There Is No More Mystery: The UFO Was Created By Man - Alternative View

There Is No More Mystery: The UFO Was Created By Man - Alternative View
There Is No More Mystery: The UFO Was Created By Man - Alternative View

Video: There Is No More Mystery: The UFO Was Created By Man - Alternative View

Video: There Is No More Mystery: The UFO Was Created By Man - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

There is no more mystery: UFOs are human creation. All flying machines in the form of plates, balls and ellipsoids were not built by green aliens from space, but people. And in order to hide test flights, a myth about the existence of aliens was specially invented.

For the first time they started talking about "flying saucers" in earnest at the beginning of the last century. Then, in the chronicles of the history of aviation, among the so-called "stacks" and gliders, you can see a very strange apparatus that outwardly resembled an umbrella of gigantic proportions. It was an umbrella plane, the first tests of which were carried out in 1911 in America. It was this apparatus that became the ancestor of "flying saucers". In this apparatus, the principle of flight was applied, which was based on the creation of a seal under the vibrating plane, and was no worse than that used in aircraft.

During the Second World War, this principle was adopted by German aircraft designers. It should be noted that during the war period Germany was a leader in the field of rocketry and jet aircraft. Probably, to the great happiness of mankind, all German developments in this area appeared too late on the battlefields, so they could not effectively resist enemy aircraft. The priority for the creation of effective weapons of retaliation was given too late, so most jet fighters, bombers, missile interceptors, ballistic and anti-aircraft missiles very often existed in a single copy and did not even have time to take off.

When the war drew to a close, Hitler was clearly aware of the inevitable surrender. Therefore, SS teams destroyed test sites, documents, apparatus and laboratories. However, Soviet soldiers still managed to seize some of the documentation, which later became the basis for the creation of modern missiles and the development of aviation.

The Germans destroyed the most revolutionary projects in the first place and, as they say, "cleaned up", so they could not find even the slightest traces of them. Apparently that is why they were called "flying saucers".

At the same time, despite the fact that no reliable documents have survived, some researchers confidently say that in the 30s and 40s, intensive work was carried out in Nazi Germany to create disc-shaped flying vehicles that used unconventional methods of creating lift. The project involved several designers at the same time, each of which worked on its own model. Individual units and parts were made in factories, and no one knew about their true purpose. Among these secret developments, several devices can be distinguished, about which at least something is known.

The first such apparatus is the Schriever-Hamerboll disk. By and large, it was not even one disc, but a whole series, which consisted of several models. The first in the series was a model that resembled a wheel with a wing. The same model, by the way, is recognized as the world's first vertical take-off aircraft. The diameter of the first prototype was 21 meters, and the model itself was tested in February 1941 near Prague.

The device was powered by piston engines and a liquid propellant rocket engine and outwardly resembled a bicycle wheel - a wide ring rotated around the cockpit, and the spokes replaced large blades that could be adjusted. The main disadvantage of the apparatus was the strong vibration caused by the rotor imbalance. Attempts to improve the model were unsuccessful, so it was abandoned in favor of the FAU-7 (the so-called vertical aircraft).

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This model already used the steering gear for heading stabilization, and also increased engine power. The new device was tested in 1944, but also proved to be unpromising.

The next model in the series is the disc, which appeared in 1945. With similar characteristics, this device had twice the parameters. The rotor was rotated by nozzles. The engine was a Walter jet plant, which worked on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. The cockpit was domed, and a flat wide ring revolved around it. This model, during tests in 1945, gained an altitude of more than 12 kilometers, but its speed was only 200 kilometers per hour.

What happened to these devices further is unknown, just as the fate of the designers is unknown.

Another device is Zimmermann's "flying pancake", which was developed and tested in 1942-1943. Very little information has been preserved about the device, according to which the "pancake" had gas turbine engines and could reach speeds of up to 700 kilometers per hour. Outwardly, it looked like a basin turned upside down, about 5-6 meters in diameter. A drop-shaped transparent cabin was placed in the center. On the ground, I used small rubber wheels for support, and nozzles for takeoff. It was impossible to adjust the engines, which is why the apparatus was very unstable in flight.

