Dolls On The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View

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Dolls On The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View
Dolls On The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Dolls On The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Dolls On The Moon. Part 4 - Alternative View
Video: To the Moon Part 4 Rabbit Dolls 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -


Now it is no secret to anyone that the Americans "created" the effect of lunar gravity in the pavilion in a rather primitive way, accessible to any film lover - by changing the shooting speed. Shooting at a high speed and then projecting the footage in normal mode resulted in slower motion on the screen.

The question - how much you need to change the speed of shooting in order to simulate lunar gravity on Earth by means of cinema - has been repeatedly discussed on forums devoted to the lunar scam. The answer to it is easy to obtain from the formula for the distance traveled with uniformly accelerated motion. The formula is simplified when the initial velocity of an object is zero, for example, when an object simply falls out of the hand. Then the formula, known to everyone from the physics course, takes the form:

An object on the Moon will fall 2.46 times longer than on Earth. Accordingly, the shooting speed must be increased by 2.46 times so that the movement during projection slows down, as if the falling of the object occurs on the Moon. To do this, instead of the standard rate of 24 frames per second, set 59 fps, or, rounded up, 60 fps. This is a primitive way to make falling objects descend more slowly, as if under conditions of lunar gravity - you need to shoot a movie at 60 fps, and show it at 24 fps.

In this way, you can only change the duration of the free fall, or, in other words, slow down the time spent on the jump, but it is impossible to influence the length of the path. If a person during a light jump flies 1 meter in terrestrial conditions, then at whatever speed we shoot this jump, it will not become longer. As it was 1 meter, it will remain the same, regardless of the degree of deceleration of the demonstration speed. And on the Moon, due to weak gravity, the jump length should increase several times. And the simplest jump should look like a 5-meter span. This is the distance, for example, in my hall, in my apartment, from one wall to another. These are the jumps we saw in the movie "Space Flight" (1935). But NASA could not show anything of the kind, even close to this. Although she knew perfectly well what a jump on the moon should look like.

The fact is that as early as the mid-60s of the twentieth century, simulators of lunar gravity were manufactured at the Langley Research Center (one of the key centers of NASA).

Since when gravity changes, the mass does not change, but only the weight changes (the force with which the object presses on the support), this principle is the basis of the simulator - in terrestrial conditions, the weight of a person can be changed. To do this, it must be hung on the lounges in such a way that it presses on the support with a force 6 times less than usual. An instructional film explains how to do this (Figure XIII-1).

Fig. XIII-1. The announcer explains how the side support pressure can be reduced
Fig. XIII-1. The announcer explains how the side support pressure can be reduced

Fig. XIII-1. The announcer explains how the side support pressure can be reduced.

For this, the side platform (walkway) must be inclined at an angle of 9.5 °. The person is suspended on vertical rails, which are attached at the top to a wheel that looks like a bearing (trolley unit), which in turn rolls along the rail (Figure XIII-2).

Fig. XIII-2. Diagram of a person's suspension in a lunar gravity simulator
Fig. XIII-2. Diagram of a person's suspension in a lunar gravity simulator

Fig. XIII-2. Diagram of a person's suspension in a lunar gravity simulator.

The person is suspended at five points: behind the body in two places, one attachment for each leg and one more attachment for the head (Fig. XIII-3).

Figure XIII-3. The person is suspended at five points. The support platform is inclined at an angle of 9.5 °
Figure XIII-3. The person is suspended at five points. The support platform is inclined at an angle of 9.5 °

Figure XIII-3. The person is suspended at five points. The support platform is inclined at an angle of 9.5 °.

Thus, in terrestrial conditions, conditions of weak lunar attraction are recreated. For ease of comparison, the footage (as in lunar gravity) is rotated to a vertical position and placed next to the footage taken in the normal position of a person (with gravity) - Fig. XIII-4.

Fig. XIII-4. Comparison of the altitude of a standing jump in terrestrial conditions (left) and a jump on the moon (right)
Fig. XIII-4. Comparison of the altitude of a standing jump in terrestrial conditions (left) and a jump on the moon (right)

Fig. XIII-4. Comparison of the altitude of a standing jump in terrestrial conditions (left) and a jump on the moon (right).

It can be seen that jumping up from a place, with gravity, a person rises up to knee height, and with lunar attraction, a person can jump to a height of about 2 meters, i.e. taller than his height (Fig. XIII-5).

