Dangerous Music - Alternative View

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Dangerous Music - Alternative View
Dangerous Music - Alternative View

Video: Dangerous Music - Alternative View

Video: Dangerous Music - Alternative View
Video: Big Data - "Dangerous (feat. Joywave)" [Official Music Video] 2024, September

Music can work wonders: relieve stress, improve mood and overall well-being. But it can also destroy the psyche.

Healing and disastrous

Recently, experts from the Maryland School of Medicine found that listening to your favorite music has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. The greatest benefit to the body comes from listening to classical works and folk melodies.

For experimental purposes, the researchers played the works of Bach, Handel and Vivaldi in the reading rooms of libraries and in doctors' offices. Surveys of visitors and patients showed that their mood improved by 63% (compared with those who did not listen to music), and job satisfaction - by 50%.

In addition, classical music positively influenced people's ability to think in space, increased concentration and analytical capabilities of the brain. Pop and light dance rhythms did not have any positive impact. And hard rock was even harmful: it could lead to mental illness.

And, as it turned out, not only to mental ones. A group of Belgian doctors from the academic hospital AZ-ZUB, led by Dr. Mark Noppen, issued a statement that any loud music can cause spontaneous pneumothorax - a disease of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. According to scientists, constantly repetitive low frequencies make the lungs vibrate, which disrupts the rhythm of breathing.

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Where will the "rat catcher's pipe" call

There are universal frequencies that "encode" the subconscious. They are present, for example, on cassettes with recordings of psychological trainings, language courses, meditative and trance techniques, sometimes, unofficially, in commercials. This helps to better absorb the necessary information. Separate combinations of frequencies are capable of both bringing a person into a state of mental balance, and taking him out of it.

Prophets and priests have long used special musical instruments.

Thus, during the liturgies, the Hebrew priests played the flute, horn or trumpet. Levites often used stringed instruments - lyre, harp; wind instruments - a flute made of reed, wood or bone; drums - drums, cymbals, gongs, bells. The sound of each instrument, due to the peculiarities of vibrations, in a certain way affected the subconscious. For example, the horn (shofar) sounded not only in the liturgies, but was also intended to sow panic on the battlefield. Playing the flute, drum, harp allowed a person to plunge into a state of ecstasy and experience a mystical enlightenment.

And today, at music concerts, you can see how listeners fall into a trance - a detached expression appears on their faces, they sway, closing their eyes, in the rhythm of the sounding music … This is the result of the influence of all the same frequencies. Some composers manage to intuitively find these frequencies. On their basis, they write melodies that affect the audience, like the pipe of the famous Gammeln rat-catcher - they beckon, fascinate …

But the opposite effect is also possible. During the performance of the song, people got up and left the hall. When asked why they left without waiting for the end of the performance, they answered that they felt somehow uncomfortable, uncomfortable. Nobody really understood what was happening to people. It turns out that the melody was deliberately "incorporated" frequencies, depressing effect on the psyche.

Rhythms storm personality

It's time to talk about rock music. The emergence of rock dates back to the 50s of the last century. It coincided with the spread of drug addiction and the beginning of the sexual revolution in the West. Apparently not by chance.

Listening to rock compositions often introduced young people (and mostly young people were fond of rock) into a state of a kind of trance, almost analogous to that which occurs when taking drugs.

"Rock is like a drug, only it is not prosecuted by the law and is much cheaper," one young Japanese once said. No wonder the fans of this musical genre are ready to sell their souls for the records of their idols! There is a known case when a 14-year-old schoolgirl from California killed her own mother, stabbing her several times. This was preceded by listening to "hard rock" music.

Catholic priest and rock 'n' roll researcher Jean-Paul Rejembal writes: “The power of rock lies in intermittent pulsations, rhythms that cause a biopsychological response of the body that can affect the functioning of various organs of the body (in particular, a beat can cause an acceleration of the heart rate and an increase in adrenaline, as well as arousal in the genital area). If, for example, the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by powerful pressure of ultra-low frequencies (15-30 Hz), then it can cause a person's strong excitement.

