The Water Charged With Music Becomes Healing - Alternative View

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The Water Charged With Music Becomes Healing - Alternative View
The Water Charged With Music Becomes Healing - Alternative View

Video: The Water Charged With Music Becomes Healing - Alternative View

Video: The Water Charged With Music Becomes Healing - Alternative View
Video: Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2 2024, September

Kazakh physicist Vladimir Ivanov charges water with music. Bioactivated water, he claims, has unique medicinal properties and can be used as an adjunct in traditional medicine. The works of Bach, Mozart and other great musicians help to charge the water.

Healing substance

The ancient healers - shamans, bucks, who practiced influencing the energy structure of water - knew that water has a memory and its qualities improve or deteriorate depending on the nature of the information captured on it. It is appropriate to recall the folklore, when water healed the wounded, resurrected the dead. You can be as skeptical about this as you like, but only today the magical properties of water do not seem so fabulous. Water is a living substance. And man is a watery creature: according to science, more than 70 percent of our body consists of water.

Laser technology specialist Vladimir IVANOV from Almaty under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Guram PICHKHADZE has been conducting experiments with water and other liquid media for many years. He claims that water has enormous potential. You just need to activate it, and the positive properties of bioactivated water can be used for healing purposes! Water, perhaps, is a panacea for all diseases:

- One and a half years ago there was a terrible incident. My friend from Ust-Kamenogorsk ended up in intensive care after an accident, he had injuries incompatible with life. Before that, he said: "I do not believe in bioenergy." I gave him active water. And he went on the mend. The doctors were even surprised that it was so fast! I called and said he believed in bioenergy!

The physicist even created a table like Mendeleev's, in which he described the parameters of fluids and their effect on the main seven chakras of a person. Any liquid, be it mineral water or alcohol, has its own effect on the human body. Liquids, depending on their composition, can affect both positively and negatively, that is, damage health.

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Classics to help

Ivanov proposes a method for obtaining water with unusual properties. It is based on the use of music or art therapy. After all, it is known that water can perceive sound waves. Our interlocutor believes that a person listens to music not so much with his ears as with the chakras of the energy body:

- An algorithm was developed for how a psychic works, but instead of a psychic - a music program. I got an amazing result. To begin with, I tried to activate a saline solution and an ampoule of vitamin C. It turned out that in patients the aura is completely restored. The water is charged to a certain potential, then another stage, and so it must go through five stages, 90 hours of continuous exposure.


The music program for water activation is recorded on discs. But not all music positively activates water:

- I stage, for example, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Ravel's Bolero, Tchaikovsky's Seasons, as well as Bach, Mozart, Schubert. But here the element of clairvoyance must work in order to select the necessary fragments that will resonate, that is, enter the aura positively. Music can be neutral - listen, don't listen, all the same. There is an active negative - for example, rock, and there is a positive - this is how I charge the water.

Low-cost way

Treatment of any disease is impossible without restoring a person's energy balance, says Vladimir Ivanov. Bioactivated water - ordinary water with improved qualities - can eliminate these violations. It has a positive effect on the state of human liquid media, that is, blood. Water is also essential for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. A physicist uses instruments to take pictures of a person's aura before and after drinking water. You can clearly see how the aura changes, there is a complete correction of the human biofield!

The author sees the method of activating water as one of the areas of integral medicine, as well as a simple and low-cost way to improve health. The most amazing thing is that bioactivated water is able to retain its properties for a very long time. Russian scientists have also fought to achieve this effect. Among them is academician, legend of world medicine Vlail KAZNACHEEV from Novosibirsk.

“I came to Novosibirsk and brought water and liquids four years old, one year old and a month old,” says Vladimir Ivanov. - It turned out that regardless of the shelf life, liquids retain a positive charge. He said that they could not keep the potential of the water - after activating it, they must immediately drink it, but here the liquid withstands four years, two frosts, and only boiling kills it!

The physicist says that he conducted tests on rats poisoned with pesticides: some of the rodents drank ordinary water, and some of them drank charged water. It turned out that water has a detoxifying effect. Vladimir Ivanov says that athletes, victims of evil eyes and love spells often turn for such water … He does not refuse anyone, but says that “you cannot take a single tenge for this!”. The enthusiast is confident that traditional medicine will believe in the potential of water in the future.