Fig. XIII-5. Leap from a place up on the Earth (left) and imitation of a jump up on the Moon (right).

Langley Research Center training film about the lunar gravity simulator (1965):

The training filter also shows the difference in a person's movements during gravity and in conditions of weak gravity in different situations: when a person walks calmly, when he runs, when he climbs up a vertical pole, etc … What immediately catches the eye, for example, in a normal walking? To take a step forward, in weak gravity, a person must lean forward strongly in order to bring forward the center of gravity (Fig. XIII-6).

Fig. XIII-6. In conditions of weak gravity (photo on the right), a person must lean forward much more in order to walk with a normal step
Fig. XIII-6. In conditions of weak gravity (photo on the right), a person must lean forward much more in order to walk with a normal step

Fig. XIII-6. In conditions of weak gravity (photo on the right), a person must lean forward much more in order to walk with a normal step.

How does the movement take place? For example, you are standing still and decided to move forward. What do you do first? You tilt your body forward, so that the center of gravity is outside the support (outside the feet), and you begin to slowly fall forward, but immediately "throw" one leg forward, preventing the body from falling; push off with this leg, the body continues to move forward by inertia, just about ready to fall, but you immediately substitute the other leg.


When the movement is started, it is not static balance that becomes main, but dynamic: the body falls all the time and returns to its original position, thus oscillations occur about some axis of balance, which does not coincide with the vertical line and is slightly ahead. With the passage of time, the automatism of establishing equilibrium is developed.

The film provides not only a qualitative picture of the differences, but also a quantitative one. In the frame are white poles 1 meter high, the distance between which is one and a half meters, which corresponds to 5 feet (Fig. XIII-7, left). It can be easily determined that while running on Earth at a speed of 3 m / s (10 ft / s), the stride length in a jump reaches one and a half meters, and in lunar gravity, at the same speed of movement, the stride is stretched by almost 5 meters (15 feet). To determine the distance on the track (Figure XIII-7, right), there are markings in feet, 3 feet is about 1 meter.

Fig. XIII-7. Comparison of running on Earth and on the Moon
Fig. XIII-7. Comparison of running on Earth and on the Moon

Fig. XIII-7. Comparison of running on Earth and on the Moon.

And what immediately catches the eye, while jogging on the "Moon", a person has to tilt the body at an angle of approximately 45 ° (Fig. XIII-8).

Figure XIII-8. Jogging in terrestrial conditions (left) and in lunar conditions gravity (right).

We have combined several phases of a single jump to show what jumping looks like in a low gravity environment. The green line is the start of the jump, the red line is the end of the jump (Figure XIII-9).

Figure XIII-9. With weak gravity, one span during running reaches 5 meters. The green line is a push with the left foot, the red line is a landing on the right foot
Figure XIII-9. With weak gravity, one span during running reaches 5 meters. The green line is a push with the left foot, the red line is a landing on the right foot

Figure XIII-9. With weak gravity, one span during running reaches 5 meters. The green line is a push with the left foot, the red line is a landing on the right foot.

NASA Langley Research Center Training Film: How Human Movement Changes Under Weak Gravity:


So, even a few years before the launch of Apollo 11, American experts knew exactly how the movements of astronauts on the moon should look like: jump up - one and a half - two meters, jump forward while jogging - 4-5 meters. Considering that the tests in the lunar gravity simulator were carried out without a heavy spacesuit, and the spacesuit would stifle all movements, it is possible to divide the obtained values approximately in half. Thus, we hoped to see on the Moon jumps up to a height of about a meter and a length of 2-2.5 meters.

What did NASA show us? Here are the runs on the Moon from the Apollo 17 mission: the astronaut can hardly lift his legs from the sand - the height of the jumps is 10-15 cm from the force, the length of the jump is no more than 70-80 cm. Is this the Moon? It is quite obvious that the action takes place on Earth (Figure XIV-1).

Fig. XIV-1 (gif). Run from the mission * Apollo 17 *. * Astronaut * specially clubfoot to throw sand to the sides.

NASA failed to repeat the length and height of the jump "like on the moon" in terrestrial conditions. The length of the jump cannot be increased by any means of cinema. True, in some shots, which we will talk about a little later, NASA used astronauts' suspension on thin metal ropes, and this is felt. But more often than not, the actors did jogging without lounges. The jump length turned out to be unconvincing.

