Features Of The Functioning Of The Global Economy And The World Credit And Financial System - Alternative View

Features Of The Functioning Of The Global Economy And The World Credit And Financial System - Alternative View
Features Of The Functioning Of The Global Economy And The World Credit And Financial System - Alternative View

Video: Features Of The Functioning Of The Global Economy And The World Credit And Financial System - Alternative View

Video: Features Of The Functioning Of The Global Economy And The World Credit And Financial System - Alternative View
Video: How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio 2024, October

the global economy of mankind was essentially formed during the twentieth century, when the volume of international trade turnover of most states became commensurate with the volume of their domestic trade turnover. The global economy has developed on the basis of the economies of the planet's regional civilizations and the economies of the states of each of them. In reality, each of the regional civilizations until the beginning of the twentieth century ran their economy on the basis of mostly not scientific theories, but on the basis of centuries-old practical skills preserved by the culture of state and non-state management of society. At the same time, in different countries, different regional civilizations, it was “by itself understood” in different ways what is permissible and what is not permissible in economic activity at the level of micro- and macroeconomics.

As a result of the outstripping (in comparison with other regions of the planet) growth of production capacities of the biblical regional civilization (its core is the so-called "West"), it was she who turned out to be the architect of the global economic system; her skills and economic theories are offered to the rest of the world as the most perfect and therefore universal. As a result, it was her economic theories, with their characteristic conceptual and terminological apparatus, that turned out to be the most widespread in the modern world. But on the other hand, the global economic crisis and the encompassing biosphere-ecological crisis is a phenomenon that accompanies the practical skills of economic activity inherent in the biblical civilization, which assumed the role of the architect of the “new world order”.

For a long time, economic theories were secondary to the practical skills of state and non-state administration and only described them. All economic theories can be divided into two types, depending on which of the two questions each of them answers:

- or, how can a private entrepreneur fill his pockets in the context of historically “taken for granted” as a natural and acceptable practice of economic activity?

- or how to organize production and distribution in society so that society does not destroy the biosphere, so that there are no viciously educated, hungry, naked, homeless in society, deprived in some other way for reasons beyond the control of each of them personally, but generated by the way of life of society as a whole?

Without exception, all economic theories of the West belong to the first class, and to solve the problems of the current global economic crisis, practical skills are required that correspond to socio-economic theories belonging to the second class.

The solution of all problems faced by individuals and societies is possible either on the basis of theoretical knowledge, or on the basis of skills not explained in theories, or on the basis of a combination of both. Accordingly, if the problems are generated by the practical skills of the architect of the global economy inherited from the past, then the economic theories in which these skills were expressed cannot be the basis even for identifying these problems, and not just for their solution, as a result of which at the current stage of human development skills, capable of resolving the crisis, will be formed following the development and dissemination of socio-economic theories, in their essence (and not in form, like Marxism) belonging to the second kind. At the same time, theories of the second kind will impose prohibitions on much of thatthat in the previous culture of economic activity it was considered “taken for granted” as natural and permissible, and to oblige to what, according to “by itself,” was assumed by greedy privateers to be impossible, worthless, unnatural, utopian.

This means that all thick and thin monographs on economic topics, the authors of which do not consciously develop socio-economic theories of the second kind, are useless, and in the publications of authors belonging to historically established economic schools, only the facts and statistical data they cite are significant, but not analytics and recipes for solving problems based on it. As a result, in order to overcome the crisis, one will have to comprehend the facts independently, while developing theories.

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And this requires a conscious mastery of a methodological culture consistent with Objective reality.

If we look at economic activity from the point of view of economic theories of the second kind, then the credit and financial system is a means of assembling a multitude of microeconomics into an integral macroeconomic system and a means of unstructured management of the functioning of macroeconomics - a diversified production and consumer system. The fact that the credit and financial system is also a battlefield for many private owners for profit and wealth is an obstacle to social production and distribution of the produced, which ensures guaranteed satisfaction of the vital needs of each and every one in the continuity of generations.

Society does not need anything from the credit and financial system, including the global one, except to ensure that it provides a stable assembly of many microeconomies (including regional economies on a global scale of consideration) into a single integral multi-sectoral production and consumer system.

