Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View

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Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View
Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View
Video: Lord Rothschild presentation 8 Nov 2018 Sothebys NYC 2024, September

“Give me the right to issue and control the country's money, and I will absolutely not care who makes the laws!” - Mayer Amshel Rothschild.

So, what is not known on this controversial and controversial topic:

The Medici, who became the glory of Florence and for several centuries intermarried with all the sovereign houses of Europe, began their career rather modestly. They came from Mugello, a small village in the north of Tuscany, and were at first small rural owners, and then moved to the city to engage in trade.

Since the XIII century. The Medici already occupy a worthy position among the Florentine burghers and acquire the coat of arms that soon became so famous, and the description of which read: “There are six balls on the golden field. The upper one is azure with three golden lilies, the other five are scarlet *.


Knights or pharmacists?

Philip dw Commin wrote: "I believe that the Medici have the greatest trading house that has ever been in the whole world," which, however, is not true, since the Bardis, who spread their networks to the very East, already had more number of employees. Only splendor and luxury put the Medici above all others.

Promotional video:

The pedigree scholars have struggled to prove that the famous Florentine bankers were descended from the paladin Averardo de Medici, who was awarded his weapon by Charlemagne for the liberation of the country from the giant Mugello, for generous rewards. This, of course, must be treated with caution, since the very existence of this paladin is no more reliable than the existence of the giant Mugello.

The most widespread opinion (but equally unsubstantiated) is that the Medici came from doctors or, most likely, from pharmacists, and that the balls on their arms represent nothing more than cough pills.

Cream from the left pot

No matter how they explain the origin of the balls on the Medici coat of arms (in Italian, paradise), in the internal strife of the city they became a symbol of the supporters of this family (raNeaZi). For a long time associated with the political life of Tuscany, the Medici constantly sided with the popular party (papoan) against the rich). This noble, progressive and selfless policy (as they would now say, leftist orientation) in just a few years made them the most notable and richest patricians in Florence.

The first of this family to play an important role in the political life of the city were Averardo (or Evrard), a Gonfalonier in 1314, and Salvestro, also a Gonfalonier, who led a popular uprising against the Albizzi family and was ostracized for this.

It would be too long to even briefly describe the innumerable feats accomplished by the Medici family for the glory of Florence. It became famous both in military campaigns and in political clashes and was always the first where not only their own affairs were decided, but also the affairs of the city. In the end, the Medici somehow imperceptibly ceased to distinguish one from the other.

Very early on, expanding the field of activity of their bank to the whole of Europe through a whole network of trading offices, they became the most famous among the new class of capitalists who were already beginning to gain the upper hand over the old burgher patricianism.

The prestige of the Medici's immense fortune and the relationship they maintained with the rest of the world greatly facilitated their seizure of power in Florence.


First holding

Continuing to act as protectors of the people against the patricians, these cosmopolitan bankers, after some time in exile, eventually took over the leadership of the Signoria.

In 1421, Giovanni Medici, nicknamed (C B1cc1 took the post of gonfaloniere. the power of his kind.

The Medici's activities were significantly different from what Peruzzi, Bardi and other Frescobaldi did, since from a legal point of view they did not have a single "company". They owned many small, theoretically independent companies, with their own special ledgers and equity capital. Scattered throughout Europe, these "subsidiaries" were headed by managers elected from shareholders who did not belong to the majority party. These early CEOs did not receive fixed salaries, their income was dependent on the bank's profits. The Medici themselves, who were considered the "main partners", owned more than 50% of the shares, and therefore their family has always remained the sovereign owner of a gigantic, but at the same time extremely flexible enterprise.

Strengthening the dynasty

Of all the achievements of Giovanni di Bicci, not the least was that he left behind two sons, even smarter than himself. Cosimo and Lorenze were truly the creators of the greatness of the Medici family. Thanks to them, the descendants of the pharmacists from Mugello became the most notable people in Europe.

Cosimo, or, as he was called, Cosmas the Elder, was the ancestor of Lorenzo the Magnificent, the Dukes of Ne-Mur and Urbino, Popes Leo X and Clement VII, Alexander, Duke of Florence and Queen of France Catherine de Medici.

