Conspiracy Of Silence - Alternative View

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Conspiracy Of Silence - Alternative View
Conspiracy Of Silence - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Of Silence - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Of Silence - Alternative View
Video: The Swoons - Conspiracy of Silence (Official Music Video) 2024, September

Everyone is waiting for the emergence of black boxes from the abyss. And no one understands why the pilot did not have a split second to make at least one sound

In connection with the disaster of Air France flight 447, the investigation of which I follow with the intent of a detective, French Internet users write: a fly can be seen from satellites, thousands of years old amphorae are found at the bottom of the ocean, but here - nothing is known? The plane gave 23 signals to shutdown all systems in succession within four minutes, and the commander of the ship did not say a word, did not send an SOS signal - how is this possible? "The only thing that can be said for sure: we will never know the truth." This is the leitmotif of the comments, and the articles and messages about the tragedy were combined by the newspaper "Figaro" with the headline "Mystery of the flight …" The French have been writing about the disaster all week. Some reproach journalists that they are simply voicing the official "blizzard" because they themselves do not have access to information ("this clown government is hiding the truth from families and lying to the French"). In,that “those who need” know the truth, few doubt it. Hypotheses are based not on what is claimed, but on what is silent. You can learn much more about the circumstances surrounding the disaster from the Russian media than from the French ones, since our “stakeholders” are not interested in anything here.

Three days before the disaster, there was an anonymous call that a bomb was planted on the Rio-Paris plane, but not on the victim, but on the one that flew safely earlier. They searched for her for an hour and a half, the flight was delayed. Another point: a Chinese man on an ill-fated flight insured his life in the event of a plane crash for one and a half million dollars. In the French press - silence, information leaks only from the Brazilians. Among the people who write about the tragedy, there are both aviators and those who read in other languages - the Internet is pervasive. And they, private people, are trusted more. So they wrote that the matter was not in lightning, and the weather was within the flight norm, you see, in three days and in the official information a hurricane with lightning as the cause of the crash disappears. There is a whole list of suspicions.

1. The terrorist attack named after Osama bin Laden: "why has not the entire list of passengers been made public?", "You will see, France will change its position on Iran," write conspiracy-minded readers. And how else to be tuned if “truth” in these 2000s has become like a card index of hypotheses, a dump of versions, an armory in a war of interests. We know more than ever before, and we decode the genome and accelerate neutrinos, but the puzzle does not add up, knowledge enters into a clinch. More recently, the French, in principle, trusted both journalists and the government. And the world was more or less clear.

2. UFO. They talk about this in a choked voice, aliens are a topic as indecent as porn, so today it lives in the yellow press settlements. But some decided on this interpretation: shot down an alien ship, kidnapped, accidentally collided - "the pilot of another liner saw a white flash in the sky on the route of flight 447." These days, an armada of UFOs was observed in several countries, there are several filming, there are no official comments. In fact, how is this explanation worse than any other? Only by the fact that we are accustomed to living in a positivist world, to believe that everything that happens is done by people: by someone's will or by someone's mistake. In the event of tragedies, God is not remembered. In everyday life they refer without hesitation, but here it is blasphemy, if you mean the old anecdote: "For a long time I gathered you all on this ship." And it sounds fake. The religious simplication that has flourished in our country is here ashamed of itself.

3. Most of them suspect the "human factor" in the catastrophe. Some of them are Airbus corporation, which has not thought out or done something in its planes, and 228 people paid for it with their lives. We all fly, it is important for all of us to trust aircraft manufacturers. Silence here, of course, is connected with corporate interests and big money. The company announced that it will replace the problematic probes, but that, as far as you can tell, is a "small thing" and not the cause of the disaster. However, speaking of any event that occurs in the course of our lives, we only believe this or that echo: scientific data taken together lead to absurdity, and journalistic investigations seem to be a thing of the past. Every day people disappear without a trace, sometimes together with cars, there are murders and accidents, helicopters with governors are killed, a bandit is indistinguishable from a policeman, state terror is indistinguishable from independent, unknown objects appear in the sky,sometimes they fall to the ground, and we, entangled in the world wide web, radiate impotent rage.

The French, understandably, lashed out at Air France, even to the point of "disappearing from our lives." Indeed, every two years, since 2000, disasters have occurred with the aircraft of this airline, this is the largest since the Concorde accident. “Because Air France only knows that it is on strike,” the French are indignant, but the situation in the airline is a diagnosis of what is happening in society and the state.

4. Suspicion that something so terrible happenedthat society will blow the existing world order to pieces if it finds out. “Those who need it” know, but they won't tell us. Options: the same terrorist attack, but of a different nature. North Korean missile. American is not clear what (they quoted an article from one magazine about some newest satellite American device, linking it with a catastrophe. Here again we can talk about the interests of a corporation, only competing, Boeing, in a crisis). Signal rocket-ultimatum for France to admit Turkey to the European Union. Geopolitics increasingly hated. Or the same Chinese who decided to provide his family with the cost of his life. This has never happened in reality, only in the novel by Arthur Haley "Airport": to blow up two hundred people for the welfare of the family. The idea itself is perceived as an unacceptable degree of cynicism. The French often mentioned cynicism in connection with this story:the official report, repeated by reporters, that the dead passengers were most likely eaten by sharks was considered absolutely indecent. As, however, and the word "caught" in relation to the bodies of passengers. "These are people, as you can!" (in French, pecher is to fish, with the direct addition - to catch something out of the water, not someone; animals in French are “what”, not “who”).

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And so I read an article in Novaya Gazeta summarizing the study of the differences between animals and humans. Conclusion: the difference is only quantitative, but not qualitative. Animals have a language, our genome is almost the same as that of a worm, with chimpanzees at all - find ten differences. Monkeys can draw if necessary, only they do not need it. And the fact that a person is able to kill a mosquito, so mosquitoes kill a lot more people than vice versa, with their malaria. This is all the fashionable branch of knowledge ethology enlightens us. So it seems that there is some kind of NLP order. If a person is an animal, then any moral imperatives are superfluous, there is one thing - the habits of a biological species. From a less radical Darwinian point of view (there are still millions of years, patience and labor were needed to "transform") man is the crown of creation, even with a small letter, but here it is just a worm.

The world has never been so unrecognizable by its inhabitants. Anything has never been allowed in it. Real-life disasters give rise to a new existentialism (the previous one was associated with the Second World War). Sharpening the senses reveals a conceptual chasm. We do not know who we are, where we are from, are there a dozen more parallel dimensions nearby that we have nothing to perceive, are there other civilizations on other planets or is everything that exists - elements of someone's game? The Earth has become an Unidentified Flying Object (at least there is no doubt about it). We gravitationally attached to it, confident, despite ethologists, that we are only biologically similar to animals, but we are not only biological and even in the main, in the main, not. That is why it is so important to understand what is happening. And so the idea of someone's malicious intent is intolerable. This is unconditional intolerance - thatwith which it is impossible to accept. The idea of bad faith comes second.

A tragic accident, that is, an inexplicable incident - on the third. We react to the same fact in different ways, depending on what created it. From the versions of the death of flight 447, I personally sweep aside the bad faith of Airbus and Air-France. I am even offended that they are accused. I flew hundreds of times by Airbuses, many times by Air France, there were lightning, and turbulence, and twenty-year-old airliners (operated by Russian airlines) - both pilots and cars coped. Everyone is waiting for the emergence of black boxes from the abyss. And no one understands why the pilot did not have a split second to make at least one sound. Until now, this fraction of a second has always been, and on earth, the human voice is always heard when it sounds from the sky.