And nothing is required of a diversified production-consumer system other than that it is guaranteed to satisfy the needs of all its owners, many of whom may include all members of society, or may include only some social group that thinks of its “elitism” and superiority over the rest “Subhuman”.

Accordingly, the entire problematic of the global financial and economic crisis lasting throughout the 20th century falls into two categories:

- financial and technical: what parameters should the credit and financial system have and how they should be related to the parameters of production and distribution of real products and services, so that a stable assembly of macroeconomics from a variety of microeconomics is carried out;

- conceptual, which meaningfully includes mutually exclusive answers to questions:

** or what range of products and services, in what volumes and proportions it is necessary to produce in order to ensure the stability of biocenoses in the regions and the biosphere of the Earth as a whole, and society provided human life to each individual in the continuity of generations;

** or who belongs to the "elite", whose needs are subject to unconditional satisfaction, regardless of anything (after us - even a flood), and who belongs to the working cattle, which is subject to rejection, and whose needs are to be satisfied on the residual principle, and whose duty is to uncomplainingly serve the “elite”.

** and besides, the answers to the questions: how to protect a policy that meets the chosen concept from the spontaneous sabotage of those dissatisfied with it and from the purposeful policy pursued by conscious supporters of an alternative concept.

Financial and technical problems are the subject of discussion by the overwhelming majority of analysts and economists, since narrow specialists in the field of finance and macroeconomic regulation silently imply that the problems of the second category are solved by themselves by the general progress of mankind in the evolutionary development of traditional culture, despite the fact that historical practice shows: they are only getting worse, since the oppression of the “working cattle” by the “elite” takes on more and more sophisticated and disguised forms, accompanied by an increase in the technoenergetic capacity of civilization, but they cannot be solved by themselves; and the more efficiently the “elite” managed to solve financial and technical problems, the faster they get worse.

Moreover, if the problems of the first category can be solved within the framework of the traditional culture of each of the regional civilizations of the Earth and each of the sufficiently large states with a producing rather than resort-porn-gambling macroeconomics, then, due to the difference in cultural traditions of different regions, their conceptual antagonisms prevent the solution financial and technical problems on a global scale.

That is, in relation to the world production and consumer system, conceptual problems are decisive in solving financial and technical problems as such, since the support of the global “rules of the game” by the regions stems from agreement with them and non-resistance to them.

This circumstance belongs to the category of “taken for granted” for those who make global politics. But since the overwhelming majority of the population not only does not think about it, but does not even want to think about it in the hope that everything will be solved "by itself", there are two options for solving financial and technical problems of a global scale:

- read out - i.e. to introduce into the course of compulsory education, at least higher, - the concept of global significance, in the economic section of which to set forth a metrologically sound theory of self-regulation management of the global and regional economies of mankind, on the assumption that all sane people in all regions of the planet and states will support their free activity is a publicized concept, since it meets their life ideals and the long-term interests of themselves and their descendants.

- not to disclose anything openly, giving the opportunity to chatter from metrologically untenable economic science, as they chat now, and silently build a "new world order" out of their nonsense under the cover of a "smoke screen", relying on "specialists" who ignore the absurd theories, who, although and they are carriers of practical skills and intuition, but do not possess metrologically sound (and therefore workable) socio-economic theories, as a result of which they keep a kind of “dumbness” about for what purposes, what and how they do it.

The first is preferable for the overwhelming majority who want to live by labor, on which no one parasitizes. The second is preferable to a small mafia corporation of parasites, for which the rest of the world's population is a “working cattle”, a means of satisfying both biosphere and socially acceptable needs, and the unnatural whims of excessiveness and perversity.

Judging by the mass media, publications in the specialized literature published by the legitimate hierarchies of graduates, until now humanity has followed the second path. The only exception is the USSR in the era of post-war Stalinism: Stalin wanted to be understood, and besides, to think and take care of the common good, in which there will be a sufficient share for everyone. It is thanks to the effectiveness of the first approach that the USSR became superpower No. 2 during the life of one generation, and as a result of the second approach, it degraded during the life of two generations to the level of organization of social life in the most backward countries of the “third world” after JV Stalin was eliminated by supporters of the second way …

An excerpt from the analytical note of the USSR VP "Some aspects of the functioning of the global economy and the world credit and financial system" dated 1999-10-03