As for Lorenzo himself, among his descendants were several Grand Dukes of Tuscany and the French queen Maria de Medici.

Republican dictator

Cosmas the Elder (1389-1464), after the death of his father, began to manage all the affairs of the family. Albiz-tsi, whose patrician power he tried to destroy, drove him out of the city, but in 1432 he returned with triumph and, maintaining the republican form of government, in fact established his own dictatorship. Not agreeing to hold any official posts himself, he always arranged so that people loyal to him would be in power. Thus, his hands remained free, and he could shower his fellow citizens with benefits, and therefore maintain his popularity. Surrounded by the aura of the name of "Father of the Fatherland", Cosmas became one of the great princes of the Renaissance and was the first in a series of great patrons of the Medici family.

It was he who, doubling his fortune, directed his efforts to make Florence the most prestigious laboratory of the Renaissance. He called on architects and artists - Brunel Leschi, Michelozzo, Donatello, Philippe Lippi, Benozzo Gozzoli. He surrounded himself with humanistic scholars such as Bruni and Marsilio Ficino, whom he put at the head of the Florentine Platonic Academy he created.

Humanist tyrant

Cosmas the Elder's grandson, Lorenzo Medici, nicknamed the Magnificent, was perhaps the most illustrious of all the princes of the Renaissance. Having inherited in 1469 his father Piero-Podagriku, he received the title of rppare de11o Sga1o! - (Prince of the State), which gave some legitimacy to the power of the Medici family over the Signoria, which, however, was established not without some difficulties. The patricians, led by the Pazzi, supported by Pope Sixtus IV, conspired against the Medici tyranny, which ended in failure, but Lorenzo's brother Giuliano was killed in the cathedral. After his death, the united Naples and Siena took up arms against Lorenzo, the resistance of which would have been hopelessly unequal had he not miraculously avoided the impending danger thanks to the raid of the Turks, who mixed up all the plans of his enemies. This test only raised Lorenzo in the eyes of the Florentines,and from that day on he had firmly established the power of the Medici.

Prince of poets and artists

Now, following the example of his grandfather, he could devote all his wealth to the promotion of the arts, the patronage of literature and sciences. Turning Florence into a gigantic art gallery, he, better than anyone else, embodied the ideal of a Renaissance sovereign. An enlightened art lover and a generous humanist, Lorenzo cared more about philanthropy than about trade and finance, and, having embarked on the path of exorbitant spending, he inevitably had to lead the whole family to ruin. But most of all, Lorenzo the Magnificent aspired to political power, and of course, he could not be considered a capitalist. Neglecting financial power and trade, he invested almost all of his fortune in land and estates. Although born to lead a trading empire,

Banker poet

Besides the fact that he was a philanthropist and politician, Lorenzo the Magnificent also composed poetry. His works, characterized by purity of style and grace, were published in 1626 by the Grand Duke Leopold !!.

Lorenzo I the Magnificent (1449-1492)

Pietro N (1472-1503)

Joeanni Leo X (1475-1521)


Lorenzo's passion for the humanities and literature led to the rapid decline of the Company. Branches were closed one after another:

1469 - Venetian, 1478 - in London and Bruges, 1494 - Milan.

Lorenzo nevertheless, in his outlook, belonged to a medieval society, which remained strictly hierarchical and preserved feudal orders and chivalrous ideals. Capitalism, of which its ancestors were genius predecessors, was only in its infancy. According to Lorenzo Medici, a sovereign dynasty was the natural completion of the rise to power.

Greatness and decline

Wanting to play princes, the Medici forced Fortuna to turn back, and this goddess, who had been smiling at them, began to make grimaces. In 1494, upon the arrival of Charles VIII, the Florentines rebelled against their rulers and forced Piero, son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, to leave the city, so that the bank in Florence was immediately beheaded. The Medici's financial career was over, and from that day on, they could no more be reckoned with than ordinary rulers. The primacy passed to France, to European patrons of art and Roman high priests. Several times the Medici managed to re-establish themselves in their city, but they had never become a monetary dynasty similar to those that appeared after them only in the 19th century. At the height of their power, they chose the role of sovereigns, whose power was higher or at least equal to the power of money.