There was only one parameter that could create the illusion of being on the Moon - this is the slowdown in the time of falling objects. If you have patience, grit your teeth and watch several hours of boringly monotonous film and video footage, allegedly filmed on the moon, then you will be surprised that the astronauts have recruited some bunglers: astronauts now and then drop hammers, bags, boxes and other objects from their hands … Of course, this is done on purpose to show that falling objects fall with deceleration, as if on the moon.

And of course, yes, yes, yes. You yourself are ready to say this phrase: scattering sand. Astronauts maniacally kick the sand with their feet so that the slowly scattering sand proves that the astronauts are supposedly on the moon.

To avoid any claims that we are giving a link to some one random and uncharacteristic frame, we have selected for viewing as many as 20 minutes of video from the Apollo 16 mission. Watch and enjoy how astronauts selflessly throw sand in all directions, and in addition, every now and then drop hammers, bags, boxes, soil from a shovel from their hands. And even scientific instruments sometimes fall out of their hands. The actors who portrayed the astronauts were well aware that instead of expensive scientific instruments there were dummies in the frame, and therefore did not worry at all about their performance.

It is unbearably difficult to watch a video for 20 minutes, primarily because during the viewing it does not leave the feeling that it is deliberately delayed in speed. It's like listening to an audio recording at a different speed, half the speed - all sounds take on an uncharacteristic delay, which is felt immediately, even by a non-specialist in the field of audio recording.

Audio recording at reduced playback speed and normal.

So the video from the Apollo missions is permeated through and through with a sense of the unnaturalness of the action. And only when we speed up the video by two and a half times, we finally get the natural feeling of movement. So instead of 20 minutes like it was with NASA, you will see everything 2.5 times faster - in 8 minutes. And you will get a real idea of how fast the so-called astronauts moved on the so-called moon.

In addition, we also prepared an announcement for this video - a small cut for 30 seconds (Fig. XIV-2).


Fig. XIV-2 (gif). This is how the astronauts of the Apollo 16 mission move.

Stay of the Apollo 16 astronauts on the moon:

In the Soviet Union, candidates for the first space flight were selected among military fighter pilots aged 25-30 years with a height of no more than 170 cm (so that an astronaut could fit in the cockpit) and weighing no more than 70-72 kg. So, the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin (Fig. XIV-4), was 165 cm tall and weighed 68 kg. The height of the second cosmonaut, German Titov, is 163 cm, the height of Alexei Leonov, who first went into outer space, is 163 cm.

Figure XIV-4. The first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin (center), was short
Figure XIV-4. The first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin (center), was short

Figure XIV-4. The first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin (center), was short.

If we look at American astronauts, they are all tall, handsome guys. So, in the Apollo 11 mission, Buzz Aldrin was 178 cm tall, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins were even taller, 180 cm.

As we will see a little later, astronauts with this height could not crawl through the hatch of the lunar module in a spacesuit and get to the surface of the moon, so in the photographs near the exit hatch and next to the lunar module, they were replaced by actors who were about 20 cm lower.

The actors who portrayed the astronauts (these were not at all the Hollywood beauties who were shown later at a press conference, but unknown people) during the filming were so busy throwing sand that they forgot about other equally important things. For example, the fact that they have a heavy life-support satchel hanging behind them, which contains supplies of oxygen, water, pumps for pumping, an accumulator, and so on. Such a heavy knapsack shifted the center of gravity, and the astronaut, even just stopping, had to always lean forward so as not to tip over backward. But the actors forgot about it (Fig. XIV-4, XIV-5).

Figure XIV-4. The actors sometimes forgot that a heavy satchel was hanging behind them
Figure XIV-4. The actors sometimes forgot that a heavy satchel was hanging behind them

Figure XIV-4. The actors sometimes forgot that a heavy satchel was hanging behind them.

Fig. XIV-5 In this position, the heavy knapsack should have tipped the astronaut back
Fig. XIV-5 In this position, the heavy knapsack should have tipped the astronaut back

Fig. XIV-5 In this position, the heavy knapsack should have tipped the astronaut back.

The life support backpack consists of two parts: the upper one is the oxygen purge system (OPS) and the lower one is the Portable Life Support System (PLSS) - Fig. XIV-6.

