Ancient Civilizations And Archaeological Discoveries Are Still Boggling The Imagination - Alternative View

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Ancient Civilizations And Archaeological Discoveries Are Still Boggling The Imagination - Alternative View
Ancient Civilizations And Archaeological Discoveries Are Still Boggling The Imagination - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Civilizations And Archaeological Discoveries Are Still Boggling The Imagination - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Civilizations And Archaeological Discoveries Are Still Boggling The Imagination - Alternative View
Video: The Strangest Historical Events, Megalithic Structures and Archeological Discoveries 2024, September

It would seem that in search of ancient artifacts, archaeologists dug up everything that is available with a shovel, as well as a brush for brushing off the dust of millennia. Penetrated into the jungle inaccessible to man in search of the Golden City of the Indian tribes of the Incas. Other explorers have descended to a ten-kilometer depth of the Mariana Ocean Trench, while others are trying to look into the Bermuda Triangle. But no!

Now one message, then another about finding evidence of life on Earth, not only thousands of years ago, but also millions. They are again beginning to make changes in history, geography and politics. Today we will look at some places of the Planet.

Pharaoh boy: who killed him?

His name is Tutankh. But this anthroponym changed several times. The noble position, as well as the dominance of all kinds of deities and priests in Ancient Egypt, demanded the addition of the name of the god to the name of the pharaoh - either Aten or Amun. The first was the god of the solar disk, the second was the god of the sun. From the point of view of today's perception of those times, there are almost no differences in terms, but then serious ancient Egyptian scandals flared up.



Pharaoh Akhenaten, the father of Tutankh, tried to prohibit polytheism, so he positioned only Aten. The successor was against this, and began to be called Tutankhamun. His wife, Queen Ankhesenamon, also changed her name. Since then, the god Amon began to be worshiped more in society. And this led to a complete theocracy in Thebes. And they stopped remembering the apostate Akhenaten in written sources. At the same time, Tutankhamun did not humiliate the cult of Aten during his reign. The temple of this deity flourished. Its beautiful vineyards were also known in neighboring countries. Tutankhamun often argued that at birth he was "the son of Aten."

The sickly pharaoh Tutankhamun did not show himself in anything as significant as that of other Egyptian kings. And he did not have time to do this, because he reigned for only nine or ten years. He died at twenty-nine. Instead of Tutankhamun, almost all affairs in Egypt were run by his regent Eye and the head of the military formations of the country Horemheb.

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Regarding the latter, we can say this: do not look for your enemies in the distance, they are nearby.

Howard Carter and Tut's Tomb Research Team
Howard Carter and Tut's Tomb Research Team

Howard Carter and Tut's Tomb Research Team

This warrior, during the life of Tutankhamun, attributed his victories out of flattery to him. And after his death, he added his name to the list of apostates, consigned to oblivion. All the monuments of architecture and culture of those times, which after a thousand years are considered by the name of the pharaohs who built them, appropriated to himself. And even the nominal temple for the repose of the soul of the deceased Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Thebes, decorated with the most unique colossi, seized his hands.

The reign of Tutankhamun about ten scientists called differently. Most agree in this opinion: 1332 - 1323 BC. e.

The British dug through half of Egypt in search of the tombs of the pharaohs. Including the burial place of Tutankhamun. Archaeologist Carter knew everything or almost everything about the pharaohs. But the reign of Akhenaten and his son was covered with mystery. The only thing a scientist can say about Tutankhamun with absolute certainty is: he died and was buried.

Only in the twenties of the last century in the Valley of the Kings all historians and Egyptologists were struck by the find. The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered. It was a "bomb" worse than the news of the discovery of the Cheops pyramid. It was important from the point of view of archeology and history that the richest tomb was not plundered, like other Egyptian burials of the pharaohs, high priests, military leaders, including the pyramids.

In it, among the items of daily household or temple use, lay the works of art of those times. Even a chariot could fit in the tomb. On the mummy, scientists even made out a bouquet of cornflowers and daisies, which has preserved almost its original appearance for more than four millennia. The colors were used to establish the approximate date (month) of burial.

Tutankhamun's tomb. Sarcophagus
Tutankhamun's tomb. Sarcophagus

Tutankhamun's tomb. Sarcophagus

Extending this very logical chain further, scientists suggested that it was in this month that the hunt for wild fauna was going on. According to one version, Tutankhamun fell from a chariot there and broke his head. Perhaps it was this injury that led to his death.

Questions about the sickly boy-pharaoh, his physical death (or violent?) Excite the minds of historical, medical and political luminaries.

Tutankhamun has been sickly since childhood. Another version says that he died of malaria. But this is a very simplified version. We need to look deeper. Who was Pharaoh married to? On your sister! Is this why two of Tut's children were stillborn? They are also in his tomb. And Tutankhamun's father was married to his close relative.

And if this tree of family life can be traced further?

Among the Egyptian pharaohs, such an interweaving of family ties, if not widespread, then very frequent. Doctors will immediately say that the genetic chain has been disrupted, which led to the discovery of several serious diseases in the mummy. In contrast to Egypt, in Europe, marriage and marriage of children of kings, emperors, princes with the blood of not just strangers, but even foreign peoples was generally accepted.

Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun
Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun

And murders motivated by jealousy of the rulers of their entourage are not new. Two contenders for the role of Tutankhamun's executioner are named in this publication. But a deeper analysis of the activities of the "suspects" brushed them aside baseless accusations. And then the wife of Tutankh, Ankhessenamun, appeared on the "stage". She could have ordered a premeditated murder. Historical records contain her letter, written to a hostile king of Egypt in the subjunctive mood. Like, if my husband dies, there will be no attack?

And the last in this regard: a year ago, Egyptologists suggested that the mummy of Queen Nefertiti might lie in the parts of Tutankhamen's tomb hidden from archaeologists. You can read about ancient civilizations and archaeological discoveries in English in various sources.

But there are also indirect assumptions about the curse of the pharaoh. When opening tombs, burial premises of the pyramids, scientists did not use protective measures.

After all, they invaded the world of unknown bacteria and viruses, or all kinds of fungi that could not die and infect the researchers.

But from the tomb of Tutankhamun, there are more than two dozen deaths of archaeologists, researchers of antiquity on artifacts. First on this list, Lord Carnavon is the main sponsor of the excavation and an admirer of archeology. More than ten more people were in direct contact with the aura of the open mummy. It is now clear that such information was artificially whipped up to stir up interest in the find. The researchers were elderly people, and they died without the "curse" of the pharaoh.

Archaeological Gifts: Arctida

There was already Atlantis, now a "gift" from the ethnographers of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Their expedition discovered something on the edge of the Russian land - Chukotka. This is a kind of structure of geometric shapes and huge jaws of cetacean marine animals. Apparently, there was no paper, so they left a message to future peoples about the developed northern country of Arctida on their jaws!

Arctida. Map of 1595
Arctida. Map of 1595

Arctida. Map of 1595

They wrote that the country of Arctida was founded by the Hyperboreans. The last tribes, according to Greek mythologists, grew wheat, peace and grace reigned in their society. A number of historians have confirmed the reality of the tribes with artifacts, Russians are called the heirs of the Hyperboreans.

After all, their Arctida existed in Eurasia on the territory of the present-day Arctic Ocean. For tens of thousands of years BC, vegetation reigned there and cereals bred by the tribe grew.

It is also confirmed that the descendants of the Hyperboreans reached India. And there they proved themselves to be the inventors of technology (a kind of aircraft), laser, nuclear and even some kind of etheric weapons, which are only being recreated in some countries. How the earth trembled from explosions, how cities were washed away by giant waves - this was confirmed in the ancient city flooded by the Arabian Sea. And geological findings, when rocks and minerals were cut with laser beams.

Ancient labyrinths on the Kola Peninsula - the alleged trace of the Hyperborean civilization
Ancient labyrinths on the Kola Peninsula - the alleged trace of the Hyperborean civilization

Ancient labyrinths on the Kola Peninsula - the alleged trace of the Hyperborean civilization


Of course, we are talking, first of all, about an unimaginable and architecturally gaudy tower-house-temple. This structure was built to settle people closer to heaven. According to archaeological sources, it is a temple. The skyscraper was also credited with improving knowledge in astronomy. After all, the people developed so much that they created samples of scientific solutions that are used in our time. It stood "unfinished" in the center of the city of Babylon - the capital of the ancient kingdom of the same name. This is the first world city in which two hundred thousand people lived.

Tower of Babel. Painting 1563
Tower of Babel. Painting 1563

Tower of Babel. Painting 1563

Tens of millions of bricks were spent on the construction. Residential buildings were built from them. Why was construction stopped? Either because of the different languages of the ancient builders, or because of the wrath of God, who did not want to invade his heavens.

Babylonian scientists succeeded in astronomy and mathematics, in which they introduced the equations that are still used today. For example, we set the graduation of the circle. And future lawyers are studying the code of laws of King Hammurabi, the oldest list that regulated the life of the country and the people.

And there are legends about the hanging gardens of Queen Semiramis. Several vertical ledges were built on the columns for them. We planted plants from all over the accessible world. Watering in this hot country was done daily by slaves. Although it is proved by historiographers that the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II, in whose honor he erected these gardens, lived two hundred years earlier.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Let the historiographers argue about this. Nevertheless, no one repeated this version of the air fleet. These gardens are recognized as the oldest example of the seven wonders of the world, along with the pyramid of Cheops, the Alexandria lighthouse and others.

Until the 19th century, Babylon was spoken of as a mythical country, until archaeologists proved that it was the oldest country. About the tower. The ziggurat building in the city center was taken for her. It was a cross between a temple and a tomb, as in Ancient Egypt, about a hundred meters high. Later it became an administrative building.

There are similar ziggurats in the world. The famous one is the Mausoleum in Moscow.

Babylon, as a state, flourished due to the plundering of peoples and the annexation of territories. Alexander the Great conquered Babylon, turning it into the capital of Asian possessions.

Brief conclusion

Why did such oases of the Ancient World disappear so quickly? Analysis of a nuclear cataclysm (Indian Arctida) is suitable. The peoples have reached the highest development and self-destructed. I wish this would not happen again. If it was.

Tags: Arctida civilization, Babylon, Hyperborea, Tutankhamun's tomb, Ancient