The beginning of the Rothschilds

So Cosimo died in 1464, all this coincided with the decline of Florence: “Under Cosimo II (1609-1621) and his son Ferdinando II (1621-1670), the beginning of the decline of Florence. Tuscany has almost gone wild. Ferdinando's son, Cosimo III (1670-1723) could not stop the decline of Florence. His sons did not have offspring. With the death of Cosimo III's sister Anna Maria in 1743, the Medici line of power ceased.

Any dynasty can end overnight from starvation, but only, for example, not the Rothschilds. Rothschilds because “Mayer Amschel Bauer is considered the founder of the Rothschild family and financial empire. His father Moses traveled to Eastern Europe, simultaneously engaged in activities traditional for European Jews of that time: the jewelry business and usury. Tired of wandering, he decided to settle in the city where his first son would be born.

In 1743, Mayer Amschel was born in Frankfurt am Main, and Moses Bauer settled in the Frankfurt Jewish ghetto, opening his own counting yard. Above his door the banker placed the family coat of arms - a large red shield”- Red Shield.

First, it is impossible to engage in both usury and the jewelry business, being a wandering traveler, imagine Sberbank on a pair of horses. Or a jeweler with only one tool - an ax and a sledgehammer behind the beam. And how can such values be protected from robbers? Even Gokhran on a tank can be lured into a disguised pit like a mammoth. This means that the founder of the Rothschild dynasty, in principle, could not be a wandering, he lived in Frankfurt for a long time and permanently.

Secondly, pay attention to the bold, twice mentioned 1743, which directly indicates the succession of the Medici and Rothschild bankers, because Cosimo himself was allegedly produced from some "wandering" Bicci. Moreover, Jews are very fond of both numerology and secrets for the uninitiated.

It is clear that this is not enough, but just as the largest Medici gold reserve could not just evaporate, so the capital of the Rothschilds that arose out of thin air would appear directly from heaven. You can also remember that the family that owns a gigantic fortune will always find the means to continue their family with heirs, see, for example, the play "The Thunderstorm" by A. Ostrovsky. And then the Medici, having disappeared after one 268 years, suddenly stopped. Whereas the Rothschilds, having been pro-banking for the same 268 years by 2011 (again numerology), are only getting stronger. Inexhaustible as the family of the last English kings.

Have you noticed the words "Tuscany has gone almost completely wild"? Why not run wild, the "Greeks" left, all industry and trade collapsed, the people went mad with adversity and, although the Medici's cellars were full of gold, there was no turnover.

Whereas in the north of the trans-Alpine Western Europe came exactly the same scientific, technical and industrial boom as it once did in the Mediterranean. What would you do in the place of the Medici? - Change your surname and try to infiltrate where bank notes produce pure gold when circulating.

Have you ever thought about the absolutely idiotic and unique phenomenon of Switzerland on Earth? Or does it seem normal to you that the three primary European powers France, Italy and Germany completely voluntarily, without even swinging a kitchen knife, donated tidbits of their land, together with the population, to form this most independent Switzerland?

Here I will show you the link, and you yourself form your opinion. From it you will learn a lot and, in particular, that the Medici bankers, having robbed the entire Italian and Spanish people and ceased to be popes, created Switzerland as the gateway to the three most important countries. This is where the gold had to be carefully shown from afar, from Switzerland, so that it would come into play on paper.

So Moses Bauer “traveled” not through Eastern Europe, simultaneously engaged in usury, but was preparing a raider seizure of banks from Switzerland. So that his son Mayer Amschel, having descended the hill and became Rothschild in Frankfurt, between 1763 and 1812, seized the banks of Paris, London, Vienna, Naples and, naturally, Frankfurt.