Figure XIV-6. The life support backpack consists of two parts
Figure XIV-6. The life support backpack consists of two parts

Figure XIV-6. The life support backpack consists of two parts.

According to data taken from the official NASA website (Fig. XIV-7), the lunar configuration weighed 63.1 kg - 47.2 kg at the bottom and 15.9 kg at the top. According to Wikipedia, the total weight was 57 kg.

Figure XIV-7. Link to the official NASA website
Figure XIV-7. Link to the official NASA website

Figure XIV-7. Link to the official NASA website.

Knowing the height of the lower unit (66 cm) and upper unit (25.5 cm), one can easily determine the center of gravity of the entire device, and knowing the weight of the astronaut (approximately 75-80 kg) and the weight of the A7L spacesuit (34.5 kg), one can find general center of gravity. You will be surprised, but a complete life support backpack is about 55% of the weight of an astronaut in a spacesuit.

It will be convenient for the astronaut to maintain balance if the center of gravity of the system is projected in the middle of the space between the soles. Here in the photograph, the astronaut put just one foot back a little for stable balance (Fig. XIV-8).

Figure: XIV-8. When stable, the overall center of gravity is projected (green line) in the middle of the space between the soles
Figure: XIV-8. When stable, the overall center of gravity is projected (green line) in the middle of the space between the soles

Figure: XIV-8. When stable, the overall center of gravity is projected (green line) in the middle of the space between the soles.

When we see the Apollo 16 crew training, we realize that they have dummies hanging behind them. If the astronaut had put on a real backpack, which weighs about 60 kg, then the life support backpack would have toppled the astronaut backwards, because in such a body position, as in the photograph of the astronaut on the left, the center of gravity of the system would be outside the fulcrum (green line in Figure XIV- nine).

Figure XIV-9. In training, a lightweight life support backpack was used
Figure XIV-9. In training, a lightweight life support backpack was used

Figure XIV-9. In training, a lightweight life support backpack was used.

When in the Soviet Union they created an imitation of lunar gravity in a TU-104 aircraft flying downward along a parabolic trajectory, the cosmonaut had to run in conditions of weak gravity, leaning forward strongly.

Here, compare, for example, a run by an American astronaut filmed by the Apollo 16 mission supposedly on the moon (left frame) and a Soviet cosmonaut's jog inside a flying laboratory on a TU-104 (right frame) - Fig. XIV-10.

Fig. XIV-10. Comparison of movements in weak gravity. The shot on the left is an American astronaut, as it were, on the moon, the shot on the right is a Soviet cosmonaut in a TU-104 plane flying down a parabola.

We show the astronaut from the Apollo 16 mission exactly as NASA gave it - we do not change the speed of the demonstration here. And here's what's strange: the astronaut in the video runs completely upright, forgetting that a heavy knapsack is hanging behind his back. At the same time, the feeling that the movement is strongly inhibited artificially does not leave us. Of course, to create the effect of the lightness of lunar gravity, the actors had an empty fake satchel behind their backs. It is possible that the inside was just a foam box, and not a device weighing about 60 kg.

"Mythbusters" in one of the episodes tried to prove to skeptics that the Americans were still on the moon, landed there. The Destroyers conducted several experiments, dedicating the 104th series to this. One of the experiments concerned jumping on the moon.

According to theoretical calculations, with lunar gravity, an astronaut can jump about one and a half meters in height. However, the highest jump that the Americans filmed during 6 expeditions to the moon and showed to all mankind was about 45 cm up. But even in this case, discussing such a modest jump, the skeptics continued to assert that even here it was not without "techniques": to obtain a smooth jump (like on the Moon), the movement was slowed down using high-speed shooting (called "slow motion", "Slow motion"), and the actor-astronaut was suspended from the circus lounger and pulled up at the moment of the jump.

And so, in order to prove to the skeptics that the "moon jumps" are unique in movement and their "springiness" cannot be repeated in terrestrial conditions, a suspension was erected in the film studio, one of the "destroyers" was attached to a rope (Fig. XIV-11),

Fig. XIV-11. Mythbusters prepare to repeat the * moon * jumps
Fig. XIV-11. Mythbusters prepare to repeat the * moon * jumps

Fig. XIV-11. Mythbusters prepare to repeat the * moon * jumps.

and asked him to jump, as in the famous video "Astronaut Jumping Saluting the US Flag." As in the NASA video, they also filmed two jumps upwards with raising the right hand.

