What Really Happened When NASA Astronauts Landed On The Moon? - Alternative View

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What Really Happened When NASA Astronauts Landed On The Moon? - Alternative View
What Really Happened When NASA Astronauts Landed On The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: What Really Happened When NASA Astronauts Landed On The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: What Really Happened When NASA Astronauts Landed On The Moon? - Alternative View
Video: Hear Buzz Aldrin tell the story of the first Moon landing 2024, September

An outside observer gazed at the Apollo 11 crew press conference with mixed feelings. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collings and Buzz Aldrin showed no signs of joy, were gloomy and a little confused. Of course, such an important event as the first landing of a man on the moon is more pompous than gives rise to jokes and smiles. However, the tone of the press conference dedicated to such a grand event was tinged with dark shades.


Lunar conspiracy theory

And if then, in the early 70s of the last century, people could not attach importance to this circumstance, now, after decades, the media are filled with contradictory facts. There is even a lunar conspiracy theory, according to which American astronauts provided false or fabricated information about the landing of their crew on the surface of an Earth satellite. Since then, people have not given up trying to get to the bottom of the truth and find out what really happened then. We will try to figure it out.

Strange facts and inconsistencies

The strange attitude of the crew members first of all caught the eye and gave rise to a lot of doubts. How can people who have spent some time in unknown space with each other look so distant? Of course, this cannot serve as proof of forgery, but it forces us to delve into the study of the situation.

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There was a lot of secrecy in the reports provided by NASA, and many inconsistencies were found in documents, photos and video reports. In the years following the landing, more and more new incriminating information surfaced. It is worth noting that the theory of the lunar conspiracy itself was not put forward by the Soviet Union; it was written by publicist Bill Kaysing. However, even before the release of the famous book, the percentage of ordinary Americans who doubted the authenticity of the event was high.

Modern view of the problem

Strange, but since then the Moon has not become a target for massive human flights. To study information on extraterrestrial objects, man has invented smart satellites and space probes. It is so natural for our minds to deny strange situations that defy logical explanation. What does not fit into the generally accepted framework of knowledge, regardless of culture and science, is most often subject to obstruction. It has always been that way. But now, over the years, we have a unique opportunity to look at the problem with a fresh, disinterested look.


It's no secret that history textbooks are constantly being rewritten. More often under the influence of a particular political regime, less often in accordance with the latest scientific discoveries. Albert Einstein once said: "Condemnation without investigation indicates ignorance." Therefore, we will not ridicule or dismiss an idea without first clarifying the facts.

What has the moonstone become

Before us is the first curious fact that has surfaced in recent years. In 1969, one of the Apollo 11 astronauts donated a piece of moonstone to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands. This unique stone was then donated to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Every year a gift brought from the moon attracted thousands upon thousands of new visitors. It was originally estimated by experts at one and a half million dollars. But after several decades, the texture of the stone mysteriously changed. Imagine the surprise of the museum curators when they realized that the moonstone is nothing more than a petrified tree.


Russian government appeal

More recently, the government of the Russian Federation has officially called on the international community to investigate some information regarding the period from 1996 to 1972. According to NASA, it was during this period that American astronauts landed on the moon. There were several expeditions. Russian Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin argued the investigation could shed light on a shadow from the past. Secret information that has been kept for a number of years must be made public.

The Russian official calls on the international community to find out where the footage from the original footage of the first man landing on the moon, filmed in 1969, went. It is also curious to find out where about four hundred kilograms of lunar rocks, brought to Earth by several expeditions from 1969 to 1972, disappeared. The Russian side does not claim that there was no landing on the moon. Based on the facts, a documentary was made about this mysterious disappearance. According to Markov, lost footage and moonstones are the property of mankind. The disappearance of cultural artifacts is a general loss of the inhabitants of the Earth.


Intelligence analyst opinion

Bob Dean served as an Intelligence Analyst at NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe Headquarters. According to the former military man, the footage from the landing on the moon was mercilessly destroyed. Therefore, now, even if someone wants to conduct their own independent investigation, it will be impossible. As the public in the United States of America continued to insist on the declassification of information, the US government, together with NASA officials, continued to destroy 40 rolls of precious film obtained from all Apollo missions. Several thousand individual shots were captured there. After reviewing them, the authorities for some reason decided that people had no right to familiarize themselves with the materials. The reason is trivial and simple. According to the government, all these cadres are "subversive, socially and politically unacceptable."


What Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Will Tell You

Bob Dean is just one of many people of authority who have gone berserk over the US government's concealment of the moon landing. His testimony, without relevant documents, cannot constitute any concrete evidence. However, we must listen to his arguments. It turns out that the retired major, having made a scandalous statement, put his reputation on the line for the sake of truth. Here's what another brave man, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, tells us. He became the sixth person to land on the moon. “I was one of the elite who was lucky enough not only to fly into space, but also to land on the moon. On a satellite of the Earth, we are faced with the reality of the UFO phenomenon. For a long time, the information we obtained was hidden by the government. I saw the wreckage of a spacecraftbut did not see the bodies of aliens. They probably managed to escape. After flying to the moon, I became a different person. Now I know for sure, we are not alone in the universe. Moreover, aliens have been visiting us regularly for a long time.”


They were under surveillance

Maurice Chatelain designed the radio equipment for the lunar landing (this is one of his twelve patents). The scientist said that at the time when the astronauts landed, they were never left alone, all the time, being in the field of view of the UFO. Now it becomes clear why there are so many incomprehensible discrepancies in the photographs taken at that time. Why the shadows of astronauts are twice as large, and why are there massive prints everywhere. Unfortunately, the resolution of the photographs of that time left much to be desired. Therefore, modern scientists, even with preserved copies, cannot accurately determine what those mysterious dark spots were in the pictures. Was it due to the low quality of the photographs, or was it really aliens involved.

Could there be artificial buildings there?

John Brandenburg, deputy director of the Clementine mission, which was part of the joint space project, says: “Our goal was to identify secret bases on the moon. I reviewed a lot of pictures and settled on one. It depicted a linear structure, a mile long. This object was of artificial origin and should not have been there. However, I can say with confidence that the construction of this kind of building cannot be the work of a person. That means someone else landed on the moon."


If NASA expeditions from 1961 to 1972 did take place, and the data were really destroyed, we were able to partially open the veil of secrecy. It is now becoming clear why the Apollo 11 crew members had a gloomy uncertainty at the press conference. Probably, the astronauts were really shocked by what they saw, but they were forbidden to talk about it.

Gennady Robotov