Megaliths Of The Urals. Popov Island - Alternative View

Megaliths Of The Urals. Popov Island - Alternative View
Megaliths Of The Urals. Popov Island - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of The Urals. Popov Island - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of The Urals. Popov Island - Alternative View
Video: Ural Mountains. Manaraga / Уральские Горы. Манарага (Drone Hyperlapse) 4k 2024, September

“There are really swamps around Neivo-Rudyanka. And on one of these swamps there is a mountain island. On this mountain there is a secret training base for Christian priests, where they learn to lure honest people into their faith, to force them to bring them their property. Well, and how to set up their churches everywhere, they learn there too. Therefore, the name is appropriate "Popov Island". Those who do not believe can look at the map."

This clearly illustrates the attitude of "tourists" to what they see with their own eyes. Delight! This is what prevents people from turning on their thoughts and seeing something behind the beauties of the Ural nature. I will make a reservation, I also did not see everything at first, and even now, I am sure, I am missing a lot. However, everything is in order. First, what am I talking about, and where is it at all.


Again, not southern or central America, but my beloved homeland! Homeland of elephants and mermaids, where there are no roads and many fools. Where the theft of millions of rubles and tugriks is encouraged, and imprisoned for a stupid trick.

Yekaterinburg province (coordinates - 57 ° 18'32 "N 60 ° 11'23" E). Nearby cities: Yekaterinburg, Nizhniy Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky. The nearest villages are Verkh-Neyvinsk and Neyvo - Rudyanka. There the Neiva River flows, it is clear where the first settlement is located, but why is the name of the second associated with ore? Ural! Not Neivo - Khlopovsk!

I find out that the village was founded in 1762, when Prokofiy Demidov, son of Akinfiy and grandson of Nikita, launched a water-powered iron and iron foundry here. True, after 7 years he sold it to Savva Yakovlev, like many of his other enterprises. With iron, everything is clear. How about the rest? Preserved information that there was also a granite quarry on the mountain … Popova Island. Stop!!!!

Is it a mountain or an island after all? We look at old maps.


Promotional video:

This is a 1914 Map. The drawing is quite fresh, but we can see significant differences on it too! Here the mountain is not just in the middle of swamps, but also lakes are present, which are no longer there. Lake Glukhoe 2, who knows about it? None of the old-timers remember this! It is obvious that the process of waterlogging of lakes and natural reclamation have not stopped to this day. So 300 years ago there was so much water here that it was essentially an inland sea, and the mountain was in fact an island! This is the answer to the seemingly incompatible name "MOUNTAIN OF Priests ISLAND"


Next are the photos of the cyclist dkarpunin

Obviously, at first it was possible to get to the island exclusively by swimming, and now only on foot, or by special transport, on a bike, including. Those. the place is extremely inconvenient, so that in our time, as well as 250-300 years ago, to make flights there and back for ore or stone. And who says that something was mined there?


It seems to be just fancy stones, very similar to artificial structures, but in the Urals there are a dime a dozen of such stones!


Here on the site

[Soul of the World]

tourists admire the beauty of the mountain - islands:


Impressive right?


Well, what a wall of an ancient castle tower looks like!


Oppanki! or maybe not just similar?

Yes, it looks like the shank of a giant aerial bomb! Painfully, these blades look like treated with something different from the forces of erosion!


Could it really be a quarry? Local historians tell everyone that until the invention of concrete in the 20th century, granite blocks were cut here for construction. The first stone was used in the 18th century to build the dam of the Verkhne-Neyvinsky pond. What's wrong with that? Well, first of all, I have already said that it is a very thankless, time-consuming and costly enterprise to transport a stone from here. Secondly: they lived, therefore, in huts, and the dam for the pond was made of granite blocks? Is this logical? The dam was always flooded with simple unprocessed boulders, alternating with fragments of stones, rubble and clay, often just soil, reinforced with scrap wood.


What a necessity then was to cut blocks for the dam! Were you completely fools then? Well, the Taj Mahal was not built, just a dam, a water reservoir. Will you be using nails for building a house, using garden tools on your 6 acres, doing laser engraving? And why then there is no doubt about the fidelity of the fact that our "great-greats" cut down blocks of hundreds of kilograms of hell, where, on the island for an economic hydraulic structure? I strongly doubt it! Now take a close look at the photo above. Right in the center is a boulder. Lighter than others. Nothing seems suspicious?


BOOOOT! This is the first lead!