Fig. XIV-12,13,14,15 - * Mythbusters * check the version with suspension on the side bar
Fig. XIV-12,13,14,15 - * Mythbusters * check the version with suspension on the side bar

Fig. XIV-12,13,14,15 - * Mythbusters * check the version with suspension on the side bar.

At the same time, in order to check the version of skeptics that these were ordinary jumps on Earth, but filmed in rapid (slow motion), they slowed down the speed of the display by 2 times (by doubling the shooting frequency). And they came to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to repeat the same smoothness of the jump in the pavilion as in the NASA videos (filmed on the Moon).

Fig. XIV-16,17,18 - Comparison of jumps
Fig. XIV-16,17,18 - Comparison of jumps

Fig. XIV-16,17,18 - Comparison of jumps.

The main conclusion of the "myth destroyers" is that it is impossible to imitate "moon jumps" in earthly conditions.

We watched this video and immediately realized that the "mythbusters" deceive the audience. Taking into account the magnitude of free acceleration on Earth and on the Moon, the shooting speed should be increased not 2 times, as stated in the plot, but two and a half times.

Free fall acceleration on Earth: 9.8 m / s2, on the Moon - 6 times less: 1.62 m / s2. Then the change in speed should be equal to the square root of the ratio 9.8 / 1.62. This will be 2.46. In other words, slowing down the jump speed had to be done 2.5 times. We took their video and immediately corrected the defect of the "destroyers" - slightly slowed down the speed of their jump. AND…

Indeed, see for yourself (Fig. XIV-19) - is it possible to simulate "moon jumps" in the pavilion?

Fig. XIV-19. Comparison of NASA video and * Mythbusters *.

Why do skeptics believe that NASA used a rope (lounge) to shoot the jump of an actor depicting an astronaut? See how the sand falls from the astronaut's feet - it falls down too quickly. From which it follows that at the top point of the jump, the actor in the spacesuit is held with a rope longer than usual, and the sand has time to settle to the ground. And, of course, to get a smooth jump, the whole action is slowed down by shooting at an increased frequency of 2.5 times.


There is a video on Yu-Tuba, where the author gives irrefutable (as it seems to him) evidence that the astronauts filmed videos on the Moon. The evidence is based on the analysis of the throws that the Apollo 16 astronauts perform - there they throw up various objects: boxes, bags, some kind of sticks or cans, and watch them go down. It is difficult to say specifically what these objects are, since the shooting is carried out from a distance of 10-20 meters - most likely, these are parts of some scientific instruments, since it is unlikely that the astronauts took garbage from Earth with them to the moon for throwing. But the commentator is not discussing this issue. For him, the main thing is the fact that objects move in exact accordance with lunar gravity.

An astronaut picked up a silvery object lying on the sand with a stick, which looked like a bag or a bag, and threw it up. It is unlikely that this is a plastic bag, since after falling and hitting the surface, it bounced and jumped up a little. The commentator calculates the height of the rise, it turns out to be 4.1 meters - Fig. XV-1.

Figure XV-1. On the left - the astronaut throws the object up to a height of 4 meters, on the right - the flight path in frames
Figure XV-1. On the left - the astronaut throws the object up to a height of 4 meters, on the right - the flight path in frames

Figure XV-1. On the left - the astronaut throws the object up to a height of 4 meters, on the right - the flight path in frames.

This delights the commentator - such throws can only be made on the moon! We, too, admit, are shocked. Knowing the height of the astronaut and the size of the helmet, which is a total of 2 meters, we get that the astronaut managed to throw the object above his head by as much as 2.1 meters. This, of course, is not yet an Olympic achievement, but a very serious claim for a medal.

However, the main attention, according to the author, should be paid to the time during which the object described the parabola and fell to the surface. This time, according to the author's calculations, should be 2.46 times longer than on Earth and, of course, this is how it turns out. The author shows a timer in the upper left corner of the frame and determines that the entire flight lasted 4.6 seconds (2.3 seconds up and the same number of seconds down) - in exact accordance with lunar gravity. Indeed, if we substitute the height from which the object falls into the formula of uniformly accelerated motion (at the highest point the vertical velocity is zero), then the acceleration value is 1.57 m / s2, which is very, very close to the value of the gravitational acceleration on the Moon, 1.62 m / s2 (Figure XV-2).

