Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View

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Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View
Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View

Video: Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View

Video: Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View
Video: Stock Market Swings Expose Central Banks Influence Central banks Rule the World 2024, September

Central banks only care about debt, profits and control

Crime is money that no one has ever earned to seize the real wealth of people

Power and counterfeit money corrupt.

Why do people go into debt.

Paper money destroys society.

Changes in monetary policy.

Origin of the Central Bank

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In 1815, Nathan Rothschild, one of the five sons of Mayer Amschel Bauer, carried out one of the most insidious financial schemes in history. This was the origin of today's economic problems. What followed clearly shows that history was not a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned and executed “project” to seize Earth, wealth and resources by a small number of wealthy and privileged people seeking world domination. These operations were carried out on such a huge scale that it seems almost incomprehensible, even impossible, but as the old saying goes: "The best kept secrets are hidden in plain sight."


During the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, Nathan Rothschild "bought" England, but his scheme was also historically significant for another reason: it showed how "inventing" a catastrophe could lead to enormous financial benefits. He bought the Bank of England, which is the United Kingdom's central bank and the model on which most other central banks around the world are built. The Bank of England was established in 1694 as the banker of the British government and is still one of the bankers of the United Kingdom government.

The means by which the Deep State was able to drag the population into debt enslavement was achieved through a hidden dictatorship that moves as follows: by controlling the Rothschilds through their central banks, issuing credit-based "money" through which they control the entire global economy.

Subsequently, having control over the creation of money out of nothing and charging interest on that money, the Rothschilds accumulated virtual property around the world, through projected economic booms and busts over the centuries, to advance their agenda. The difference between booms and busts is pretty simple: the amount of "money" in circulation and its perceived value. The Rothschilds dictate both.

Central banks only care about debt, profits and control

Ending all central banks is the most important goal for humanity as a way out of our debt enslavement. The tip of this iceberg is traitors, traitors and those who commit crimes, but the real crime against humanity is the creation of paper money out of thin air, thanks to the cooperation of numerous corporations around the world that manage the finances of entire countries. All the while, these criminals have shown an interest in the counterfeit money they lend to governments and their citizens, enslaving every person in the central bank system.


Currently, Plan Q is to get rid of the entire central banking system. Because central banks are not for people, they lack any loyalty to countries and their citizens. Central banks only care about debt, profits, and control. But reading between the lines, it is clear that President Trump is in the business of creating a direct link between the Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of the United States, contradicting the Fed at every turn. In this way, it certifies that every citizen understands that it is the central banks that are responsible for our financial malaise, economic crisis and impending financial collapse.

The crime is that money that no one has ever earned takes over the real wealth of people

When the housing bubble burst in 2008, an estimated $ 800 billion was spent on home purchases. Houses are real assets. When the owners could not pay, the houses became the property of the banks, which lent them “counterfeit money”.

These banks did not build houses. They never owned them. They never made the money they borrowed to buy them. The money did not come from the depositors who put it in the bank. It was money that no one had ever made. It was fiction.

Criminal sleight of hand is the use by bankers of counterfeit money to seize real wealth, that is, people's homes.

The rich are getting richer and the middle class poorer thanks to bribed government puppets who enacted laws stating that this loan money is legal tender and must be used and accepted to buy valuables when it is essentially useless paper money.

Power and counterfeit money corrupts

Power and counterfeit money corrupt. This is a deadly combination that destroys not only people but also nations. Unfortunately, now has come a moment in history when the unlimited amounts of paper money created will eventually destroy entire continents, ultimately destroying the world's paper money system entirely.


Destruction of currencies has been the norm throughout history, as no paper money or fiat currency has ever survived. Therefore, it is useless to constantly introduce monetary systems that are not backed by values, they can never be healthy and will not stand the test of time.

Power, combined with fiat money, seems to have such a corrupting effect on anyone entering politics that the urge to print and spend money that does not exist proves its absolute irresistibility over and over again.

Why do people go into debt

No one is immune to debt, and most of us are in some form of financial debt. Lack of money and, in particular, debt causes serious physical and mental disorders. This is why banks drive people into debt, even though a world without debt is possible. The central banks of the world have criminally and cunningly stolen the sovereign power of control from almost every government.


Private central banks create the "official money" of a country called legal tender or bills of exchange, better known as fiat money with no intrinsic value, only backed by faith, not gold or silver. They then lend it to the government of the country, where people pay back the government's debt through income tax on wages, as well as the interest that the government receives when it borrows money from the central bank, which they themselves could issue without interest. Then the public debt expands due to the expansion of partial reservation by commercial banks by providing loans to the population with subsequent accrual of interest.

Central banks need to keep creating more money, as the extra money is needed to pay off all that interest, which is not intentionally created with the original money supply, so there is no money to pay that interest. This causes inflation as the value of each individual note decreases and prices rise, forcing people to work even longer hours - not only to get back all the interest, but to buy things they could afford before. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money, which leads to higher prices. In the free market, the value of precious metals will also rise, so its purchasing power will be maintained. Higher prices generate higher taxes, offering governments another incentive to profit from the depreciation of money.

