Declassified CIA Documents On The Launch Of The First Artificial Earth Satellite - Alternative View

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Declassified CIA Documents On The Launch Of The First Artificial Earth Satellite - Alternative View
Declassified CIA Documents On The Launch Of The First Artificial Earth Satellite - Alternative View

Video: Declassified CIA Documents On The Launch Of The First Artificial Earth Satellite - Alternative View

Video: Declassified CIA Documents On The Launch Of The First Artificial Earth Satellite - Alternative View
Video: Just Declassified: Spy Satellite Gambit 2024, October

From the reports it becomes clear: the United States underestimated the space capabilities of the USSR

In fact, both countries actively spied on each other's space plans. Our Chief Designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was regularly informed about the stage at which work on the manufacture of rockets and, in general, the US plans in space were at. Judging by the documents declassified today, the CIA also conducted such informational "support". However, if you look at the documents posted, it becomes clear that our secret departments at the enterprises did not eat bread in vain. There are no special technical details about PS-1, the first satellite, in the reports.

And, apparently, this is why the launch of the satellite on October 4, 1957 was such a shock for ordinary people in the United States.

Of course, the main emphasis of American intelligence officers was on the Soviet ICBM program - intercontinental ballistic missiles. They also knew about the development of an artificial earth satellite. But, apparently, because the Soviet Union did not make secrets of the general information on this matter. Back in 1955, in preparation for the International Geophysical Year (it took place in 1957-1958), Soviet scientists talked about the possibility of launching a scientific satellite during this period. CIA analysts have only roughly calculated when such a launch could be carried out - "no later than the end of 1957" (October is not the end of the year at all, I note). At a conference in Barcelona in 1956, members of the Soviet delegation were asked (apparently by CIA agents) about the exact launch date. One of the scientists joked: “the radar built by the United States,will detect a Soviet satellite within minutes of launch."

CIA documents declassified on the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite
CIA documents declassified on the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

CIA documents declassified on the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

Analysts write: The Soviets achieved a political and propaganda triumph because the American intelligence services were unable to convince then US President Dwight D. Eisenhower that it was time to join the space race with the USSR. He believed that there was no need to rush into space exploration.

A breakthrough into space was expected from the United States. After the launch of the satellite, United Press reported: “90 percent of the talk about artificial earth satellites was in the United States. As it turned out, 100 percent of the case fell on Russia …"

Let me remind you: by February 1, 1958, when the United States launched its first artificial satellite, Explorer-1, the USSR had launched two satellites. Moreover, "Sputnik-2" - sent into orbit just a month after the first, on November 3, 1957, - for the first time launched a living being into space - the dog Laika.

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