After the defeat of Germany, all documents related to this project were destroyed. Only photographs, more like drawings, with images of a strange disk with a cabin have survived. According to other information, some of the documents still survived and fell into the hands of Soviet officers. All these documents were studied in detail by Soviet designers, but no positive conclusions regarding the necessity and expediency of continuing work on the project were made.

One of the most advanced models of the "flying saucer" was created under the direct supervision of Himmler, who was studying UFO problems. During the war years, his department took seriously the program of creating disc-shaped devices. Thus, the group "Sonderburo-13" switched to this task. The research groups were united under the leadership of Belontse, Mite and Shriver. By 1945, with joint efforts, an apparatus was built, which used an unconventional method of creating thrust and showed good technical characteristics. The apparatus was named in honor of the chief designer - the Italian Belontse, who proposed the scheme of a disc-shaped flying apparatus with ramjet engines. In the final version, the apparatus used a combined thrust; a vortex engine was used as an engine. The body of the craft was surrounded by 12 tilt jet engines that cooled the main engine, sucked in air, thus creating a vacuum from the top of the craft, which allowed it to rise with less effort.

The disc was 68 meters in diameter. In 1945, the only experimental flight of the device took place. Within three minutes, the pilots reached an altitude of 15 kilometers at a maximum speed of 2200 kilometers per hour. The disc hung in the air, could fly back and forth without turning. But the war ended, and soon the disk was destroyed.

Little information has survived about the Omega disc by Andreas Epp. It is a disc-shaped helicopter with ramjet and radial piston engines. It was created in 1945, but the Germans themselves did not have time to test it. The device was captured by the Americans, and tested only in 1946. The developer Epp, who was suspended from work back in 1942, was captured by the Soviet Union.

This device was a combination of the "annular fan" technology, in which a freely rotating rotor was driven by pulsating jet engines. The disc consisted of a round cabin with a diameter of 4 meters. The cockpit was surrounded by a fuselage disk with a diameter of 19 meters.

The fuselage had eight four-blade fans connected to radial motors mounted in tapered tubes. The main rotor was fixed on the disk axis. It did not generate any torque, since it was not hinged like in helicopters, but mounted like a propeller in a conventional aircraft. Several such vehicles were created after the end of the war, and were used for aerodynamic tests. In 1956, a propulsion system was patented, which was proposed to be produced in the United States.

One of the latest models of disc-shaped devices is the so-called "ball lightning" by Kurt Tank. It is a disc-shaped helicopter that has never been tested. A large turboprop engine was placed under an armored cockpit. The body had several air intakes. The device could fly in any direction and hover in the air.

It was assumed that the serial production of "ball lightning" will begin in 1946. It was conceived as an all-weather multipurpose interceptor, reconnaissance, tank destroyer. It was supposed to use MG-213 cannons and K100V8 air-to-air fragmentation and incendiary missiles as weapons on the device.

After the war, the blueprints came to the USSR, and the designer went to the USA. Neither side has shown proper interest in the device.

Later, "flying saucers" were created both in the Soviet Union and in America. In both countries, the developments were classified. This mystery, by and large, became the reason for the appearance of a large number of stories about the luminous balls seen in the sky, which in fact were just ionospheric "bunnies" that appeared as a result of air glow at the intersection of two radar beams. The synchronous movement of these beams sets in motion the "bunny", which moves across the sky along any trajectory and at any speed.

As for the stories that aliens allegedly kidnap people, then there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. The fact is that in the immediate vicinity of such a technique there is high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, which leads to disruption of the brain and can cause hallucinations.

Thus, experts say the UFO mystery has been revealed. And if someone has to see a "flying saucer" in the sky, then we can safely say that it was made by earthlings.