By the way, it is not necessary to be geniuses to clean up almost all banks in Europe in the hands of Rothschilds, and the Rothschilds never were. They were devils, which does not need intelligence, there is enough unparalleled meanness, part of which is the organization of wars, for no economic activity can compare in profit to war. And for the wars to be uninterrupted, then profits will pop out like from an automatic machine - paper clips.

Russia in the field of activity

England's destruction of the western part of the Hanseatic League and Magdeburg Law, by transforming the commonwealth of independent anarchies-policies into states, ended with the creation of Frederick II the Great out of nothing., which intensively moved east (to the Urals and beyond) and south (to Kharkov and Askania Nova). All this had to be disorganized and destroyed.

It was for this that Great Russia was required, which was only Muscovy with a slave system. Do not believe the vile historians that the Novgorod Republic (in fact, not a republic, but also a commonwealth of independent anarchies-polis, such as Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Kotlas, Veliky Ustyug, Great Perm, Arkhangelsk) belonged to Russia from Ivan the Terrible - a lie. Do not believe these same historical suckers of your own finger that Tatarstan was conquered by the same Terrible Tsar. For even Nizhny Novgorod and Kasimov were controlled by the Tatars, and much later than the "conquest" of Kazan. And all this took place at the turn of 1700, when the Orthodox tsar-cutter Peter “appeared, did not get dusty”.

So, the expansion of the Scandinavians to the east was opposed by the expansion of the Iranian Stroganovs to the west, and since the Scandinavians were pressed from the west by the Children of Cosimo Medici - the Rothschilds, the Stroganovs overpowered the Scandinavians and approached the White and Baltic Seas. And then they were met by the Rothschilds, who settled in England, they understood each other and one of the Stroganovs, and they all received an English education and lived in England for a long time, became Peter I.

It was with the money of the Rothschilds, who returned to them a hundred times, that the empire of Peter I was created on the former possessions of Veliky Novgorod as an independent neighbor of Muscovy. So before Catherine II there was no Russia at all - if you want details, then they are here.

Having pumped up the empire of Peter I to the brim with foreigners, the Rothschilds cut off Muscovy from civilization completely and forced it to submit to the will of Petersburg. Without war. True, at the same time it was necessary to arrange a small leapfrog with the heirs of Peter, who were unwanted to destroy, who were pleased to pick up not in St. Petersburg, but in London. The last link has something about it. How Peter humiliated Sweden and the Baltic states - it goes without saying.

Finally, they picked up Catherine II, though not so much her as the necessary advisers. And it was a new stage, absolutely stunning.

As I have already indicated above, before Catherine II Russia did not have not only the Middle and South Urals, but even its immediate environs, after Catherine the number of provinces increased threefold, right up to the Pacific Ocean. Without crushing pre-existing ones into smaller pieces. Phenomenon?

And another phenomenon. The main cargo carrier on the Volga was the Rothschild company. And almost all geological prospecting work and mapping of Siberian Russia and the Southern Urals were carried out by 80 percent by foreigners, and they were mainly looking for gold and silver, not without reason all the Lena mines until 1917 were mainly owned by British companies.

With the organization of Russia, not only the affairs of the eastern Hansa ended, it began, on a command from London, to balance France, Germany and Austria who were burrowing into the wrong steppe, and Russia itself was not allowed to step over the line, for example, with the Bosphorus. Once even a little Peter was not occupied when Nicholas I made a lot of noise. And in general, as soon as the wrong tsar appeared (Peter III, Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I), he was immediately removed, and in the same way.

You can expand on conspiracy theory in more detail: The Rothschilds in Russia here.

David Rockefeller
David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller.

"Give me the right to issue and control the money of the country, and I will absolutely not care who makes the laws!" - this phrase was uttered at the beginning of the 19th century by Mayer Amschel Rothschild. His descendants conscientiously fulfilled the wishes of their great-grandfather.

