek history, reflected in myths, we can say that the Arctic fully corresponds to the characteristics of Plato, given by him in relation to Atlantis, as well as the mythical history of the Greeks, reflecting their relationship with the Atlanteans. Sources show that Atlantis was indeed in the Far West and was washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the south.

True, Plato places this island directly opposite the Pillars of Hercules, but here we have to recall the words of Aristotle that the Pillars of Hercules were formerly called the Pillars of Briareus. Briareus is one of the Hundred-handed, the original inhabitants of the Arctic, whom Poseidon made his son-in-law. Therefore, the most ancient Heracles pillars - the pillars of Briareus should be "tied" again to the polar region. By the way, it is possible that it was Briareus who later turned into the god of the North Wind Boreas, behind whose possessions the blessed people of the Hyperboreans lived.

Thus, the Arctic is the only place that not only meets all the conditions for the existence of Plato's Atlantis, but also corresponds to the ancient myth of the polar ancestral home of the Indo-European peoples.

Based on materials by Maria Strunina