The Russian Way In The Historical Space Of The Global Society - Alternative View

The Russian Way In The Historical Space Of The Global Society - Alternative View
The Russian Way In The Historical Space Of The Global Society - Alternative View

Video: The Russian Way In The Historical Space Of The Global Society - Alternative View

Video: The Russian Way In The Historical Space Of The Global Society - Alternative View
Video: Spaces of (Post-) Soviet Dissent in Russia 2024, October

The modern world, the entire human community, after the collapse of the USSR, plunged into the darkness of a historical night, when not the creative mind controls the collective activities of people, but the external forces of natural reality, where the beginning of life turns out to be an inevitable movement towards Death. If humanity wants to avoid death from its own madness, its already imminent collapse due to the total domination of private interests, then it must concentrate, bring together the creative mind of the world community and present it in the actions of the most liberated and creatively gifted people.

In the twentieth century, two ethnocultural communities demonstrated the creative power of their spirit in determining the historical future of mankind - the Russians, who created the country of the Soviets as an "ideological community" of the Eurasian peoples in the implementation of a "fair", "communist" society, and the warlocks, who revived their own state and approved its financial, material and economic power over the functioning of modern society. At the end of the last century, the USSR has sunk into eternity and humanity has lost its "spiritual perspective" in the implementation of the "ideal" future. China, as the ideological heir of the USSR in the implementation of the world project of building a society of "social justice", keeps and hones collective traditions well in the hieroglyphic symbols of its language,but he is little tuned in to their creative renewal as the initial impulse to affirm the spiritualized future of humanity. In this historical projection of modern society, the threat of "financial and economic enslavement" of the world community in the division of people into rulers and slaves is becoming more and more apparent. Who is able to save humanity from a slave lot?

As such a savior of mankind from "slave enslavement" the Russian people should show themselves to the world as the spiritualized essence of the social being of great Russia. We see the awakening, preparation of Russians for the worldwide feat of "spiritual transformation" of the human community in the development of post-Soviet Russia in the first two decades of the new century, guided by the political will of President V. V. Putin and his team. But by the end of the second decade of the onset of the era of global consolidation of the world community, the vital forces of post-Soviet Russia came close to the “qualitative limit” in the creation of the future, when the outgoing world of “private initiative”, “material”, “slavish dependence” of people on the external environment presented Russia an ultimatum depriving her of the right to choose her own path to the future. Obvious evidence of the "destructive power" of this ultimatum was the removal of Russia from all world-class sporting events.

For the same period, the Russian sports team is deprived of the right to demonstrate its "national banner" and perform the "national anthem" during international competitions, and Russian athletes will only be able to perform under a neutral flag. In ancient Greece, as the ancestor of the tradition of "sports" in honor of the divine celestials of Olympus, all kinds of hostilities between separate policies ceased during the Olympic competitions. Therefore, the current exclusion of Russia from the cohort of countries in the world sports movement means declaring it a "total war": they want to bring Russians to their knees in front of the entire world community and thereby finally deprive it of the right to be called a great Power and to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The Kremlin, in response to the ultimatum presented to Russia, must demonstrate to the world community the unshakable nature of its historical course in affirming the spiritual future of humanity: the Russian people is the ethnocultural focus of the spiritualized essence of Russian society. The Kiev "revolution of dignity" showed with all tragic obviousness that the hour of truth is now approaching for the Russian people, posing before him the main question - is he capable of his own path in realizing the spiritualized future of mankind? The voluntary joining of the population of Crimea to the state union of Russian peoples in 2014 showed the potential for the spiritual revival of the Russian world. The bridge between “mainland Russia” and Crimea should become a symbolic evidence of the spiritual awakening of the Russian people in the space of the global society:from where the Orthodox faith came to Russia, uniting the Russian masses in the creation of Great Russia, where it must again show its vitality and practical will in determining the Future of all mankind. Therefore, the construction of a bridge between Crimea and Greater Russia should be covered under the name "Russian Way". And in order for the Heavenly Forces to support and bless this Russian path to the future, it is necessary to consecrate the Russian name of the bridge with the liturgical prayer of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. If the Kremlin does not make such a fateful decision, it will be evidence of its retreat under the onslaught of the loathsome forces: but the Kremlin's decision is not yet the Will of the Russian people. Let's hope that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future.there she must again show her vitality and practical will in determining the future of all mankind. Therefore, the construction of a bridge between Crimea and Greater Russia should be covered under the name "Russian Way". And in order for the Heavenly Forces to support and bless this Russian path to the future, it is necessary to consecrate the Russian name of the bridge with the liturgical prayer of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. If the Kremlin does not make such a fateful decision, it will be evidence of its retreat under the onslaught of the loathsome forces: but the Kremlin's decision is not yet the Will of the Russian people. Let's hope that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future.there she must again show her vitality and practical will in determining the future of all mankind. Therefore, the construction of a bridge between Crimea and Greater Russia should be covered under the name "Russian Way". And in order for the Heavenly Forces to support and bless this Russian path to the future, it is necessary to consecrate the Russian name of the bridge with the liturgical prayer of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. If the Kremlin does not make such a fateful decision, it will be evidence of its retreat under the onslaught of the loathsome forces: but the Kremlin's decision is not yet the Will of the Russian people. Let's hope that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future. And in order for the Heavenly Forces to support and bless this Russian path to the future, it is necessary to consecrate the Russian name of the bridge with the liturgical prayer of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. If the Kremlin does not make such a fateful decision, it will be evidence of its retreat under the onslaught of the loathsome forces: but the Kremlin's decision is not yet the Will of the Russian people. Let's hope that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future. And in order for the Heavenly Forces to support and bless this Russian path to the future, it is necessary to consecrate the Russian name of the bridge with the liturgical prayer of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. If the Kremlin does not make such a fateful decision, it will be evidence of its retreat under the onslaught of the loathsome forces: but the Kremlin's decision is not yet the Will of the Russian people. Let's hope that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future.that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future.that the decision of the Kremlin and the Russian Will will coincide in the choice of the future.

I appeal to all Russians, and above all to Russian people, both believers and non-believers in God's Grace, with an appeal to support the ideology of the “Russian Way” in the implementation of the future of mankind in word and deed. I believe in the spiritual strength of the Russian masses and the ideological solidarity of their will in creating a worthy future: in response to the Western ultimatum, the unshakable determination of Russians must be shown to the whole world to implement their project of a global society in the name of the bridge between Taman and Crimea by the name "Russian Way".

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences Lev Gorelikov