Buddhism Is The Progenitor Of Christianity - Alternative View

Buddhism Is The Progenitor Of Christianity - Alternative View
Buddhism Is The Progenitor Of Christianity - Alternative View

Video: Buddhism Is The Progenitor Of Christianity - Alternative View

Video: Buddhism Is The Progenitor Of Christianity - Alternative View
Video: How Buddha helps to be a better Christian: Richard Rohr 2024, September

It is believed that the three main religious denominations arose one from the other. Monotheism (monotheism) was founded by the ancient Jews, and the Christian faith emerged from Judaism, which in turn gave rise to the Muslim faith. But according to the esoteric teaching, all faiths originated from one ancient faith, or rather knowledge that was converted into faith. So what faith could serve as a type for the three above-listed denominations? Buddhists appoint the next Dalai Lama as follows. Before his death, the Dalai Lama names the place on Earth where he will incarnate in the next body.

After his death, a group of lamas, taking with them several things that belonged to the deceased lama, arrive at this place looking for him by special signs and find there a child born in the family. They offer him the objects they have taken with them that belong to the deceased. And if the child recognizes and takes them, then this is the incarnate Dalai Lama. Doesn't it look like anything? Well then compare. A shooting star pointed out the birthplace of Christ to the Magi. “Adoration of the Magi is an evangelical short mention (Matt. 2: 1-11) and a popular theological and iconographic story about the wise men who came from the East to worship the baby Jesus and bring him gifts; celebrated by Christians.

The authors Blessed Augustine (354-430) and John Chrysostom (c. 347-407) numbered twelve Magi, but probably from the trinity of gifts their number was reduced to three, and Bede the Venerable (c. 672 / 673-735) gave them names - Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, royal origin and homeland. Therefore, in some countries it is celebrated as the feast of the three kings or the feast of the Epiphany. (Wikipedia) Now draw conclusions, at least from what religion the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths originated.