Figure XV-2. Calculation of the value of free acceleration at a known lift height and fall time
Figure XV-2. Calculation of the value of free acceleration at a known lift height and fall time

Figure XV-2. Calculation of the value of free acceleration at a known lift height and fall time.

So, a falling object on the Moon moves in time exactly as much as it should fall according to the laws of physics. It would seem that everything is proven. However, the author knows that every year there are more and more people who consider themselves realists and who understand that 50 years ago there was no technical opportunity to send a person to the moon and, most importantly, return him alive from there. NASA defenders (nasarogi) call these people "skeptics." So these skeptics argue that the video was actually filmed on Earth, just slowed down 2.46 times to compensate for the difference in sensation between the lunar and Earth's attraction.

Then the author speeds up the video provided by NASA by 2.46 times and shows that in this case the falling objects looks, indeed, "like on Earth." The object takes off and falls in such a way that it is one-to-one like an earth throw. But what happens to the astronaut? At the same time, the astronaut looks too fussy. The author shows two other throws, speeding up the display by 2.46 times. And again, after the throw, all objects move exactly as we are used to seeing in terrestrial conditions. It would seem that this technique is the best proof that all the action was filmed on Earth. But the author is not satisfied with the fact that with such a display, the astronaut crawls with his feet quite quickly. The author believes that the actor portraying an astronaut in a spacesuit, in principle, cannot quickly mince his legs. That is why he considers it proven that this video was filmed on the Moon.

Here is this video (you can start watching from 1 min 24 sec):

Irrefutable evidence of a manned landing on the moon:

Now we are not very interested in the question - can an actor in a fake spacesuit move his arms and legs 2 times faster than he does in everyday life? It is rather a philosophical question - can a person turn his head left and right faster than he usually does, for example, 2 times faster? Can he turn around his axis 2.5 times faster than he does when looking at nature around him? For example, can you?

We are interested in something else. We are interested in the length of the flight, horizontal movement, from the start point to the finish - Fig. XV-3.

Figure XV-3. Horizontal flight length
Figure XV-3. Horizontal flight length

Figure XV-3. Horizontal flight length.

An object thrown upwards at an angle to the horizon moves along the vertical axis OY at first equidistantly, and then, when the speed drops to zero, begins to move along the OY axis uniformly accelerated, while movement along the horizontal axis OX is uniform, if there is no resistance of the medium (air) - Figure XV-4.

Figure XV-4. Horizontal displacement calculation
Figure XV-4. Horizontal displacement calculation

Figure XV-4. Horizontal displacement calculation.

In this case, the horizontal component of the velocity is equal to the projection of the initial velocity onto the OX axis, i.e. depends on the cosine of the angle formed with the horizon.

Judging by the picture, the object is thrown at an angle of about 60 °.

To determine the flight range, we need to know the initial throw speed. It is easily determined from the flight time and the amount of free acceleration.

The fact is that the trajectory of movement consists of three parts. Initially, the bag lies motionless, below its speed is zero. The astronaut picks him up with a stick and throws him up. The stick rises to a height of about 1.3 meters, and then the bag flies on its own. Consequently, the first 1.3 meters, uniformly accelerated movement is observed, then the stick goes down, and the bag continues to move upward by inertia. At this moment (at the moment when the bag is detached from the stick), it has the maximum speed, and the movement turns into equally slowed down. At the upper point, which the author calls the apex, the vertical component of the velocity decreases to zero. The first part of the trajectory (until the bag comes off the stick) takes 0.5 s (Figure XV-5).

Figure XV-5. The separation of the package from the stick occurs after 0.5 s (figure on the right)
Figure XV-5. The separation of the package from the stick occurs after 0.5 s (figure on the right)

Figure XV-5. The separation of the package from the stick occurs after 0.5 s (figure on the right).

Further, the ascent upward by inertia takes 1.8 s. To rise to such a height, the object must have a lift-off speed (when thrown at an angle of 60 °) a little more than 4 m / s:

V = t * g / 2 sin α = 4.6 * 1.62 / 2 * 0.866 = 4.3 (m / s)

With this speed, the flight range will be approximately 10 meters:

L = v * cos α * t = 4.3 * 0.5 * 4.6 = 9.89 (m)

Is it a lot or a little, 4.3 m / s? If at such a speed during physical education a schoolboy threw a rubber ball with his foot, then he would fly away (you won't believe it!) Less than 2 meters in length.

