The American Landing On The Moon Was Filmed In The Pavilion - Alternative View

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The American Landing On The Moon Was Filmed In The Pavilion - Alternative View
The American Landing On The Moon Was Filmed In The Pavilion - Alternative View

Video: The American Landing On The Moon Was Filmed In The Pavilion - Alternative View

Video: The American Landing On The Moon Was Filmed In The Pavilion - Alternative View
Video: Historic Apollo 11 Moon Landing Footage 2024, September

Director Stanley Kubrick accused of complicity in falsifying the Apollo 11 expedition

What kind of people are in Hollywood …

For some reason, about a fifth of Americans and a third of Russian citizens do not believe that there was anyone on the moon. The most distrustful believe that all expeditions were somehow rigged. Moderates believe that only the former are Apollo 11 and Apollo 12. And the so-called documentary footage was actually filmed, they say, in Hollywood.

Recently, seemingly irrefutable evidence has emerged: a two-hour film by a certain Patrick Murray (documentary maker T. Patrick Murray) was distributed via YouTube, compiled from draft recordings of his interview with Stanley Kubrick, the famous American filmmaker who made the film "The Odyssey of 2001" based on the book of science fiction writer Arthur Clarke. The alleged conversation took place on March 3, 1999, 4 days before his death.

Don't waste time on the entire film, critics say. Only a few minutes are of interest - those near the end. Allegedly, Stanley Kubrick reports: the American landing on the moon was filmed in the pavilion. Personally, he - Kubrick - and filmed at the request of the American government, which wanted the first Americans to land on the moon. They say that he organized the shooting of Apollo 11 and Apolonna 12. And he refused to continue the "series". And the rest of the expedition was faked by someone else.

Murray was forced to keep this confession a secret, since, allegedly, he promised Kubrick to make it public no earlier than 15 years after the director's death.

The film naturally went viral on the internet as proof that conspiracy theories about Americans on the moon were correct. That is, they were not there, as skeptics have been saying for many years.

Promotional video:

Experts say that the bearded man who looks like Santa Claus, who confesses to the deception of the century, whom the interviewer claims to be Kubrick, is in fact only remotely similar to Kubrick. That is, this is an artist. They even call his name - a certain Tom. The confession was therefore falsified.

Experts believe that the role of Stanley Kubrick, reporting on the lunar hoax, was played by an actor.

Moreover, Kubrick's widow said that a man named Patrick Murray had never interviewed him, that the “recording” was a scam.”But it is no longer possible to convince the skeptics. Moreover, the moon landing was indeed filmed in the pavilion. NASA did not release them for a long time for some mysterious reasons. Surely, people who accidentally saw the staged photos had every right to suspect the Americans of a hoax.

Although the sane part of humanity might have guessed that both the landing and other actions had to be "run in" - to simulate. And it must have been filmed.

Neil Armstrong rehearsing to descend the stairs to the moon in late April 1969.


And this is a photo from the filming in the pavilion.


NASA only recently posted footage of similar rehearsals that took place in April 1969 on its website.

And Neil Armstrong confessed

The theme "Americans did not fly to the moon" is loved by millions. Therefore, it is not surprising that from time to time there are sensational proofs of a monstrous hoax. And Stanley Kubrick isn't the only one who "finally told the whole truth."

In 2009, Neil Armstrong himself, the man who first set foot on the moon in July 1969, admitted in his old age that he had never been there - on the moon. His statement was spread by Asian newspapers to an audience of billions.

The details are as follows: after the celebrations on the 40th anniversary of the American landing on the moon, a press conference was held at which Neil Armstrong shocked the audience: they say the landing was staged. Her and other stories were filmed in the pavilion of one of the military bases on Earth. At the press conference, Armstrong even changed his "historical" phrase about a small step for a person and a giant leap for humanity, ending it with the words "a giant lie for humanity."

Armstrong trains to take samples of lunar soil.


The report from this press conference was first published by Bangladeshi newspapers. Then they picked up the Indian ones. Further, the information was distributed almost all over the world. The outbreak of the scandal undertook to extinguish the Air Force. And even published a refutation, they say, do not believe in these nonsense. Armstrong never said anything like that.

During the investigation it turned out that the report from the press conference was reprinted by Bangladeshi newspapers from one of the American humorous sites (Onion News Network). The site, of course, did not report that they had fantasized. But they didn’t have to - after all, all the information posted there was invented.

As the newspapers that picked up the duck admitted, "We considered Onion News Network to be a real news site and we regret that we reprinted the message that appeared on it without due diligence."

Among the hoaxes on the theme "The Americans were not on the moon" come across very amusing.