The version that a group of families led by the Rothschild clan has a direct impact on world markets has been called "conspiracy theories." According to George Entin, author of Conspiracy Theory and the Conspiracy Mentality, conspiracy theory is “an attempt to explain an event or series of events as the result of a conspiracy, that is, the actions of a small, secretly working group of people aimed at consciously controlling or turning in the development of certain other historical events”. It turns out that this theory assumes some kind of secrecy and conspiracy. However, and without any mystery, it is clear that the richest people on the planet have more opportunities than anyone else. “Conspiracy theory has nothing under it. To explain everything with conspiracies is a persecution mania, this is an extreme humiliation of the people. At the same time, this does not meanthat financial circles have no influence on events on a global scale,”said Iosif Diskin, co-chairman of the National Strategy Council.

Family bonds

Rockefellers, Morgan, Rothschild, Coon, Loeb, Goldman, Mellon, Saxon, Dupont, Lehman … These are the names of those bankers and businessmen who laid the foundation for family capital back in the 17th and 18th centuries. The most important thing for them then was the psychology of the clan: family business, dynastic marriages. As an example, the history of the development of the largest American bank in the USA in the 19th century Kuhn, Loeb & Co. It was founded in 1867 by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. Under the leadership of Jacob Schiff, the bank has successfully invested in more than promising American companies, including Western Union and Westinghouse. From 1907 to 1912 Kuhn, Loeb & Co. was a subscriber of shares (possessed a kind of options) for a total of $ 530 million.

In the 20s of the last century, the bank was managed by other famous personalities - Otto Kahn, Felix Warburg, and Benjamin Buttenweiser. (By the way, there is information that it was they who financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The corresponding reports of the British intelligence are given in the book of Henry Wickham Steed "After 30 years, 1892-1922".) In 1977 Kuhn, Loeb & Co. merged with Lehman Brothers to form Lehman Brothers, Inc. Seven years later, a merger followed with American Express, which was founded by the Fargo and Butterfield families.

In turn, a quick glance at the genealogical intricacies of these families refutes even a hint of their rivalry with each other. So, Solomon Loeb's daughter married Jacob Schiff, and Felix Warburg married Solomon Loeb's granddaughter Nina. Benjamin Buttenweiser was married to the granddaughter of Lehman Brothers founder Abraham Lehman.

The Rockefellers and Morgan were outside this family. Unlike Kuhn, Loeb and others who came to the United States from Europe, the Rockefellers and Morgan are Native Americans. John David Rockefeller was born in Richford, John Pierpont Morgan - in Boston. At one time there were rumors that the Rothschilds allegedly competed with the Rockefellers. However, talk fell silent after in 2000 JPMorgan, controlled by NM Rothschild & Sons, took over David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan, which became the JPMorgan Chase hybrid. As a result, the interests of the two sides were successfully united.

Rothschilds in the fog

One can only guess about the contents of the pocket of David Rockefeller, whose ancestor a hundred years ago became the first dollar billionaire. In 1913, the personal fortune of that same ancestor, John Rockefeller, was estimated at at least $ 1 billion (according to other sources, $ 6 billion). Taking into account inflation of the American currency and interest rates, a fortune of $ 1 billion a hundred years ago is equivalent to the current $ 60 billion.

As for the financier Nathaniel Rothschild, it is simply indecent to speak out loud about the real size of his fortune. Suffice it to say that his family has been successfully engaged in banking for about 200 years. Over the centuries, their ancestors raised capital, weaved intrigues, developed connections, married children. And all this so that the descendants - the same David or Nathan - will preserve and increase the family good. No one can name the exact numbers, but it is very likely that the total fortune of the Rothschilds today is measured in trillions of dollars.

Today, identifying the true owners of a large company or bank is like finding the trail of a viper on a stone. “Most people don't believe they own assets if they don't have title deeds. The Rockefellers know this is a big mistake. It is much more convenient to have assets owned by a trust or foundation that you control … The result is that the public does not have the slightest opportunity to assess the condition of the Rockefellers, let alone the influence and power of this family,”writes Gary Allen in The Rockefeller File … Nevertheless, some assumptions can be made from facts and documented history. For example, the Rockefellers, Morgan, Coon and Loeb control the financial conglomerate Citigroup, as well as JPMorgan Chase and ExxonMobil Corporation.