How else can you characterize the throw speed of 4.3 m / s? Imagine that you are sitting at home on a chair with slippers on your feet. And so you kicked once - threw a slipper, and it flew off 2 meters. When you start experimenting with a sneaker, you may not be able to immediately throw 2 meters, because without preliminary training, the sneakers will strive to fly off 5 meters.

Therefore, the throw shown in the video in the Apollo 16 mission is more like the throw of a three-year-old child - after all, we managed to throw a light object only 2 meters above the head!

And the other throws shown in this place do not look impressive either. Astronauts begin to break some kind of scientific instrument, break off a metal console that looks like a stick, throw it into the distance, then break off a side wall that looks like a sheet of plywood, and throw it too. And all these throws are very modest, all the debris fly very low and fly 10-12 meters. Although it is clear that they are throwing debris with force and with a great swing. But the result is disastrous. Something rather weak for trained men! - Figure XV-6.

Figure XV-6. Throwing objects at different speeds.

Or maybe, in fact, they are not so weak, they just slowed down their real movements by 2.5 times? After all, if we admit that the shooting of this episode was made on Earth, then it turns out that the real speed of the throw is not 4.3 m / s, but much more - about 10 m / s.

If you take the slipper in your hand and throw it at an initial speed of 10 m / s at an angle of 45 ° to the horizon, then it will fly off 10 meters. Is this a lot? With such a flight length of 10 meters, even girls 9-10 years old at school will not receive a physical education test. Girls 9-10 years old must throw a 150 g ball 13-17 meters (Figure XV-7).

Figure XV-7. TRP standards for schoolchildren (ball throwing)
Figure XV-7. TRP standards for schoolchildren (ball throwing)

Figure XV-7. TRP standards for schoolchildren (ball throwing).

And boys at this age (9-10 years old) should throw the ball 24-32 meters. With what speed should the ball fly out of the hand of a 9-year-old boy for him to pass the TRP standards for a gold badge? We substitute the path length (32 m) into the formula and we get the speed - 17.9 m / s.

We all know what 9-year-old students look like - they are students in grades 2-3 (Figure XV-8).

Figure XV-8. 2nd grade students
Figure XV-8. 2nd grade students

Figure XV-8. 2nd grade students.

Now imagine that with the same force and speed as a 9-year-old schoolboy, an astronaut on the moon hurled an object 45 ° at an angle to the horizon. Do you know how many meters the ball should fly away? Attention! Drum roll … A girl appears on the stage with a sign with this record! (Figure XV-9).

Figure XV-9. This is how many meters the ball should fly on the moon
Figure XV-9. This is how many meters the ball should fly on the moon

Figure XV-9. This is how many meters the ball should fly on the moon.

The object on the moon should fly 107 meters! Of course, we don't see anything even close to this in lunar missions. The object from the astronauts flies away only 10 meters, maximum 12 meters. And let's be honest, it is forbidden to throw further. And that's why.

If you look closely at the "lunar" landscape, you will notice that approximately in the middle of the frame there is a horizontal line, where the texture of the lunar soil changes. You already know that in this place the filled soil in the pavilion transforms into the image of the soil on the vertical screen. And we understand that to create this frame, front projection was used, the distant landscape was the image of the picture from the projector. And since the installation of the front projection required the exact alignment of the axes of the projector and the camera, the once exposed mutual positions of the screen, projector, translucent mirror and camera did not change.

We know that Stanley Kubrick developed a front projection technology with a distance of 27 meters to the screen. The boundary between the media in this episode is just 27 meters, and the actors in the foreground are 9-10 meters. Shooting is done with a wide-angle lens. The actors try to move in the same plane, bypassing each other and not moving further from the camera than 10-11 meters. When they throw heavy objects, those, having flown about 10 meters, hit the surface, jump once or twice, and still roll back 3-4 meters. Thus, the thrown object sometimes stops 2-3 meters from the screen. Throwing objects further is simply dangerous - they can poke a hole in the "landscape". Therefore, astronauts lightly throw objects upward by 3-4 meters or throw them into the distance by 10-12 meters. Wait,that they will show a throw of 50 or 100 meters in length is simply pointless.

Continued: Part 5

Author: Leonid Konovalov