Witchcraft Mass - Alternative View

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Witchcraft Mass - Alternative View
Witchcraft Mass - Alternative View

Video: Witchcraft Mass - Alternative View

Video: Witchcraft Mass - Alternative View
Video: ALTERNATE REALITY - Witch Hunt 2024, October


Why is this mass called witchcraft and "black"? Because her main goal was the spiteful listening to the generally accepted Catholic Mass, open mockery of her, lumbarism and antics, shameless vilification of strict church canons.


“Brotherhood of demihumans (sryh), one with another”, a daring challenge by people to the heavens of God, worship of another god, the God of nature, and in a depraved and unnatural form - this is the main motto of the “black mass”.


As you know, any Sabbath attended by witches included a kind of service dedicated to the Devil.

The publishing "Black Mass" first appeared at the end of the 10th century and became for the sacred rite of Satan.

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Father Lois Goffridi at the trial in Aix-en-Provence in 1611, under torture, confessed that during the service of the “black mass” he made the sign of the cross on the contrary, replaced the words of the accepted blessing with others, evil ones, shouted to his “parishioners”: “Forward! In the name of the Devil!"

The famous demonologist and monk M. F. Guazzo, which we have already mentioned more than once, one of the most active "witch hunters", the author of many books on demonology, speaking at the court of Aquitaine (Haute Garona) in 1594, cited the testimony of a young girl named Teresa de Rosemond.

She frankly told him about a typical sabbath, in which she personally took part, about the confirmation there of her agreement with the Devil, about wild, stupid dances. This "black mass" was led by a priest in black vestments, without a cross on his chest. At the moment of the ascension of the Holy Gifts, he raised a black turnip or a goose rump instead of a cross and shouted loudly: "May the Teacher help us!"

Instead of church wine, ordinary water splashed in his goblet. They prepared the "holy" water in this way: a goat was forced to urinate into a hole dug in the ground, and then the master of ceremonies irrigated everyone present, leafing through a prayer book with black and white pages mixed. But the worst thing about this whole ceremony was that the blood of a murdered infant was required to hold the "black mass".

This is how the famous black magician, Abbot Guismans, who for twenty years spent "black masses" in the abandoned church of Maine-Marseille and with the help of wax figures caused death, is described by the French writer of the last century J. C. Huysmans in his novel "Down there": “A certain Abbot Guibourg was eager to engage in such actions. On the table depicting an altar, a completely naked woman lay down and, arms outstretched, held lighted candles in them throughout the service.



Guibour repeatedly served such masses, the participants of which were the mistresses of King Louis XIV and such noble ladies as the Duchess d'Agenson and de Saint-Laon. They lay naked on the table, holding lighted candles in their outstretched hands. Leaning over them, this fanatic priest sprinkled them with the blood of the infant slaughtered the day before. Such masses during the reign of the great Sun King were very crowded.


Many women dreamed of getting an appointment with a famous soothsayer or magician to find out what fate awaited them in the future.

The ritual of such rituals was distinguished by extreme cruelty. For a mysterious procedure, they usually took out a village child and burned him there, however, away from human eyes.

Then, having killed the other, they mixed his blood with the ashes of the first, that is, they did everything like the pagan Manicheans. For his black services, Abbot Gibour ended his life in solitary confinement in the Bastille.


An equally colorful description of a similar mass, though much more depraved, taking place in a men's monastery, can be read in the novel by the Marquis de Sade "Justine".

The most interesting thing is that the court nobility under Louis XIV held such "black masses" since 1650 in the so-called fire chamber - a large hall without windows, draped from top to bottom with black cloth, in which many candles burned.

King Henry II used it as a state tribunal in the French parliament to interrogate Huguenots accused of heresy. And this hall was empty after his tragic death in a knightly duel in 1559.

The nobles of Louis were so fond of the "black masses" that they even hired about fifty Satanist priests to conduct such "special" devil services.

No matter how the authorities fought, the parliament with such open debauchery, the "Black Mass" lasted until the 19th century.


Contrary to the generally accepted opinion stated above, there is something else. For example, the famous French scientist - historian Jules Michelet (1798-1874), author of the twenty-volume History of the French Revolution, also showed interest in this topic.

In his book, which is so unusual for him - "The Witch", he sees the reason for such a wide spread of the "black mass" among the common people, especially among the peasants, in the cruel persecution of any dissent by the Catholic Church, in its oppression of its believers in everything, in trampling on them the rights to free, of their choice, religion, in their economic enslavement by the Church and monasteries, where often morality was in a striking decline. In his opinion, all this resulted in a blasphemous "rebellion" against the omnipotence of the Church and the stained monasticism.