As for the Rothschilds, they occupy a special position: they have a share in the assets of all families and solely own the largest banks, public funds, investment companies, vineyards, lands, mines. If the mystery enveloping the Rockefeller family is like a gray haze, then the information-impenetrable halo around the Rothschilds is like a deep fog. "I categorically and most decisively prohibit the conduct of a judicial or public inventory of my inheritance, any judicial intervention and any disclosure of the size of my fortune" - such a clause was contained in the will of the French millionaire Anselm de Rothschild, who died at the end of the 19th century. Among the Rothschilds there are not only bankers, but also famous scientists, opera singers, gardeners, art historians.

Who the Fed pays

Nevertheless, the wealth of the affluent clans of America and Europe is not limited to high-yield assets around the world. There is something more fundamental, and that is the US Federal Reserve. According to legend, the organization was conceived at the beginning of the last century by a group of those same bankers - Morgan, Rockefeller, Coon, Loeb, Goldman, Mellon, Saxon, Dupont, etc. The decisive meeting took place at the end of November 1910 in John Morgan's "hunting lodge" on Jekyll Island off the east coast of the United States.

Republican Senator Nelson Aldrich, John Rockefeller's father-in-law, lobbied for the Federal Reserve Act in parliament. Unfortunately, the first time in 1912, he failed to push through the coveted document called the "Aldrich Plan". Subsequently, the reformers removed the name of the Republican Aldrich from the name of the annoying Democrats, made a number of minor changes to the document and re-launched it already as a Democratic initiative. Thus, after sophisticated manipulation of the banking circle in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was successfully ratified. Interestingly, the vote in the upper house of Congress took place on December 23rd, and there were very few senators in the courtroom on Christmas Eve.

This is how the “Hydra Fed” was born, which performs the functions of the Central Bank with a small caveat. The Fed's form of capital is private - joint stock. The structure of this corporation consists of 12 Federal Reserve Banks and numerous private banks. The latter are shareholders of the Fed and receive a fixed 6% per annum in the form of dividends on their membership fees, regardless of the income of the Federal Reserve. Currently, about 38% of all banks and credit unions in the United States are involved in this structure (approximately 5.6 thousand legal entities). Federal Reserve shares do not give control rights, they cannot be sold or pledged. Moreover, their acquisition is the official duty of each member bank to invest in them an amount equal to 3% of their capital. The main benefit of being a member bank is borrowing from the Federal Reserve Banks.

No one knows which structures the US Federal Reserve actually belongs to. Only the close friendship and family ties of all the heads of the Fed with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, as well as the history of the creation of the Fed, indicate them as the true owners. However, in the 70s of the last century, some information was leaked to the press through research journalist Rob Kirby, who made public the list of organizations that own the Fed. However, all these banks have long since disappeared through mergers or acquisitions with others. All but one - Bank of England (Bank of London).

  1. Rothschild Bank of London
  2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg
  3. Rothschild Bank of Berlin
  4. Lehman Brothers of New York
  5. Lazard Brothers of Paris
  6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
  7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
  8. Goldman Sachs of New York
  9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
  10. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

Chip all earthlings

So, on the one hand, America's wealthy families have existed and thrived for centuries, on the other hand, through the Fed, they influence both the United States and other countries, because the dollar is still the main reserve currency.

In addition, if necessary, the US government can always borrow from the Fed, for example, $ 5 trillion for a small victorious war in the Middle East, if the interests of the parties coincide. Since Bush came to power, this measure has been used so often that today the national debt stands at a record $ 1.5 trillion. At the same time, it should be said that the debts of individuals and corporations in the United States amount to more than $ 10 trillion and the total amount of debt is approaching the volume of US GDP of $ 13 trillion.

Russia on the eve of the 1998 default was in softer conditions. Therefore, one of the biggest problems of the current crisis is the threat of a US default or hyperinflation of the dollar if the Fed starts printing paper with portraits of presidents at an accelerated pace.