At a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and at the same "frequencies", the listener falls into a dance "trance", which is akin to a narcotic one. Modern rock bands operate in the ranges from 80 thousand Hz to 20 and even lower. The sound intensity reaches 120 decibels, although the human hearing is tuned to an average intensity of 55 decibels. This is already a decisive assault on the whole personality … There were cases when an overabundance of high or low frequencies severely injured the brain.

Listening to rock has also been shown to affect thinking ability. Even Soviet scientists discovered that after listening to rock songs for 10 minutes, seventh grade students for a while forgot the multiplication table! And Japanese researchers tried to ask the visitors of rock concerts three simple questions: "What is your name?", "Where are you?" and "What year is it now?" And what do you think? None of the respondents could answer all three questions!

According to the West German professor B. Rauch, rock music induces the production of stress hormones, which leads to the erasure of a part of the information stored in the brain and to gradual mental degradation. And the Swiss doctors managed to prove that after attending a rock concert, orientation worsens and the reaction to stimuli decreases. The typical pattern is observed after taking drugs.

There is evidence that in ancient times, "heavy" rhythms could serve as an indirect murder weapon. So, the bacchantes, to the sound of a loud drumbeat, fell into madness and tore apart the young men whom they longed for. For many peoples, public executions were accompanied by beating a rhythm on a big drum.

One way or another, a number of researchers seriously associate rock music with black magic and Satanism.

There is a legend that in the early 50s, a certain Canadian pastor, during a rite of exorcism, heard from a possessed parishioner: “I am a prince, and I am coming. We all come to take possession of the future generation. Subsequently, the exorcist associated this monologue with the arrival of rock culture. It is no coincidence that the term “rave” is often used to refer to visitors to rock concerts.

For example, in 1965, at a concert of the Beatles in the United States, dozens of people were killed and crushed; in 1981, at a concert of the Ze Hu group, 11 people were killed and 42 wounded. More than 1,000 people were seriously injured at the Melbourne Rock Festival.

Many rock musicians advertise their black magic and their devotion to Satan. For example, Alice Cooper (real name Vincent Fournier) took a pseudonym in honor of a witch whose spirit allegedly possessed him during a seance and promised him wealth and fame. During concerts, the singer repeatedly brought a cauldron with the blood and entrails of an animal onto the stage and threw its contents into the audience. And one of his albums is called "Alice Cooper Goes to Hell" …

Mick Jagger (The Rolling Stones) calls himself "the incarnation of Lucifer." The titles of three of his songs are "Sympathy for the Devil", "Their Satanic Majesties" and "Spells of My Demon Brother". And the "vampire" image of Marilyn Manson, who once publicly tore up a Bible on stage? Ozzy Osbourne and his Black Sabbath group have been deeply involved in the study of Satanic practices, from black masses to sacrifice. Although the group officially preaches Christianity, in its compositions there are many occult symbols, for example, "the number of Antichrist" - 666.

On the covers of discs of rock bands, it is not uncommon to depict inverted triangles, pentagrams, hexagrams and other occult-Satanic symbols. By the way, there are rumors that such luminaries of the rock industry as David Crosby, Neil Young and Graham Nash are also Satanists. Graham Nash once stated: “We can conduct the world. We have the necessary strength at our disposal."

Musical drugs

Abroad, there have long been so-called "digital drugs" - computer programs based on the principles of binaural audio effects on the brain. To create the desired effect, the audio track is listened to through headphones, and sounds of different frequencies are fed to the channels of the right and left headphones. As a result of the aliasing of frequencies, it is possible to "translate" the brain into appropriate states in a controlled manner.

The author of the technique, American Jim Peter, together with his colleagues at the end of the 90s, developed the SbaGen program, which, in turn, allows one to independently create various programs of influence that simulate the dynamics of brain frequencies that occur when using certain drugs. Based on the methods of binaural audio effects, programs were created for meditation, entering altered states of consciousness, increasing concentration of attention.

According to expert Rohit Talvar, within the next twenty years the traditional drug business will come to naught, and "safe" drugs will be officially distributed by reputable scientific corporations. But are they really that "safe"? Wanting to constantly experience a feeling of euphoria, people will lose an adequate perception of the surrounding reality.

And too frequent use of artificial emotion control can lead to the fact that the natural mechanisms of brain self-regulation gradually atrophy. And how will "electronic" drugs affect people with various mental pathologies, epilepsy patients? So far, there are more questions than answers.