This already does not look like nature. Even more. There was a similar pebble in my post about the megaliths of the Perm region.


Everything is clear here, in my opinion.

This is how granite is still mined. Boreholes are drilled and chipped off. Previously, wedges were driven in. Several questions arise.

Are these wedges, or are they already boreholes?

My answer is holes. The wedges have flat rectangular indentations.

Question two: Why, on a distant island in the middle of swamps?

No answer.

The third question: When the stone was mined, was it in our time, or is it before us?

No answer. The rest of the questions are of insignificance and I will not voice.

At least we found out for sure that the stone was still mined there! This photo leaves no doubts, does it? Right?


See more …..

Is the monolithic rock cracked, or is it a "plasticine" masonry?


a wonderful stone! Ready to kiss him !!!


It is very difficult to gouge such a chisel! But … for the sake of objectivity, let's say: - it is possible! It is not only possible that it was the result of natural erosion.


And here is the den of the priests who lure the flock))))

Superplasticine masonry!


I love this photo!

Do you know why? It proves I figured it out! If here they cut a stone for local needs, spent a lot of effort and money, then not on such a scale as it might seem! More ancient buildings were dismantled for building materials. Isn't that what our contemporaries do too? Similar! Orphan buildings are being dismantled into bricks, and new dachas and sheds grow out of them! Exactly the same here and there is a place to be! Take a look at these steps. They are left over from the ancient builders. Stone cutters of the 19th century dismantled their buildings for parts, but not everything … something survived. THIS is clearly a more perfect creation than the pearls of modern masons! No fool would cut a ladder in a quarry! No … I would have done it all the time, but not in this quality! These steps are in geometry comparable to modern flights of stairs (with the exception of the height of the steps. And who said that these are steps? Or maybe a frame for a metal mechanism?)


Here, too, I really like … a bunch of geometrically correct details, destroyed and piled chaotically in a heap. But … as we remember, there are no straight lines and angles in nature. Here their concentration per square decimeter is too great for a coincidence!


At least we know with absolute certainty that:

1 The stone was mined here.

2 Were mined at all times.

3 They were mined using various technologies, both those that are used now and those that have been lost.

We do not manage to find out who, when, why did such works … without answering these questions we will never know what all this means and what practical value it has for us.

Only one thing is undeniable:


You can't convince us with such pictures!

The Reichstag also read: "We are from Bryansk"

And what is the value of the following picture?


It would seem … just a hole …

Not easy! Why? I already wrote that all such structures are connected by one circumstance - GOLD!

This is nothing but a pit !!!


And in the Americas, and in Kolyma, and in Nakhodka, and in Krasnoyarsk, and in Perm, megalithic structures coincide with the GOLD deposits! And this is not just a coincidence!

“There has always been a lot of gold in the vicinity. After all, the first Ural gold nugget was found right here. But then there was a state monopoly on gold mining, and the lands given to the breeders under the ownership right could be taken away to the treasury. Therefore, 13-year-old Katya Bogdanova, who found the nugget, was not thanked, but harshly whipped, so much so that the girl went crazy after that.

But soon, in 1812, the government allowed breeders to search for gold in their own dachas. After that, the "golden" age of the Nevyansk region began. For some 10-15 years, 45 mines were opened in the dacha of the Verkh-Neyvinsky plant.

Rudyansky residents claim that gold is everywhere in their village and that local prospectors allegedly washed the soil throughout the territory, excluding the land under the church.

Quite a few holes were dug along the perimeter of the Bright Swamp. Gold is friends with granite (after all, our swamps always lie on a granite bed), and traces of miners are found in pits in logs, on the edges of swamps and in swamps themselves, usually filled with water, and in the presence of waste rock dumps in the immediate vicinity of these pits.

Damn gold everywhere!


I have seen such pits in Kolyma hundreds of times!

This is how GOLD is mined. Once again, faced with the location of the despicable metal, I was not at all surprised that it coincided with the location of the megalithic structures. This is already a rule, not an accident. I was convinced of this once again. It remains only to figure out how this is connected … most likely what "scientists" call temple complexes, in fact - industrial enterprises for the extraction of minerals!


That's also interesting … there is a steady feeling of an explosion …

I can't help but think that I've seen this many times … I often wander around the battlefield. This is a typical example of explosive destruction.


Scattered for tens of meters …


Lumps fell from the sky …


They fell chaotically, leaving no chance that in the future someone would suspect the system, even for a second imagined that it was not a spontaneous natural conglomeration of kamenyuk….