Paper money destroys society

The secret of the central banks was already known to America's founding fathers. They knew that as soon as a central bank was created in the country, the country would not survive. She will become corrupted to the core and serious problems will arise. George Washington wrote to Andrew Jefferson in 1786: "Paper money destroys commerce, destroys honesty and opens doors to all forms of fraud and eventual injustice."


Jefferson noted that paper money is only the specter of money, not money itself. In 1817, it was declared that the abuse of paper money is also inevitable, and by destroying the measure of value, this turns them into a lottery of all private property.

Paper money has been unfairly declared money, concluded James Madison (1751-1836), who was America's 4th president. They are unconstitutional, he added, because they affect property rights when they take away equal value in land. The Founding Fathers recognized the dangers of “legal tender” paper money, which forces people to accept what may inherently be of no value, which is exactly what today's fiat money is.

The Founding Fathers knew that paper money corrupts because it creates a wealth effect that destroys the nation. They knew exactly the secret of the Central Bank system. They concluded that we must have a standard that is accepted all over the world. The next best thing, although it may not be perfect, is gold. The only stable value for a currency is its convertibility into gold. As a result, from 1789 to 1971, the United States became the most successful country in the world. This was the foresight of James Madison even before 1789.

Gold is the only universal currency. It is the only commodity, along with silver, that people have historically agreed to use as money. This allows you to fix exchange rates between countries. This makes trading and investment easier. But what followed was disastrous for the global economy, as private central banks did not like it. Central banks don't like a stable system that they don't control. They like a system in which they can foster corruption, create wars, and profit from belligerent nations and people who have to go into debt to make ends meet. It is for this reason that they lead the population away from what the founding fathers intended for them, that is, from money backed by gold.

They direct people to other things like the stock market, derivatives, paper contracts for gold and silver, convincing them that gold and silver are worthless, that they are not really significant or valuable. They shine, but that's all. Otherwise, these are just minor, barbaric relics, and people don't really need to hold gold or silver in their hands.

Widespread corruption

Central banks began to convince everyone that their system was the only one. - In 1913, indoctrination began in the education system, making everyone believe that their system is the only one. To achieve this goal, in 1913, all economic books were completely changed, presenting to the public their economic ideology, educating them that the Central Bank is exceptional and important because it helps people live better and prosper.


For generations, people have lost sight of the importance of gold and silver and the knowledge of what real money is. They even forgot what an economic system is without the Central Bank. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the initiators of the Central Bank began to corrupt individuals, and since then corruption has become widespread. A manifestation of this corruption is the very name of the Central Bank in America, which is called the Federal Reserve Bank. This institution is not federal, has no reserves, and is not a bank.

Changes in monetary policy

The planned and impending quantum financial system-QFS will bring total monetary change to humanity. The first transactions to be made in the CFS will be a private currency buyback event.

By April 2019, all central banks should be transitioned to a gold / asset backed quantum financial system. At the same time, a new taxpayer plan will come into effect. The general public will have their cash accounts fully accessible and structured payments will start earning interest.

According to international law, digital loans backed by gold must be included in the system. The Brexit vote has been extended until April 12, which could lead to a collapse in stock markets and further disintegration of the European Union, in accordance with the plan of the Earth Alliance. The Deep State Cabal is expected to be contained by August next year, as all countries wishing to participate in the global currency reset will have to meet the GESARA requirements as the new global asset-backed monetary system is officially announced.


Fortunately, many of us are waking up already. Trump and the patriots reiterate to everyone that the central bank is a problem, as it was during the era of Andrew Jackson. This time, people will be massively learning about the true nature of the Central Bank. They will learn how the central banks destroyed the countries in which we live, how they corrupted the politicians and everyone else who was in power in the government. The world has entered the initial stage of this transition process, education has just begun through public exposure of betrayal committed by traitors.


Find out here how billions of dollars were stolen and how these transactions actually work. Once it becomes public, the general population will rebel against the central bank and we will learn how we and the next generations will have to fight to prevent the emergence of central banks in the future.

History has shown that they always try to come back when people don't pay attention to it. The fact that they leave does not mean that they are gone forever. They are corrupted and will try to penetrate again. From now on, people will have to fight and continue to fight for sustainable money. There is no need for a private corporation to control the issue of money. It should be a system of "we, the people", which create the currency so that we, the people, can use it without any interest. Then everyone will be shown how great the economy can be without the Central Bank. This is where the patriots want to lead us, while those awakened among us are already moving in this direction together.

Words of gratitude

Within a few weeks, many translators have joined the FWC team offering free translations into Japanese, German, Spanish, French and even Czech: several languages such as Italian and Portuguese are still missing. If people are interested in helping with this task then feel free to contact us at [email protected]

There are many more articles that can be translated to prepare our fellow citizens in their native language for the upcoming historical changes. Therefore, if more native speakers, even for already covered languages, are interested in joining the team, they can help translate previous articles published in English.

It is very important for all of us that as many people as possible wake up and stay awake. To achieve this goal, truthful information is needed, preferably in the native language. If we all do our part together, we can finally free humanity from the debt slavery that was put in place by the Cabal's central banks.

Now that language barriers have been shattered, everyone can easily learn about how their government and banks played a dangerous game against us humans. "Where one goes, there we all go!"

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