Cloud Atlas Or Senomyx Energy Soap - Alternative View

Cloud Atlas Or Senomyx Energy Soap - Alternative View
Cloud Atlas Or Senomyx Energy Soap - Alternative View

Video: Cloud Atlas Or Senomyx Energy Soap - Alternative View

Video: Cloud Atlas Or Senomyx Energy Soap - Alternative View
Video: Cloud Atlas- A Fabricant's Life Cycle Clip (HD) 2024, September

In 2012, the movie "Cloud Atlas", based on the book of the same name by David Mitchell, was released by the Wachevski sisters. You heard right, it was the Wachevski sisters, those famous brothers who shot the cult trilogy "Matrix" and subsequently changed their gender … But this is not the topic of this article.

Returning to the idea of the Cloud Atlas movie, it is worth noting that one of the film's parallel storylines tells about the Korean city of Seoul in the days of the distant future. Describes the work of a fast food chain restaurant, which employs exclusively young and attractive waitresses, specially selected and trained for this job. Their working days can be described as follows: getting up, washing and trying on a work uniform, working day, taking a nutritious energy wash that helps to sleep well, and, of course, a night's sleep. What kind of energy soap is this, which helps to sleep with a baby's sleep and why only young girls work in this company? Further, the development of the plot tells the viewer about a certain ritual that accompanies catering workers who have reached the level of maturity, and their transition to a better world, i.e.getting a tinned boost. The film is 172 minutes long, and almost at the very end we learn another important detail about the activities of this fast food chain. One of the young workers of this institution manages to get into the room where the partners who received the promotion are taken away, and in fact are the workshop for processing their not yet completely withered bodies into an energy soap, through decapitation and further cooking of carcasses.

Someone will say “what kind of stupidity !?”, someone will say that this is nonsense of a sick imagination, and someone will say “think, big deal, well, that was the author's idea, and in general, what can you expect from a film? which partly refers to the outstanding abilities of homosexuals, filmed by directors who subsequently changed their sex? I must admit that I would not give this episode much attention either, because modern cinema is teeming with all sorts of perversions and meaningless psychedelic stories. This was so, if not for one piece of information that made me think.

Let me introduce the American biotechnology company Senomyx Co Ltd, whose main profile is the production of various food additives for the food and cosmetic industry. If we go to the English-language site Wikipedia, we find out that the developed component HEK293 is the pride of the aforementioned company. In turn, if we ask ourselves what HEK293 means, the same Wikipedia will give us the answer that HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, that is, the kidney of an aborted human embryo. Let's take a short pause so that we can once again scroll through the decoding of the component in our head, and continue on. For those to whom the Wikipedia resource is not an authority, I suggest looking at the links below, including the ATCC organization,on the website of which you can see not only the certificates of conformity of this product, but also purchase it, for only 575 Euro.

Further more. By visiting the company's website, we will learn about the partners of this enterprise, a processor of aborted human embryos. The list of partners is far from complete, and yet we can make out a couple of familiar names: Pepsi Co and Nestle. If you continue to study this issue and search for additional sources confirming the use of HEK 293 additives by these companies in their products, then the searcher will inevitably come across sources indicating the protest attitude of the public, not only in the American states, but also in Russia. Below are links from English-language sites on this issue, you can also, if you wish, find Russian sources.

On the Senomyx website itself, in the FAQ section (frequently asked questions), when asked about the labeling of food additives on food, it is said that the manufacturer has the legal right not to specify which type / code of food additive or dye is used, referring to the trade secret of the production process. All this suggests that the consumer does not even know that when buying Nescafe instant coffee, Nesquick cocoa, Maggie seasoning, baby food or other Nestlé brand products, he is getting a product with the addition of "human flesh".

It may sound awful, but it really is. I propose to search the Internet for information about the pickets of activists around the office of Nestle in Russia.

Dear readers, be careful and don't be fooled. Beautiful packaging and bright advertising of a product is a guarantee of high demand, but not a guarantee of a manufacturer's honest attitude to his work. I wish you and your families good health and longevity.

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Goncharov Victor