“… Everyone, in general, understands that the reasons that led to the crisis in autumn 2008 have not gone away and that the second blow of the financial and economic elements is inevitable. At the same time, the state and corporations have significantly exhausted their free funds … There remains only one scenario - the state default. Designed and controlled dollar collapse ", - writes in one of the publications the head of the analytical group" Designing the Future "Sergei Pereslegin.

How the discharge will occur is anyone's guess. The world has changed significantly over the past 20 years. Back in the mid-1980s, the Americans managed to force Japan to strengthen the yen against the dollar, which was beneficial to the United States, but led to a depression in the Land of the Rising Sun. Today there is China, growing by leaps and bounds, with its own ideas of good and evil, and if you look more broadly - the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) - an invention of the Goldman and Saxon family.

China itself is ready to claim that the yuan will become the reserve currency in Asia, Russia is seeking to take over the financial systems of the CIS countries. At the same time, rumors about a new American currency - amero (USA, Canada, Mexico) - circulate regularly in the press. Are powerful families ready to share their power over the printing press with their neighbors? Most likely, general human principles for forecasts are not applicable here.

Some of the plans of the world's most influential people were made public with the help of journalist and filmmaker Aaron Russo, who is known for exposing stories and films about the Fed. One of his most scandalous films is "America - from freedom to fascism." In 2007, in an interview with journalist Alex Johnson, he made a number of confessions. Nick Rockefeller, being a friend of the director, tried to "recruit" him. He even invited Rousseau to join an odious elite organization - the Council on Foreign Relations, but he refused. Russo said that he once asked Rockefeller a question: “You have all the money in the world that you need. You have all the power in the world that you need. What is the meaning of all this, what is the ultimate goal? " To this Rockefeller replied: “Our ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone is 'chipped'. To control the whole societyfor the bankers and the elite to control the world. " Rockefeller even promised that if Russo joined them, his chip would have a special mark that would allow him to avoid overly intrusive surveillance. In conclusion, it remains to add the following: the interview took place at the end of January 2007, and in the summer of the same year, Aaron Russo died of cancer.

Rockefellers: flour and pork

John David Rockefeller was born in 1839 in the state of New York. His father, Bill, was a drunkard and charlatan. John did not follow in the footsteps of his parent, and at the age of 16, after three months of accounting courses, he left for Cleveland. There I looked for work for six months until I got a job as an assistant accountant in a small company Hewitt & Tuttle. At 18, John co-founded the brokerage firm Clark & Rockefeller and made good money in the 1861-1865 US Civil War. Maurice Clarke and John Rockefeller supplied the armies with flour, pork and salt. After the war, Rockefeller groped for a gold mine - a fuel that was vital in the context of rapid industrialization. In 1865, he sold his stake in Clark & Rockefeller for $ 72.5 thousand and focused exclusively on investing in oil. As a result, in 1870, ExxonMobil's grandmother, Standard Oil, was born.

Rothschilds: antiques

The founder of the Rothschild clan, Amschel Moses Bauer, a native of the city of Frankfurt, acquired the initial capital literally in the trash heap in the middle of the 18th century. As legend has it, after the death of his father, a small merchant, Amschel started looking for antiques in landfills. Then the future financier gave them a marketable appearance and sold them to aristocratic collectors. In 1773 he founded an antique shop and changed his last name Bauer (translated into Russian - "peasant") to Rothschild (that was the name of his father's shop). The genius Amschel donated his entire collection of antiques to Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau, asking in return for only the status of the official supplier of the royal court. Then Amschel went into banking, helping the prince to carry out speculative transactions.

The name of Rothschild's son Nathan is associated with the most famous example of insider trading. In 1818, the adventurous Amschel's son sent his agent to the battle of Waterloo and was the first to learn of Wellington's victory and Napoleon's defeat. On the London Stock Exchange, he put on a whole performance, pretending to start selling. Everyone in a panic followed his example, while Nathan's agents were buying up the depreciated shares of the British Treasury.

If you dig deeply, you need a detailed analysis with a historical perspective - otherwise it will be almost impossible to understand something in this scenario.